Chapter 211

After Ye Yun achieved the Eucharist, he felt that the Eucharist could go one step further and become the true body of Pangu.

In the legend, only Pangu possesses the real Pangu body, and it is precisely because of Pangu’s real body that Pangu has the power to open up the world. It is conceivable how powerful it is.

Ye Yun quickly returned to Buzhou Mountain, and was not in a hurry to fight Hongjun.

“At this time I have become the Eucharist, and I am one step closer to becoming Sage.”

“I have to become Sage in the shortest time possible. If I become Sage, I am afraid that the human education will also become the number one master of the prehistoric continent. In this way, I can also complete my previous tasks and receive the previous rewards.”

When thinking of this, Ye Yun’s heart also became hot. The previous mission rewards were also very rich. Among them, there were a million multiplier cards, two Innate Lingbao control cards, and a lot of emotional value and other treasures.

After Ye Yun returned to Buzhou Mountain, he immediately began to enter the Closed Door Training state.

Opened the Hunyuan Array around Buzhou Mountain.

The Hunyuan Formation enveloped Buzhou Mountain, and Ye Yun was also sitting next to the Innate Flat Peach Tree on Buzhou Mountain.

Recently, the Innate flat peach tree has continued to grow, and now it has reached a height of one hundred feet, and this is not the limit of the Innate flat peach tree.

At this time, there are huge fruits hanging on the Innate Flat Peach Tree, each of which is very large and attractive, with endless fragrance wafting around Ye Yun.

Ye Yun grabbed a few Innate flat peach fruits and sent them to own, and ate them with a click.

“It’s really delicious, and there are so many Innate flat peaches on this tree that you can eat as you please every day.”

Ye Yun looked at Shuo Shuo’s Innate flat peach fruit on the tree, and thought to himself.

He sits under the Innate flat peach tree. After the Innate flat peach tree grows to a height of one hundred meters, he has some other wonders. When Ye Yun sits under the Innate flat peach tree, he even feels that his own cultivation has some bonuses. .

He felt that he had a smoother understanding of the power of the rules of heaven and earth and all things.

Innate’s flat peach leaves were shaking, and Ye Yun’s heart became more and more peaceful.

“Sage Sage, what is Sage?”

Ye Yun closed his eyes, such words echoed in his mind.

Today, he has achieved the Eucharist. If you want to break through to Sage Realm, it is not so difficult, but he wants the most perfect breakthrough Sage Realm, and naturally the breakthrough Sage Realm, so after the breakthrough Sage Realm, there will be The most powerful.

After all, his enemy is not ordinary people, but the supreme Sage Hongjun.

What’s more, there are many secrets hidden on the Primordial Continent, and he must maximize his own strength.

After developing Minor World in the void outside the Primordial Continent, Ye Yun always felt that there were still many huge worlds in this world. He felt that in the distant Universe, perhaps there were also many worlds like Primordial Continent.

So as the Cultivation Base gets higher and higher, Ye Yun not only does not feel the narrowing of his horizons, but also feels that he has more and more places to explore.

I don’t know how long it has passed. The leaves on the Innate flat peach tree kept falling, and a lot of them fell on Ye Yun’s body.

Suddenly Ye Yun exudes a mysterious aura, and the surrounding leaves are floating.

“Sage Sage, I finally understand what Sage is!”

Ye Yun opened his eyes for an instant, and a huge wave of air surged around him like waves.

An extremely mysterious aura exuded from his body. This mysterious aura was Sage’s aura. At this moment, Ye Yun finally became Sage, but his Sage’s aura was not so complete at this time.

Ye Yun stood up and looked at the clouds that appeared in the sky. These were huge dark clouds, which covered Ye Yun’s imperfect mountains.

“It’s Heavenly Tribulation!”

After Luo Hui died, the rules of heaven and earth became more complete, so when everyone was promoted to Sage, he would experience Heavenly Tribulation.

Ye Yun looked at the thunder tribulation in the sky, and he was slightly puzzled, because his thunder tribulation seemed to be different from the Sage Heavenly Tribulation in previous records.

The Sage Thunder Tribulation in the previous records only had about ten thunderclouds. Ye Yun’s Thunder Tribulation, the thunderclouds above were dense, at least dozens of them, and they were still emerging.

In the end, a total of seven to seven forty-nine thunderclouds appeared, covering the entire Bu Zhou Mountain.

“What is that? Is it Sage’s Thunder Tribulation?”

At this time, Taiqing also turned his head in the own dojo. When he became Sage, because the rules of heaven and earth were not so complete, he did not survive Sage’s thunder catastrophe. Jie still has some understanding.

“In the legend, Sage Thunder Tribulation is nothing more than a dozen thunderclouds, and Ye Yun’s Bu Zhoushan space has seven or seven forty-nine thunder clouds.”

“How is this possible! What thunder disaster did he get through?”

Tai Qing was shocked, and at this time, within Bu Zhou Mountain, the leaders of those human races were also overwhelmed by the thunderous robbery from the sky and couldn’t get up on the ground.

“It’s over, such a huge thunder catastrophe, if Lord Ye Yun can’t resist, we will be erased incidentally.”

The leader of the human race murmured, and his heart was terrified.

“Fart! Master Ye Yun is omnipotent, how could it be wiped out by the mere Heavenly Tribulation.”

Some human races refuted the leader’s words.

And outside of Bu Zhou Mountain, some leaders of ethnic groups also looked at Bu Zhou Mountain, and they shook their heads.

“It turned out to be Sage’s Thunder Tribulation, with seven to seven forty-nine Tribulation Clouds. Even in ancient records, there is no such powerful Heavenly Tribulation.”

“It seems that Ye Yun is over.”

The leaders of those groups sighed.

Ye Yun was sitting next to the Innate peach tree on Buzhou Mountain, and slowly stood up.

“Heavenly Tribulation, what is there to be afraid of, what is there to be afraid of.”

“Look at me breaking it with strength!”

Ye Yun opened his mouth, and suddenly rushed towards the thunder robbery above the sky.

In an instant, the seven or seventy-nine thunderclouds in the sky began to become violent, as if being provoked, the endless sea of ​​thunder surging toward Ye Yun.

“I am the Eucharist. All evils do not invade, all evils do not commit, and the heavens are hard to destroy!!!”

Ye Yun shouted, rushing into the thunder tribulation, it turned out to be bathed in the thunder tribulation to perform Transcends Tribulation.

This was not over yet, and Ye Yun went to Leiyun again.

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