Chapter 264 Revenge

When the entire Mietian Continent had become disastrous, the masters in the Desolate Life Sect were even more lawless, and even many of them had cultivated evil ways.

An evil wind flows through the entire Desolate Gate.

After Ye Yun saw such a scene, his heart rose with anger, and this kind of sect was still destroyed.

And the moment Ye Yun appeared at the Huangshengmen, he was also discovered by the masters of the Huangshengmen.

“Well, who is that, who is the person above the sky.”

“His aura is so huge, it seems that compared to our sect master, the Emperor Heavenly Demon is not much different.”

“Why do I feel that this strong man is coming so aggressively? It seems that he has enemies with us.”

The disciples in the Huangshengmen spoke one after another, and at this time, a strong man in the Huangshengmen discovered Ye Yun’s identity, and his expression instantly became very frightened: “Go and tell the master to come back, this one is coming. The man is Ye Yun, Ye Yun who once caused us a huge loss to Huangshengmen, and even Ye Yun who even killed the god Daoist.”

After hearing the words of this strong man, the disciples in the Huangshengmen were very panicked, and instantly began to send messages to the Emperor Heavenly Demon, but before they passed the information, Ye Yun stretched out his hand. With a light flick in the air, an invisible light wave scatters towards the surroundings, and also prevents the strong in the Desolate Gate from transmitting information to the Emperor Heavenly Demon.

“Do you have any more information? When I wipe out your entire Demon Gate, the Heavenly Demon Emperor will naturally know about this.”

Ye Yun’s words made the strong in our filming even more fearful.

But at this time their information really couldn’t be transmitted, and the strong man in the Huangshengmen also had a ruthlessness in his heart. Since they can’t transmit the information, they can only fight Ye Yun desperately.

I don’t know who was the first to attack. Then countless strong men started to attack Ye Yun. The people in the entire barren gate showed their own hole cards. They knew that if Ye Yun was not destroyed, Ye Yun will definitely destroy them, after all, Huangshengmen and Ye Yun can also be said to have enemies of life and death.

Ye Yun sneered. Now it can be said that all of the wicked powerhouses in the Huangshengmen, he will naturally not let go of these people in the Huangshengmen.

Ye Yun didn’t even take out the weapon, he just gave birth to his own hands and a card in his hands was spinning: “A thousand times increase!”

Ye Yun’s palm was pressed down in a panic, and his attack was increased by a thousand times in an instant. After Ye Yun’s attack was increased by a thousand times in an instant, it seemed to cover the entire weather, covering the entire wild life gate. under.

All of the attacks of the Arashi Gate disciples attacked Ye Yun’s palm, but did not cause any injuries to Ye Yun’s hand. After Ye Yun’s hand was pressed down, the entire Arashi Gate began to collapse. The disciples in Zhong also burst continuously. After a while, the entire Huangshengmen was in ruins, and all those disciples were wiped out by Ye Yun.

The entire Desolate Gate has become a ruin, and Ye Yun stood on the sky above the Desolate Gate, looking indifferently at the ruins of the entire Desolate Gate. After a short while, he turned and walked towards the distance, slowly disappearing. Here it is.

And at the moment Ye Yun wiped out the Desolate Gate, Emperor Heavenly Demon also learned the news.

He was in the return to the abyss at the time, helping Tianguige to lead the arrival of the U-Devil. According to Tianguige’s speculation, the U-Devil originally only needed more than half a year to come to this universe. , Came to Mietian Continent, and now there were only less than ten days left from the time the Tianguike estimated.

At this time, Emperor Mie Heavenly Demon’s heart trembled violently, and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood, his complexion became pale, and the Heavenly Returner turned his head and looked at Emperor Mie Heavenly Demon. After coming over, there was some confusion in his face: “What’s wrong? What happened to the Emperor Heavenly Demon? Why does your face look so ugly?”

“No, the whole barren life gate is gone.”

The Emperor Heavenly Demon murmured, his face was extremely ugly.

Then the Emperor Heavenly Demon told the Heavenly Returner. He sensed his own Desolate Gate, as if it was completely destroyed by humans, and who on the entire Demonstration Continent possesses such strength can overcome this Desolate Gate in a short period of time. All within it was destroyed, and the Emperor Heavenly Demon thought of a person in an instant.

“Ye Yun, it must be Ye Yun, it is Ye Yun who is back, and he is back for revenge.”

The body and mind of the Emperor Heavenly Demon became a little panicked. Ye Yun could destroy the entire Demon Gate at once, indicating that Ye Yun’s strength was countless times higher than before. If he meets Ye Yun again In other words, he felt that even if he wanted to dodge, he couldn’t dodge Ye Yun’s million-fold attack.

In fact, as he thought, Ye Yun was coming towards Gui Wuyuan at this time.

According to the news learned by Ye Yun recently, it seems that the Heavenly Returnee is summoning something in Gui Wuyuan, and the strength of the Heavenly Returnee is already so strong, what exactly he will summon is inevitable. It is something more terrifying than his strength. If he is really summoned by the returnees from the sky, Ye Yun can imagine that it must be bad news for himself, so Ye Yun has decided whether it is for the Continent of Extinction. All creatures, or for their own sake, have to stop the return of the heavens.

In the past, I might not dare to face the Tianguige, but now my own strength has been countless times, and there is still a million-fold increase card on his body, which may not be impossible to do.

Soon Ye Yun had already come to the outside of Gui Wuyuan, looking at the entire dark Gui Wuyuan, paused for a moment, but then fell into the Gui Wuyuan without hesitation.

Ye Yun came to Gui Wuyuan for the first time, but he didn’t have the slightest fear in his heart.

When Ye Yun came to this Guiwuyuan, the Tianguigu also felt that Ye Yun had entered the Guiwuyuan. His complexion also changed slightly, but in an instant there was infinite disdain in his heart: ” Even if I dare to come to Gui Wuyuan, it’s good, lest I go looking for you, this time let you completely erase it.”

Although Tianguike said so, he still had some uneasiness in his heart.

At this time, the Tianguike was in the forbidden ground in the temple, and in the divine spring in front of him, the face of Demon Lord Yu was extremely clear, as if he was about to walk out of the divine spring.

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