Chapter 472: Entering Sharu Kingdom

“Report to Hanpahuang, he just said that if we stop him, we will definitely feel regret.”

Jia Ji spoke, and the dark god bat stared at the four gods closely, making them feel like they were crying like falling ice, as if The next moment was about to die.

At this time, the big dark god bat suddenly stepped forward and raised his own palm, and then slammed the four god generals. The four gods seemed to be the same. They were shot by the big dark god bat, vomiting blood and lying on the ground. All four have suffered some injuries.

“It’s really a bunch of trash, what use do you want!!”

The big dark god bat spoke up and waved to leave here. Just now, he really wanted to shoot these four gods and generals to death, but he knew in his heart that this time he chased and killed Ye Yun had already caused a terrible storm, if he After killing these four gods, it might cause a bigger storm, and it will have some influence on the sacrifice of the whole hoofing kingdom.

So the Great Dark God Bat temporarily let go of these four gods, but in his heart, he had already regarded these four Fenglianguan gods as dead.

Seeing the big dark god bat leaving here, Jia Ji and the other four god generals breathed a sigh of relief. Before, they really felt that Emperor Hanpa was about to kill them, and remembered what Ye Yun said before. Their hearts are beating constantly.

Jia Ji stood up. Although he had some injuries on his body, he didn’t care about his injuries: “Let’s go, let’s go into the room now and discuss this time carefully.”

The four god-tiers will walk into the room and set up a lively Realm around the room, and then they will begin to discuss with each other what happened this time.

“In my opinion, it is naturally impossible for Ye Yun to say such words casually. That is to say, since Ye Yun can say the words that he said before, he must have some basis for waiting.”,

In the room Jia Ji made such a serious judgment, and the other three gods nodded one after another.

“If what Ye Yun said is true, maybe our decision is right this time, but in this case, things are too scary.”

Jia Ji said with chills.

At this time, Ye Yun had already left the Fenglianguan. When he just came out of the Fenglianguan, he saw Feng Lingshan and others in the distance, and he was also helped by Feng Lingshan and others. Then entered the Sharu kingdom.

The reason why the Great Dark God Bat didn’t chase the base when chasing Fenglianguan before, Ye Yun also saw Feng Lingshan and others approaching Ye Yun, and Feng Lingshan also brought a piece from Shalu Kingdom. The artifact, that artifact, even if it is the Great Dark God Bat, can’t be cracked in a short time.

He knew that Ye Yun had no choice but to take Ye Yun during these few periods of time when he was aside from the Tidi country, so he left at last.

But he was not terribly afraid in his heart, because he was going to return to the Tidi Kingdom this time, and when he returned to the own palace, he would sacrifice the entire Tidi Kingdom.

When the time comes, his strength can be ascension one step. At that time, even if Ye Yun is in Sharu, after his strength Ascension, he will directly enter Sharu. Even if he cannot kill Ye Yun, his own At that time, the Cultivation Base, the sky and the sea were wide and the sky was so big that they were allowed to go by themselves.

In fact, Feng Lingshan’s heart was also very shocked. After all, the two masters who chased Ye Yun before were actually two masters of creation, Realm.

One of them was Han Pahuang, the strongest in Tidi Kingdom. He didn’t know what Ye Yun had committed in Tidi Kingdom, but he was full of curiosity in his heart.

“Why did Ye Yun chase you down like this this time, can you tell me?”

Hearing Feng Lingshan’s words, Ye Yun shook his head: “After arriving at Tidi, I hope you can contact Saduo Di, the ruler of Tidi, for me. This is not because I will not tell you for the time being. If this thing is too scary, even if I tell you, you will definitely not believe it in a short time.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Feng Lingshan’s complexion also became serious. Since Ye Yun can say such words, it means that the information Ye Yun has learned must be beyond their imagination.

They were walking in Sharu, and Ye Yun felt the atmosphere in Sharu, and he also had some admiration in his heart. In his opinion, the management in Sharu was much stronger than that in Tidi.

Because of the Great Dark God Bat, there are not too many Masters of the First God in the Kingdom of Tidi, on the contrary, it is the Master of Realm of the First God in the Kingdom of Sharu, which is several times higher than that of the Kingdom of Tidi.

The names of the rulers in the Sharu kingdom are Saduo Emperor and Saduo Emperor, and they also waited for Ye Yun in the own palace early.

He had heard about Ye Yun a long time ago, and he was full of curiosity about Ye Yun, and he also received the news just now that Ye Yun was chased by the emperor Hanpa and another master of the creation Realm. Fleeing to Sharu.

He also has some understanding of the Emperor Hanba. In fact, thousands of years ago, the relationship between him and the Emperor Hanba was not particularly bad. There were even some transactions between the two people, but in the last thousand years, I don’t know why, Saduo Emperor always felt that Emperor Hanba seemed to be a different person, and he was extremely indifferent to him.

More importantly, he once put a daughter of his own by the emperor Hanpa, but that daughter was killed by the emperor Hanpa more than a thousand years ago. Since that incident, the State of Sharu and There have been frictions in the relationship between Tidi countries. Although there are occasional contacts on the bright side, everyone knows that it is only on the surface.

Ye Yun came to the palace of Sharu. There is a difference between the palace of Sharu and the palace of Tidi. In the palace of Sharu, most of them are pavilions, with an elegant style. For the construction style here Ye Yun also has some appreciation in his heart.

After a while, he saw Emperor Saduo in the palace.

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