Chapter 139: Ancient Heaven Court

Today’s meeting was held by Ye Yun. As soon as the sun rose, Ye Yun sent someone to notify the other ancestor witches.

The reason why all the witch races are called here is because the monster race has completed the integration of the prehistoric races, and it is time to start the next step.

The next step is to build the ancient Heaven Court together by the two families of Lich.

Yao Clan, Taiyi is the representative, and Ye Yun can be regarded as the representative of the Yao Clan. As for the Wu Clan, there are eleven ancestral witches and Ye Yun as representatives.

Now that the problem of Nine Heavens Kunpeng has been suppressed for the time being, Tai Yi does not need to be distracted to think about other things, and can concentrate on discussing the establishment of the Demon Race Heaven Court with the Wu Clan.

Everyone sat down, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn.

As the convener of this meeting, Ye Yun was naturally also presided over the meeting.

He opened his mouth and said to the powerhouses: “Now that the ancestors have been integrated, the establishment of the demon Heaven Court is imminent. The Houtu ancestor witch has turned into Samsara, and can also be regarded as one of us. The Netherworld, heaven , Primordial Continent. Now we are only one heavenly realm away. As long as the Monster Race Heaven Court is established, our Lich Clan will control almost the entire Primordial World. Do you have any objections to the plan to be executed next?”

At this time, Ye Yun was sitting at the table, speaking plainly, but what he said was a major event about the entire prehistoric pattern.

The powerful people in the chamber were talking about it. Although the Yaozu had completed the integration of the prehistoric race, no one realized that they had already controlled the entire prehistoric world without knowing it.

Taiyi looked at the ancestral witches who were eagerly discussing, he did not speak, but the smile on his face betrayed his mood.

Not long ago, he was just a Golden Crow who didn’t get the chance of sanctification, but now he is about to become the nominal ruler of the prehistoric world.

Although he had already planned to integrate the predecessors, without Ye Yun’s help, he would definitely not be so smooth.

Not to mention anything else, it’s possible for him and the Witch Clan to stand on opposite sides of the Hades.

But now because of Ye Yun, the Lich race is in peace, but they are working together to conspire for a prehistoric hegemony.

By then, he and Dijun will be in charge of the heavens, the Witch Clan will be in charge of The Netherworld, and the Primordial Continent Clan will be in charge, and they will have attained the Supreme Dao.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help feeling a little excited.


The wild west.

Emperor Jun and the monster army were still guarding the entrance of the Wild West Land, and no one had set foot in the depths of the West Land, so they never knew that Sage Hongjun followed Jiyinzheng strolling in it.

Hongjun came here for the purpose of quasi mention, but now he is not in a hurry. Instead, he walks slowly with his hands behind his back.

However, Hongjun only seemed to move slowly, he was able to cross countless mountains and rivers with every step he took. Had it not been for Hongjun to grab the corner of Hongjun’s clothes tightly, he would have been thrown away by Hongjun a long time ago.

They have been here for nearly two days. In the two days, Hongjun didn’t know how many times he had walked around this extremely western place, but he just didn’t want to stop.

He didn’t know how Hongjun thought about it. He didn’t dare to ask, so he had to follow Hongjun’s side closely.

I don’t know how long it took, Hongjun finally stopped.

He waved his sleeves casually, and chanted the word “Scatter.”

Heaven and Earth Sage, speaks the law, and has great power emerges out of thin air, the countless ghosts of the extreme west are all scattered, and the dark clouds above the extreme west finally disappear.

More than a hundred years have passed, and the land of the extreme west is once again illuminated by the sun.

A golden light shined on Hongjun’s body, and for a while, Li Ying couldn’t tell whether Hongjun’s body was golden light of merit or pure sunshine.

At this time, the leader finally had the courage to speak, and he said, “Sage, let him be mentioned…”

He didn’t finish his words, Hongjun made a casual move, and suddenly something broke through the air, and he took a closer look, and he was actually still in a coma.

In the past, Zhunti and Zhun Ti refining the Super Black Lotus together, Zhun Ti somehow stepped into the door of space, and then disappeared. There was no way for Zhun Ti, so he had to seek Sage Hongjun’s help.

It’s just that the lead didn’t expect that Hongjun would easily bring Zhun to him.

Seeing Sage’s so-so mysterious god-tier connection, the enchanting heart became fierce.

In his cognition, he is a person who has the chance to be sanctified, and one day he will be able to become sanctified, so he is now more and more yearning for the realm of Sage.

No one has told him yet that he is still the Cultivation Base of Da Luo Jinxian, because his chance of sanctification has been stolen.

Hongjun exhaled in his nose and hit Zhunti directly.

Zhun Ti Youyou woke up, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Hong Jun, which scared him to stand up quickly.

Hongjun asked, “Zhunti, why did you become unconscious and why you disappeared? Let’s talk about it one by one.”

Zhunti first thanked Hongjun, and then began to explain to Hongjun.

It turned out that he wanted to save the black lotus seed before, but his mind was affected by the black lotus seed, and he involuntarily walked into the door of space.

While drifting in the chaotic turbulence, he met Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng relied on his qi and blood to be strong, consuming him abruptly, and then swallowing the black lotus seed.

Then Zhunti fainted, knowing nothing.

After hearing Zhun’s words, Suyin’s eyes widened.

Zhunti met Nine Heavens Kunpeng in the chaos? Could it be that Nine Heavens Kunpeng has been wandering in this chaos since the last battle with them?

According to the horror of chaos, can this Nine Heavens Kunpeng survive in chaos for so long?

Just as he was taking the lead and thinking again and again, Hongjun was furious at Zhunti.

“How foolish you are to think about saving the seeds of black lotus, you are really confused!”

Zhunti hurriedly knelt on his head, “Please also Sage to calm down my anger, I am also sacred, and Sage calms down my anger.”

Hongjun snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and hand seals, deducing where Nine Heavens Kunpeng was going.

After a while, Hongjun had already got the result, and this Nine Heavens Kunpeng was in Buzhou Mountain.

More importantly, he also learned another news that Taiyi would jointly establish Heaven Court with the Wu clan.

The witch tribe is Hongjun’s big trouble. If it weren’t for destroying the witch tribe’s sanctification, how could he deliberately lead the Houtu incarnation Samsara?

If Taiyi really established the demon clan Heaven Court and still got along with the witch clan, then many of his arrangements would be useless.

Hongjun will never allow this kind of thing to happen!

Thinking like this, his gaze fell on Zhun Ti’s body.

Now that Zhunti has become a quasi-sage, there is only such a chance to go to enlightenment and sanctification.

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