Chapter 239: Entering the Shenyu Skyship

But at this point, he had to believe it, and at this time, the old man of Windkiller also thought of another thing. The previous coolness was really killed by a master on the mysterious planet? It should have been killed by Ye Yun and Pangu.

“So what? I have the Shenyu Skyship, and the Shenyu Skyship has powerful defense and attack capabilities. As long as I stay in the Shenyu Skyship, he will not be able to threaten me.”

At this time, the old man of Wind Killing thought in his heart.

At this moment, Ye Yun also looked up at the huge Shenyu Skyship above him.

Although he had a ten-thousand-fold increase card in his hand, he even had a million-fold increase card.

If the Million Multiplying Amplification Card is used, I am afraid that it will be able to kill all the windkillers in the Shenyu Skyship and Shenyu Skyship in an instant.

But he only has this one million multiplier card, and he can’t use it casually.

“How can you use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? What’s more, this Shenyu Skyship is also a good treasure. Instead of destroying the Shenyu Skyship, it is better to receive the Shenyu Skyship under my hand.”

Earlier, the Shenyu Skyship piloted by the Old Windkiller destroyed Ye Yun and Pangu’s Destroyer Warships. If they wanted to go to Destroyer Continent, there would be no riding tools and it would take more time.

But if the Shenyu Skyship is grabbed, it will also make up for the previous problem.

How could the former Destroyer Battleship be compared with the Shenyu Skyship, the area of ​​the Fighting Shenyu Skyship was ten times the size of the Destroyer Battleship.

“Okay, it’s so decided, I’ll take the Shenyu Skyship down.”

Ye Yun thought of it in his heart, and then told Pangu his thoughts.

Pangu was also particularly shocked after listening, but he felt that Ye Yun was a little irrational at this time.

“Ye Yun, the defensive power of this Shenyu Skyship is extremely powerful at first glance. Not to mention putting the Shenyu Skyship’s combat power into own hands, it is a difficult problem to say how to get into the Shenyu Skyship.”

Pangu frowned.

After hearing Pangu’s words, Ye Yun smiled proudly, and a treasure appeared from his hand.

The name of this treasure is called Penetration Card. If he teaches him to use the Penetration Card, he can pass through the defenses of the Shenyu Skyship and enter the interior of the Shenyu Skyship in an instant.

This was the treasure he had obtained by completing the task before, and he hadn’t used it all the time. At this time, it finally came in handy.

“Pangu, follow me.”

Ye Yun spoke, and then rushed towards the Shenyu Skyship in an instant.

Pangu had no choice but to follow Ye Yun, hoping that Ye Yun really had some power to turn the tide.

Seeing the two people dared to come towards the Shenyu Skyship, the old man of Windkiller was also particularly surprised. He didn’t know what kind of confidence Ye Yun had.

Immediately afterwards, he drove the Shenyu Skyship and continuously attacked Ye Yun, with huge beams of light, attacking Ye Yun and Pangu.

And Ye Yun’s figure was constantly flashing. He used a ten-thousand-fold multiplier card to increase his own speed ten thousand times in an instant.

During the flight, Ye Yun was also holding Pangu so that Pangu was not hit by those beams of light.

After being multiplied by ten thousand times, Ye Yun’s speed was unparalleled. In an instant, he came to the side of the Shenyu Skyship, and a penetration card appeared in his hand.

Ye Yun lightly attached the penetration card to the battleship, and then a round hole appeared on the outside of the Shenyu Heavenly Ship. This round hole was connected to the inside of the Shenyu Heavenly Ship, and the inside of the Shenyu Heavenly Ship could be seen. As long as the two of them move their minds at this time, they can enter the interior of the Shenyu Skyship.

Pangu was shocked and inexplicable, but he didn’t expect Ye Yun to have such a method.

“What is Pangu stunned? Hurry up and enter the Shenyu Skyship.”

Ye Yun spoke, and then pulled Pangu into the interior of the Shenyu Skyship for an instant. If the two of them entered the Shenyu Skyship, the Shenyu Skyship would pose no threat to the two of them.

And their opponents are only the remaining Windkiller Old Man and the other Heaven Extinguishing Continent Dao realm masters in the Shenyu Heavenly Ship.

Just when the two people came to the Shenyu Skyship, the old man of Windkiller felt that Ye Yun had arrived in the Shenyu Skyship for an instant.

His heart became frightened in an instant, he didn’t know what kind of method Ye Yun relied on to get into the battleship.

But at this time this matter had already happened, so he had to accept it.

At this moment, there was regret in the old man’s heart. He should avoid Ye Yun when Ye Yun just appeared.

But he didn’t know. As long as Ye Yun found out that he was a member of Mietian Continent, he would not let him go. Even if he was driving the Shenyu Skyship to escape, Ye Yun would definitely catch up.

When the Old Man Wind Killer sensed Ye Yun, Ye Yun also felt the Old Man Wind Killer in the Shenyu Skyship.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flickered, heading towards the old windkiller in the Shenyu Skyship.

And just as Ye Yun headed towards the old windkiller in the Shenyu Skyship, the remaining dozen or so masters in the Shenyu Skyship were extremely panicked in their hearts.

Some masters in the Dao realm wanted to stop Ye Yun, but they were cut away by Ye Yun.

Facing the masters of the early stage of Taoism, Ye Yun can easily kill these people without even using the booster card.

As for the masters of the middle stage of the Dao realm, Ye Yun needs to use a 100-fold multiplier card to instantly kill these masters of the middle stage of the Dao realm.

Although Old Man Killing Wind is a master at the late stage of the Dao, Ye Yun can easily kill him as long as he uses the Ten Thousand Multiplier Card.

After seeing that Ye Yun could not be stopped by the remaining masters in the Shenyu Skyship, they wanted to escape from the Shenyu Skyship, but they were all beheaded by Ye Yun without exception.

After a while, the old man of Killing Wind trembled in his heart and looked at Ye Yun in front of him.

“I used to think that after annihilating a wave of masters in Mietian Continent, Mietian Continent will rest for a while, and it won’t be fast, and send people to attack the Desolate Continent again.”

“I didn’t expect that the people in your Mietian Continent would be so cruel.”

Ye Yun sighed, but her expression was very leisurely.

Ye Yun walked towards the old man of Windkiller step by step, and the old man’s body even trembled.

Just when Ye Yun walked in front of Old Wind Killer, Old Wind Killer suddenly attacked Ye Yun. A small knife appeared in his hand, piercing the space, and it seemed that he was about to pierce Ye Yun’s heart instantly.

At this moment, Ye Yun’s complexion suddenly became cold and stern, and in an instant he drew out the Nine Heavens Jasper Knife and violently attacked the Old Man Windkiller.

Ten thousand times increase!

In an instant, he increased his own attack power by ten thousand times. Before seeing Ye Yun’s attack power, he was obviously very weak, but suddenly became extremely terrifying, and the old man was full of shock.

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