Chapter 399: Inside the mysterious world

The scariest thing about being in illusion is that you don’t know illusion, and if you know it is illusion, it will be much easier to get rid of it.

Moreover, the voice of Ye Yun, with a strange magical power, made Huang Daifei feel more awake, and then Huang Daifei tried to get rid of this illusion in this illusion, because he had gone through a period of time. After distinguishing, I was finally completely sure in my heart that this must be an illusion.

So Ye Yun was by Huang Daifei’s side, constantly emitting this sound wave in his mouth. After a while, he felt Huang Daifei’s eyelashes blink slightly, and then Huang Daifei opened his mouth. Eye.

When Huang Daifei opened his eyes, he became a little relieved when he saw Ye Yun: “Sure enough, I was in illusion before.”

He stood up and thanked Ye Yun, because he knew in his heart that he was able to get out of the environment because of Ye Yun. Without Ye Yun, he would really have been in that illusion this time. .

After Huang Daifei woke up, he also observed the surrounding scenes, and found that the god emperor of the water is exhausted, the god emperor of the river, the fire road, the god emperor and others have not yet woken up, and there is a white halo above their heads.

And the world they are in now is not in the endless path, but in an inexplicable space, and they don’t know where they are.

After a period of time, the god emperor Shuijin, the god of fire, and the tomb of the god Tsuchiya also slowly woke up. After they woke up one after another, everyone seemed to have lingering fears, this time thanks to Ye. Yun, if there is no Ye Yun, they would all die in this place.

“Ye Yun, how did you discover that this is an illusion? If you didn’t wake up first and then use sonic power to wake us up, I’m afraid none of us would realize that we are already in the illusion.”

Huang Daifei asked Ye Yun to ask Dao heart with some doubts, and his face seemed to have some lingering fears.

Huang Daifei’s words were exactly the problem of the God Emperor Water and the God Emperor Huo Dao and others. After hearing their words, Ye Yun smiled and said nothing.

“These are not important. The important thing about this matter is that we must figure out where we are now, how to leave this place, and what kind of dangers this place has.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the god emperor Shuijin, the god emperor Huo Dao and others also nodded.

They looked at the surrounding space. At this moment, the place where they were located seemed very quiet, and there seemed to be a jungle in the distance of their sight.

I don’t know what exactly is going on in that jungle, but when the Emperor Shuijin sees it, there is always a sense of danger in his heart, which means that there may be some dangers in that jungle.

“Let’s go, now that we have come into this world, if we want to go out, it is impossible for the time being. It is better to see what is going on in this world.”

Ye Yun said that he was not so afraid in his heart, because when he just woke up, he also remembered the voice of the system in his mind.

“Ding Dong, the system mission is completed, and ten ten million multiplier cards will be awarded.”

This is the system sound that Ye Yun remembered when he just woke up. He completed the system task and obtained ten ten million multiplier cards. Every ten million multiplier card can be said to be him. Ye Yun’s most important hole card, and Ye Yun completed the task this time and obtained ten million multiplier cards, which made him full of confidence.

He is not afraid of all dangers, and is full of curiosity about this world, wanting to see the secrets in this world.

Because he hadn’t seen any record about this place even in the secret of the endless secret path.

After hearing what Ye Yun said, Huang Daifei’s people also nodded, because Ye Yun awakened them, so they were more grateful for Ye Yun and became more in awe.

Unconsciously, Ye Yun seemed to have become their leader.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun took Huang Daifei and them towards the jungle ahead. Not long after that, a few people walked into this jungle. The jungle was very quiet and there didn’t seem to be many creatures. .

After walking for a while, Ye Yun stopped suddenly, and even saw Ye Yun stop. Behind his body, the God Emperor Huo Dao was very puzzled: “What happened to Ye Yun? What happened? Why did you stop? Come down and own your body?”

Before Ye Yun could say anything, Huang Daifei’s complexion changed slightly. At this time, he heard some sparse voices. These sparse voices were very delicate, as if there were some animals in the jungle. And come the same.

Ye Yun’s eyes unknowingly changed to gold, and above his eyebrows, there was a vertical eye slowly splitting apart. He had already opened his own sky eye. In Ye Yun’s sky eye, suddenly The surrounding scene was very thorough. Ye Yun saw some bat-like creatures in the jungle in the distance, flying towards them.

And these bat-like creatures have hundreds of them, and each one has the strength of the chaotic Realm middle stage, and there are even a few chaotic Realm late stage bat creatures.

“Be careful, a monster is flying towards us.”

Ye Yun roared loudly, and at this time the expressions of the God Emperor Water and Fire God also changed, because they saw some bat-like creatures popping up around them. These bat-like creatures looked very different. Horror, their teeth are very slender, longer than their bodies, and there are some barbs on their claws.

Their eyes turned purple and red, and they looked very evil.

Under the gaze of these bat-like creatures, the God Emperor Huo Dao and others felt that their own soul seemed to be placed in front of these bat-like creatures.

“It’s the bloodfang bat!”

At this time, Huang Daifei said, he has recognized the name of this bat-like creature. The name of this creature is called the bloodtooth bat. Huang Daifei also has an ancient book from the nine star regions. have witnessed.

This was the information he saw by chance when he was searching for the information of the endless path.

“What kind of creature is the Bloodfang Bat?”

Ye Yun asked at this time.

“The bloodtooth bat is a very terrifying creature. It has already disappeared in the nine star regions, and I only accidentally opened a simple book and got the news of the bloodtooth bat. Listen It is said that there was once a universe that was very prosperous, and there were even masters who surpassed the Realm of Chaos, but because of the appearance of the Devil’s Bloodfang Bat, that world was completely destroyed in the end.”

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