Chapter One Hundred Ninety One

Immediately afterwards, Hongjun and Yuqing set up another strategy to create some friction between the Wu Clan’s Zen Buddhism.

It is well known that Ye Yun is an ancestral witch, and his influence in the witch clan is also very huge, and the reason why Hongjun made such a strategy is also to weaken Ye Yun’s strength on the one hand.

On this day, the daughter of the patriarch of the Witch clan was killed by Chanjiao. The news spread to the Witch clan, and the Witch clan was also quite shaken.

“Boldly explain and teach, although my witch clan is not as strong as theirs, they dare to kill the daughter of my clan patriarch.”

The powerhouses of the Wu clan stepped forward one after another, preparing to seek justice.

However, the interpretation did not give a reasonable explanation to the Wu clan, which of course was also promoted by Hongjun and Yuqing.

The Witch clan powerhouse is full of anger, carrying a large number of Witch clan powerhouses, and a huge collision with Chanjiao.

That day, the two groups of Lich suffered heavy losses. Many famous quasi-sage capitals of the Lich clan were killed in battle. Originally, the Lich clan was just to ask for an argument, but because Hongjun was behind the scenes, this battle became more and more fierce.

Even the entire prehistoric land was gradually shaken by storms, and Ye Yun also learned the news.

Ye Yun frowned slightly, he instinctively felt that this matter was not simple.

The prehistoric continent was swayed by storms, and the contradiction between the Witch tribe and the interpretation and teaching became more and more intensified.

Almost every day, countless witches and interpreters die, and blood flows into a river on that vast battlefield, with broken limbs and armour, and the beacon flue is flying towards the sky.

The Wu Clan and Chan Cult are very powerful, and they each have their own close forces, and their close forces have also been involved, making the war on the prehistoric continent intensified.

At this moment, Tai Yi frowned in the demon Heaven Court.

“The battle between the Witch and the interpretation is like fire and tea, and it seems to have a tendency to sweep the entire prehistoric continent.”

“If the Demon Race Heaven Court is involved, there will definitely be a great loss.”

Thinking too much.

In this war, he actually wanted to be alone, but at this moment, a little demon ran in.

“Report to the Eastern Emperor, and see the Lord Tongtian.”

The little demon spoke loudly.

“Master Tongtian, what did he come here for?”

Taiyi stood up and walked outside. After all, the status of the leader of Tongtian was not low, and he was closely related to the Heaven Court of his demon clan, so he had to meet with the leader of Tongtian.

Taiyi walked out the door, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese dress and very grandiose coming in. It was the Lord Tongtian.

“It’s been a long time since the Master Tongtian.”

“Taiyi, take the liberty to interrupt, and please don’t forgive me.”

The two greeted each other.

The two sat down, Tai Yi handed a cup of tea to the Lord Tongtian: “I don’t know what is going on with the Lord Tongtian coming to my demon Heaven Court this time?”

“Taiyi, you must be aware of the recent battles on the barren continent.”

Master Tongtian took a sip of tea, looked at Taiyi and said.

Tai Yi was slightly surprised and slightly guessed.

“This is a battle between the Wu Clan and the interpretation. Although there are many risks, there are also great opportunities.”

“If the side we support wins, it will be of great benefit to us.”

The Lord Tongtian spoke, his eyes flickering.

“I don’t know which side Taiyi you are going to support.” Master Tongtian stared at Taiyi straight.

Taiyi fell silent and sighed: “Tongtian Guru, I am different from what you think. In fact, I want to make my demon Heaven Court stand alone and not participate in this battle.”

Hearing Taiyi’s words, Master Tongtian put down the teacup in his hand, seeming to want to persuade something, and finally gave up.

The Lord Tongtian tried to persuade Taiyi for a while, because the interpretation and teaching he wanted to support was also very closely related to him.

But after a while, Taiyi still refused.

Master Tongtian could only helplessly in his heart, ready to give up.

Taiyi was also going to send this out, and at this moment, a few little demon suddenly ran in from outside.

“Report to the Eastern Emperor, there are major issues to report.”

These little demons spoke, Tai Yi was also slightly surprised.

And these little demons also saw the Master Tongtian next to them, and their expressions changed slightly, looking a little ugly.

Master Tongtian keenly sensed the expressions of these little demons, and felt that the things these little demons reported might have something to do with him.

“Hurry up and tell me what’s the matter.”

Taiyi asked.

And these little demons looked at the Master Tongtian next to them, and seemed to hesitate to say whether they should say it or not.

But the matter was urgent, and they finally said it.

“The battle between the emperor, the witch race and the interpretation religion is very fierce, and in addition to the witch race and the interpretation religion, there are some forces that are relatively close to the witch race and the interpretation religion, and they have joined the battle.”

“Even my Monster Race has ten quasi-sages involved, and they support the interpretation and teaching side.”

The little demon spoke, and Tai Yi’s complexion changed slightly.

“Who gave them the courage to participate in this battle without my consent!”

“In that case, how are they doing this time?”

Too opened his mouth, after all, the quasi-sage was considered a powerful master in the demon Heaven Court, and every death was the loss of the demon Heaven Court.

“The ten quasi-sages were all killed and wounded in this battle, and the eldest son of the Master Tongtian also participated in this battle, and together with the ten quasi-sages, they supported the interpretation and attacked the Wu Clan.”

The little demon spoke again, and his body was a little trembling after speaking, because he knew this matter, Taiyi and Master Tongtian would be furious after hearing this.

“Unreasonable, since the Wu Clan dare to kill my son!!”

“I will definitely not let go of the Wu Clan!”

Unsurprisingly, the Lord Tongtian immediately furious, with an invisible power all over his body, spreading towards the surroundings, making the little demon lying on the ground feel as weak as duckweed in the sea.

Tai frowned, he felt that this matter was strange, but the fact lies here, the son of the Lord Tongtian has died at this time, and his demon Heaven Court also lost 10 quasi-sages. In the battle, he Yaozu Heaven Court can no longer stay out of the matter.

“Taiyi, is it possible that you are still prepared to stay out of the matter?” Master Tongtian asked, turning his head.

He hesitated too much, but in the end he could only nod his head and agree.

And the creatures of the monster race, after hearing about these things, are also on the mainland. The monster race and the witch race are also constantly friction, and it is even more impossible to be alone.

The contradiction between the two clans of the Lich has also been deepening.

Gradually, this war completely swept across the entire prehistoric land, and almost all races participated in it.

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