Chapter 181 The Tribulation of Medicine Pill

Ye Yun put a plant of Medicinal herbs into the pill furnace. After some time passed, an extremely fragrant aura floated out of the pill furnace.

And there seems to be a mysterious energy in the pill furnace. Although Ye Yun is only refining a Medicine Pill, it seems to have an aura of opening up Dafa, as if there is a wave of life creation.

In fact, this is also true, because this Qi and Blood Pill is not an ordinary Qi and Blood Pill. After this Qi and Blood Pill is refined, it also has some spirituality in itself, so it will emit waves of life-creating fluctuations.

After some time passed, the pill furnace vibrated, and Ye Yun was also overjoyed, because at this time he had already felt the aura in the pill furnace, and the pill had been refined.

And at the moment when the Qi and Blood Pill was refined, there were even lightning flashes in the sky, which turned out to be Heavenly Tribulation.

“Everything in the world has a lot of calamities, and practice is originally a heaven-defying trip.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect to refine a Qi and Blood Pill, and Heavenly Tribulation also appeared.”

Ye Yun sighed in his heart, but he didn’t care much about this Heavenly Tribulation, after all, this was just a Medicine Pill Heavenly Tribulation.

In Ye Yun’s dojo, there were countless human races at this time, and they also looked up and stared at their own mouths, looking at the clouds in the sky.

“Is that Heavenly Tribulation? Ye Yun Ancestor Witch didn’t know what he was doing, but he actually attracted Heavenly Tribulation.”

Someone said from his mouth, his heart was quite shaken.

Clouds and lightning entangled, as thick as a bucket of lightning, pouring down to Ye Yun’s dojo. At this time, Ye Yun was sitting in his own Closed Door Training room, feeling a little in his heart.

Ye Yun stood up, raised his own body, raised his own hand, and gently waved toward the sky.

There is a card looming in the palm of the hand, that is a thousand-fold increase card.

Ye Yun’s this strike, because of the increase of the boost card, seems to be mediocre, but it has great power. The countless thunder and lightning in the sky will be wiped out by Ye Yun in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

“As expected of Ye Yun’s ancestor witch, he still has the same unpredictable power as before. Although he is still a quasi-sage, it is not comparable to me.”

Some quasi-sages said that in recent years, some new quasi-sages have also emerged from the human race. Although the number is not large, it has also emerged that the human race has great potential.

The distance between people and education has become the first major sect, and it is getting closer and closer.

“The Qi and Blood Pill is finally refined!”

Ye Yun was standing in his own Closed Door Training room with a blood-red Medicine Pill in his hand. Although the Medicine Pill was blood-red, it was also crystal clear.

But if he was still beating at this time, as if he had his own heartbeat and breathing, he could see that this Qi and Blood Pill was a top-quality Qi and Blood Pill.

Ye Yun thought for a while, how much hesitated, and then took the Qi and Blood Medicine Pill.

Ye Yun took this Qi and Blood Pill, and then sat cross-legged on the spot, and the Qi and blood in his body began to agitate.

Each and every dark Impurities were repelled from his body, his body seemed to become more crystal clear, and his whole body even exuded a fragrant breath.

At this time, he looked like a human medicine pill, even if he was a general quasi-sage, he would find it hard to suppress his desire in his heart.

This state lasted for more than half an hour, Ye Yun stood up and had a look of joy in his eyes.

“The Qixue Pill is indeed the most precious pill recipe among the six pill recipes Taiqing gave me.”

“After refining the Qi and Blood Pill, after I eat it, the Qi and blood are ascending as much as 30%.”

Ye Yun opened her mouth, and she was quite pleasantly surprised. You must know that his strength today is also very huge, and this Qi and Blood Pill can make his Qi and blood ascending by more than 30%, which is already commendable.

However, he knew in his heart that although he still had many medicinal materials that could be used to refine Qi and Blood Pills, no matter how many Qi and Blood Pills were refined, it was impossible to use them all the time. After all, every Medicine Pill was resistant. Yes, if you eat too much, the effect will become smaller and smaller.

Ye Yun finally ate seven or eight qi and blood pills, and the qi and blood in his body were ascending two or three times as much.

At this time, the Qi and Blood Pill seemed to have no more effect on him, and Ye Yun immediately took out a communication charm.

This communication symbol was left by Ye Yun and Nine Heavens Kunpeng. At a time, Ye Yun also promised Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

Ye Yun once promised Nine Heavens Kunpeng to help Nine Heavens Kunpeng Ascension the blood in his body, and this Qi and Blood Pill can do just that, so Ye Yun is also planning to call Nine Heavens Kunpeng over.

Ye Yun took out the communication symbol and immediately contacted Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

“Hey, Nine Heavens Kunpeng.” Ye Yun spoke slightly into the communication talisman.

“Ah, it’s Ye Yun ancestor witch, I don’t know why you even contacted me.” Nine Heavens Kunpeng said, his tone sounded a little respectful, because he knew that Ye Yun today is no longer the Ye Yun he knew before. Ye Yun’s strength makes it hard for him to look up, and he has heard countless rumors about Ye Yun in the recent period.

Even his boss, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun are extremely respectful to Ye Yun, let alone him.

“Ah, Nine Heavens Kunpeng, you don’t have to be so respectful to me. In fact, this time I contacted you and there is something I want to tell you.”

Ye Yun spoke. After hearing what Ye Yun said, Nine Heavens Kunpeng also had a slight curiosity in her heart, not knowing what Ye Yun was going to tell him.

“Do you remember Nine Heavens Kunpeng? I once promised you one thing, saying that I would help you strengthen the blood in your body.”

Ye Yun spoke. After hearing Ye Yun say this, Nine Heavens Kunpeng was also slightly happy. In recent years, I don’t know why his power of blood has become thinner and thinner, making him feel a little weak in many times.

“Ye Yun Ancestral Witch, is it true? Do you know that you have found a way to strengthen Qi and blood?”

“But I’m already a quasi-sage, does that method of strengthening qi and blood really have an effect on me?”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng spoke, with a little doubt in his heart. After hearing Nine Heavens Kunpeng say this, Ye Yun also laughed loudly: “Nine Heavens Kunpeng, don’t worry, you can rest assured if I take action. This method can even my own blood and energy. Ascension is 30%, not to mention you.”

After hearing Ye Yun say this, Nine Heavens Kunpeng was also ecstatic. He didn’t expect Ye Yun to find such a way. Even Ye Yun’s own energy and blood can be ascension as much as 30%, let alone himself.

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