Chapter 461: Domineering to seize energy

He raised his own hand, and the ring in his hand also rose into the air, and then one after another surrounded Ye Yun, some light curtains rose up around the ring, connected together.

“Although I don’t know what kind of monsters are in this outer meteorite, do you think that only you can rise up the light curtain to protect yourself?”

Ye Yun smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth and laid down the barrier. After Ye Yun laid down the barrier, he rose up again. In Ye Yun’s left hand, there was a golden card slowly rotating. With the Million Multiplier Card, Ye Yun instantly multiplied the enchantment he set up by a million times.

The tentacles that Ye Yun attacked before hit the barrier set by Ye Yun, but they couldn’t cause any damage to the barrier.

The two Major Generals also felt a surprise in their hearts. After all, they looked at Jian Jian’s army before that they would not be able to resist the attacks of these tentacles. After all, these tentacles were too many, and their attack power was not too weak. They thought they would die in this place first, and even thought in their hearts whether they wanted to escape, but their sense of loyalty to Fenglianguan and Tidi country still didn’t let them do this.

At this time, the barrier that Ye Yun had used had already protected their safety and made them feel very happy in their hearts.

And everything else depends on Ye Yun own.

The stronger the attracting power came from Ye Yun’s body, and the Universe Dao was constantly spurred by him in Ye Yun’s body. This powerful attracting force was even more attractive than the monsters in the outer meteorite. Sexual power is much stronger, so most of the energy in the meteorite outside the sky is surging towards Ye Yun’s body at this time.

There were some angry roars from the meteorite outside the sky, and the entire meteorite outside the sky was shaking violently, but even if there was a powerful monster in the meteorite outside the sky, he could only watch this scene happen.

The monsters in the outer meteorite are indeed the pinnacle of the realm of the beginning god, and he could have successfully promoted to the creation Realm with the help of the residual power in the outer meteorite, and then the masters in the entire seal will be slaughtered by him, but he I didn’t expect that this time, Ye Yun still had something to do.

In his opinion, even if the real master of Realm came here, he couldn’t stop himself from being promoted to Realm, but Ye Yun, a small chaotic Realm ant, did it.

The fluctuation of Ye Yun’s body surface became more and more intense. After a while, a wave of air swept through Ye Yun’s body. At this time, his whole body looked different, and there was an inexplicable wave all over his body. The temperament was diffused, and the two Major Generals were also very happy, because they discovered that Ye Yun had already advanced to the Chaos Realm late stage at this time.

After Ye Yun was promoted to the Chaos Realm late stage, the attraction from his body seemed to be even greater. More energy in the meteorite from the sky poured into Ye Yun’s body, and Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base also In the faster Ascension, it seems that the promotion to Chaos late stage has not stopped.

After some more time passed, Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base was faintly approaching the peak of Chaos. At this moment, although he closed his own eyes, it was a surprise in his heart.

Although in my heart I guessed that I came to this outer meteorite this time, there may be some gains, but I did not expect the harvest to be so huge, this time the most important thing is not Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base Realm Ascension, and It was he who comprehended some of the powers of the laws of creation, Realm.

And the laws of these creation Realm will make Ye Yun promote to the creation Realm very quickly in the future, and the creature Realm before, and the Chaos Realm will also be of great benefit to him.

At this moment, the monsters in the outer meteorite seemed to finally be unable to stand it. Although Ye Yun had been vying for the energy in his outer meteorite before, he eventually absorbed some energy. At this moment, the outer meteorite is extremely incomparable. A huge breath came out, and some blood red gas penetrated from the meteorite outside the sky.

Ye Yun opened his eyes. At this moment, he felt extremely dangerous in his heart. He immediately stood up and his body moved back quickly, and as soon as he stretched out his hands, he lifted his hands to join Jianjun and Xihua.㢧 step back.

Just after Ye Yun made this action, the entire outer meteorite suddenly shattered, and then rose from the outer meteorite, one with two wings, three sharp horns on the head, and very muscular one. monster.

He waved the two black wings behind him, and stared at Ye Yun with his two cold and merciless pupils. There was only a thin line in his pupils, his eyes looked cold and merciless, and there seemed to be not much of them. Ye Yun’s emotions, but Ye Yun knew this monster, and his heart was already very angry.

“Damn it Damn it, who the hell are you!? How dare you rob my chance.”

There was a wave of divine consciousness from the monster’s body, and two young god generals swept towards Ye Yun. After the two young god generals felt the monster’s creation fluctuations, their faces became a little pale. , But Ye Yun flutters as if standing still, his complexion doesn’t fluctuate a little.

“Half-step creation Realm!!”

The two Major Generals changed their faces, because they had already seen that the monster that popped out of this meteorite was a half-step creation Realm.

And when the monster jumped out of the meteorite outside the sky, the four gods in Fenglianguan also instantly changed their faces.

“That is the breath that came from the place where the meteorite fell from the sky before. It turned out to be the breath of half-step creation. No, Ye Yun is in danger.”

The four god generals in the sealed pass thought in their hearts that the four god generals would join together immediately, and then immediately put down everything in their hands and came towards the place where the meteorite was located outside the sky.

Although the monster’s heart was extremely angry, he looked at Ye Yun fiercely, but did not immediately shoot at Ye Yun, and Ye Yun also saw that this monster was indeed a half-step creation Realm, but his Realm was a bit unstable, it seemed that it might even fall to the peak of Realm Realm at any time.

“Don’t be afraid, he has just absorbed a lot of energy by me and robbed him of his chance. So although he looks like a half-step creation Realm, his Cultivation Base is very unstable and may even fall at any time.”

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