Chapter 546 Shouldn’t you beg for mercy?

Immediately afterwards, he rushed towards Feixian Emperor City contentedly, and the dozens of realm masters behind him also seized the rival belt of Xiang Lou and Bunting, and they headed towards Feixian Emperor City together.

After a period of time, everyone had arrived in Feixian Emperor City, and when Ye Yun arrived in Feixian Emperor City, the two people like Lou and Bunting were also imprisoned in the sky in Feixian Emperor City. Inside the chain prison.

Ye Yun studied the Jie Yun Ladder for a period of time and found that Jie Yun Ladder is extremely magical. There seems to be a power that can break through the space in the heaven and earth. Why does the bunting say that the Jie Yun Ladder can be used to let the masters of the Jie Xian Court descend to Cangwu? Among the gods.

However, Ye Yun didn’t believe in his heart that Jie Xian Ting was really restored to its original shape. Why is the Jie Xian Ting that Bunting said must be different from the Jie Xian Ting he knew, although they may have some connections between them.

After a period of time, Ye Yun became his own body and headed towards the sky chain prison. It has been three days since Lou and Bunting entered the sky chain prison.

During these three days, Ye Yun did not go to the Sky Chain Prison, but like Lou and Bunting, they also received a lot of punishment in the Sky Chain Prison, because Ye Yun also ordered the Sky Chain Prison before. Among the masters, the two rivals Lou and Bunting continued to punish them. Although they didn’t kill them, it could be said that they made them worse than dead.

Not long after that, Ye Yun has already entered the Heavenly Chain Prison, and when he entered the Heavenly Chain Prison, he also kept walking towards the Heavenly Chain Prison. After a period of time, he has already arrived. In the deepest part of the Tianlian Prison, the deepest part of the Tianlian Prison is also imprisoned two rivals like Lou and Bunting.

At this time, Xiang Lou and Bunting were imprisoned in a cell in the Sky Chain Prison. They looked extremely embarrassed. When they heard Ye Yun coming, they also lifted up with the tight force in their bodies. Head and neck, and then their complexion became a little frightened.

In the past few days after entering the Sky Chain Prison, they can be said to have tasted all the suffering. Even though they were masters of the Realm Creation, but were abolished by Ye Yun, the Cultivation Base is the same as an ordinary person, not to mention here. Even if his criminal law is really the Cultivation Base of the Creation Realm, if he is still there, he will feel extremely painful.

And the reason why they entered this place completely defeated Ye Yun’s gift, so when they saw Ye Yun, both of them were extremely frightened.

“Haha, it’s hard for you two to see me, don’t you feel happy in Dao heart?”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Xiang Lou and Bunting waved their hands, “Don’t come, don’t come, you Devil?”

After seeing the appearance of these two people, Ye Yun also laughed. He didn’t expect these two people to be so afraid of themselves.

“Don’t worry, you two, this time I came to the Heavenly Chain Prison not to fascinate you two, but to understand some information I want to know.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, why the buntings seemed to relax a little bit against the two people, but they still looked at Ye Yun with a 10-point hardship, which shows how terrifying the image Ye Yun left in their hearts.

“Tell me how to use Jie Yun Ladder, and at the same time tell me the news and information about that Jie Xian Ting. By the way, I also have some understanding of the real Jie Xian Ting, so I also know that the real Jie Xian Ting was a long time ago. The Jie Xian Ting has been disbanded, so your Jie Xian Ting is definitely not a real Jie Xian Ting.”

After hearing the words spoken by Ye Yun, Xiang Lou and Bunting were also a little surprised in their hearts. He did not expect Ye Yun to have some understanding of the Jie Xian Ting a long time ago. To know such information, there is only Universe. Those who are extremely powerful among them know it.

And at this time, they also let their hearts determine that Ye Yun’s identity is not simple, so the two of them also began to search for Ye Yun carefully.

“In fact, our Jie Xian Ting was built by a very powerful expert in Jie Xian Ting at a time. His goal is to build our organization as strong as the previous Jie Xian Ting. ”

Ye Yun nodded after hearing what Xiang Lou said. It turned out to be like this. He said how the once powerful Jie Xian Ting could recover so easily.

“Tianqing was shattered during the previous battle, and I think many places have flew into the void. Today, the place where Jie Xianting is located is extremely broken, and our organization is also in that broken place. A corner.”

After hearing the words of Xiang Lou and Bunting rivaling, Ye Yun was also extremely surprised. He did not expect that there was such a hiding place in the former realm fairy garden, and Ye Yun was also extremely curious about the realm fairy garden. , After a period of time, maybe he can also go to the place of Jie Xianting.

Although the former Jie Xian Ting has been shattered, there may be a lot of opportunities where Jie Xian Ting is located, and there are also many strong people who want to hone their own words after they get to that place. It will be easier.

Xiang Lou and Bunting also noticed the light radiating from Ye Yun’s eyes. The two people also guessed in their hearts. When Ye Yun might want to go to their place, they also felt extremely surprised in their hearts. I feel that Ye Yun is simply a lunatic.

Ye Yun is indeed a lunatic, if he is not mad, how could he cultivate to such a Realm, to such a point.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun asked about some things, and also asked about the specific use of the Jie Yun Ladder. After feeling that he had not missed any questions, Ye Yun finally stood up, and when Ye Yun got up, It seems that Lou and Bunting are numb. In fact, the two people like Lou and Bunting are no longer expecting Ye Yun to let them go.

“Why, Xiang Lou and Bunting are rivaling you two. Shouldn’t I beg for mercy and let me let you two go?”

Ye Yun stared at the two people and said, the long light flashing in his eyes, as if with the breath of the years, pierced the two people’s atriums, and saw through the most vulnerable place in their hearts.

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