Chapter 274 Fierce Battle with Zeus

“How did they find us?”

“I’m afraid they already saw us at the beginning.” Ye Yun said softly.

“You guessed it right. When you first entered this world, you were already under our surveillance.”

“Stupid outsiders, who don’t even know that they are in a fish tank or how you came to our world with the power of your singular realm, but I just want to catch you and study it carefully. I know, maybe you can find a way to leave this world.”

Zeus said loudly above the sky.

They have been in this world for countless years. Although there is no war in this world, and the scenery is very beautiful, and they have reached the highest point in this world, what can be done like this? The world is not so big, even bigger than Not as good as the Primordial Continent.

And he is a master of the Void Realm, staying in this world all the time, he will naturally feel extremely lonely in his heart.

Then they couldn’t find a way to leave this world, so they always looked forward to having outsiders enter this world. On this day they finally saw Ye Yun and Pangu enter this world. Ye Yun and Pangu are outsiders. Maybe if you catch Ye Yun and me, you can ask how to get out of this world.

“Don’t worry, we just want to arrest you, and won’t grant you Death.”

Zeus opened his mouth and then took the gods of Olympus and walked slowly towards Ye Yun and Pangu.

Ye Yun smiled coldly: “I just wanted to walk low-key, so why didn’t you give me a low-key opportunity.”

“It seems that we have to slap you Zeus.”

Ye Yun spoke, changing the expressions of all the gods in Zeus and Olympus.

Zeus was angry for a moment. He has now decided that if Ye Yun is arrested, he will torture Ye Yun for a while.

At this moment, Ye Yun had already drawn out the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife and rushed towards Zeus.

He swept across the sky like a meteor, his figure very fast.

After Zeus watched Ye Yun’s speed, he felt a little bitter in his heart. Ye Yun instantly increased his own speed by a hundredfold, and this was just the beginning.

His speed surprised all the gods in Olympus. Even the gods who are best at speed are a bit weaker than Ye Yun.

But Zeus did disdain: “Small bugs!”

Zeus picked up his own scepter and threw it fiercely in the air. In an instant, endless thunder and lightning appeared all over the sky.

The power of these thunder and lightning is extremely terrifying, even if the strong of the virtual realm enters into the thunder and lightning, they will probably be in danger.

Ye Yun smiled coldly, and then took out a thousand-fold increase card and patted own on his chest: “Defensive power thousand-fold increase.”

In an instant, several golden lights spread out from his body, and his whole body became extremely hard, but when those lightning strikes Ye Yun’s body, he could not even hurt his fur.

“Then let’s see who is the trick.”

Ye Yun was full of spirits in the thunder and lightning.

Zeus’s complexion changed. He didn’t expect Ye Yun to increase his own strength one after another, and the gods in Olympus were also greatly surprised. They had never seen such an attack method.

In this world, some of the gods and gods of the Spirit of Olympus will also increase their own strength, but they increase their own strength, at most they can only increase a hundredfold. Never like Ye Yun, their own defense power increases in an instant. A thousand times.

How did they know that even if Ye Yun wanted to increase his own defense power by ten thousand times and his own attack power by one million times, it was a trick for him, but Ye Yun didn’t want to do it.

If he directly used a one-hundred-thousand-million-fold increase attack, I am afraid it would directly scare the Olympus gods into pee.

“I don’t believe you can still increase!”

“Give me everything together.”

Zeus roared, and the Olympus gods behind him all attacked Ye Yun together, but Ye Yun smiled coldly, and then a card appeared again from his hand.

This card is a ten thousand multiplier card: “Didn’t you tell me to continue? Then I will continue to show it to you.”

In Mount Olympus, under the unbelievable gazes of the gods, Ye Yun slapped his own chest with the ten-thousand-fold increase card in his hand, and his defensive power was increased ten-thousand-fold in an instant.

The attacks of the gods in Olympus had fallen on Ye Yun’s body, but they did not cause any wounds to Ye Yun’s body. Ye Yun’s body was ten thousand times stronger than before.

At this time, Ye Yun’s attack power was also increased ten thousand times, and the attacks of the gods in Olympus were also defeated by Ye Yun. Ye Yun reached Zeus in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife in Ye Yun’s hand was placed in Zeus’s neck, and Zeus’s neck was cut by his sword aura.

A few drops of blue blood sent Ye Yun’s Jiuxiao Jasper Knife down, extremely dazzling.

Zeus stood on the spot, his body trembling and he dared not move. He knew that if he just moved slightly and made a little shaking, maybe the Jiuxiao Jasper Knife in Ye Yun’s hand would cut his head directly. Come down.

“Forgiveness, forgiveness and forgiveness…” The gods around Olympus dared not move, and Zeus murmured, his body trembling.

“Why, don’t you want to come over and catch me?” Ye Yun mocked the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand and handed it a little bit forward.

“God is so powerful, how dare we.” Zeus said cautiously.

“You wanted to kill me before, so in response, should I kill you too?”

Ye Yun smiled again and said to Zeus. Zeus’s body trembled and almost scared to pee: “God also asked you to forgive me. This time I don’t know your strength. It is so powerful and offends you. Please let me go alive. I can give you the treasures I treasure.”

“Treasure, what treasure?”

“I am the strongest person in this world. For countless years, I have naturally accumulated a lot of treasures, and those treasures have been placed in the gods’ treasury in Olympus.” Zeus spoke with some pride.

“Don’t think that the treasures in our God’s treasury are not good enough. In fact, our world is different. The quality of the treasures born in it has exceeded the outside world by a lot, and there are certain specialties that you have never heard of. You feel pleasantly surprised.”

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