Chapter 134 A black lotus grows on Kunpeng’s back

There was a sparse black rain from the sky, and the demons took a closer look and found that they were all black feathers, and each feather was the size of an arm of their body.

Taiyi turned into its true form and flew high into the sky.

He didn’t know how long it took to fly before he flew to a height parallel to Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s line of sight.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng is like a hill moving in the sky, but now it is covered with wounds, feathers are constantly falling off, and brown bullies are exposed.

Its beak was missing a small piece, and the corners of its eyes were blood stains, which looked miserable.

“Kunpeng, what have you encountered?” Taiyi’s eyes were full of shock.

Although Nine Heavens Kunpeng looks so miserable now, the aura on it is not weaker than Taiyi at all, or even better.

It’s just that the appearance of Nine Heavens Kunpeng looks too terrifying, and anyone will feel uncomfortable.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng raised his head and uttered a long cry. Suddenly the monster army was in chaos, and many monsters almost went mad.

But Taiyi could understand the meaning of Nine Heavens Kunpeng. He immediately flew to Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s back according to the meaning of Nine Heavens Kunpeng, and suddenly found a black Lotus flower in full bloom.

Black lotus!

Tai Yi’s pupil shrank to the size of a needle.

What the black lotus represents in the prehistoric world is self-evident, and now Nine Heavens Kunpeng actually grows a lotus flower on the back, which is really terrifying.

Taiyi didn’t dare to disturb the black Lotus flower. He said to Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “Kunpeng, this black Lotus flower is very important. Please wait here for a while. I will tell Emperor Jun, and then take you to find Senior Brother Nuwa. Resolve this matter.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng screamed again, seeming to agree.

Tai Yi flew in the direction of Emperor Jun, his eyes were full of haze.

The monster army originally did not come to the extreme west, it was entirely because Taiyi was entrusted to dream by Nine Heavens Kunpeng in his sleep, and asked him to visit the extreme west, so he opened here.

But I never expected that things would be so serious.

If the devil ancestor Luo Hu was resurrected, the entire prehistoric land would fall into chaos again.


Not Zhoushan Peak.

Originally Taiyi wanted to take Nine Heavens Kunpeng to Qishan, but for some reason, Nuwa refused to let Nine Heavens Kunpeng stay in Qishan. Instead, she took Nine Heavens Kunpeng and Taiyi to Buzhou Mountain.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng couldn’t change shape because of the black lotus flower, but after Nuwa took a palm of his body, the black lotus flower turned into a tattoo-like existence, imprinted on Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s chest.

The first thing Taiyi did when he came to Buzhou Mountain was to call out Ye Yun who was on the side of Buzhou Mountain.

Ye Yun came to the top of Buzhou Mountain with a dazed expression. He looked even more dazed at Nine Heavens Kunpeng and Nuwa.

The human-shaped Nine Heavens Kunpeng skin is like an irregular jigsaw puzzle, with different colors and strange shapes.

For this Kunpeng fellow daoist who hasn’t seen him for a long time, Ye Yun can’t really like it anymore.

Although there were four figures standing on the top of Buzhou Mountain at this time, they fell into weird silence.

Tai Yi was the leader, and finally couldn’t bear to speak first. He asked Nuwa, “Brother Nuwa, how can Kunpeng’s current symptoms be resolved?”

Nuwa glanced at Nine Heavens Kunpeng indifferently, and said, “As far as his vitality is concerned, it won’t be a problem for another ten thousand years. However, I don’t know when this black lotus flower will change. I am afraid it will be a teacher. It can be resolved.”

When she said this, Tai Yi was in a hurry.

“The teacher is teaching now, how can we find him?”

Ye Yun was at a loss for what they said. He said, “What black lotus flower? Why didn’t I see it?”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng glanced at Ye Yun, put his hands on his chest, and suddenly tugged, a black Lotus flower was impressively branded on his chest.

Ye Yun: “…”

Is this child stupid? He bursts out when he doesn’t agree with him, and can’t speak well!

However, looking at the black lotus flower imprint, Ye Yun suddenly felt something. He said to Nine Heavens Kunpeng, “Kunpeng, can I touch this lotus flower?”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng pushed his chest forward, “Touch it.”

Ye Yun was speechless again, I was just simply curious about this black Lotus flower, can you not have a heroic expression!

Finally, Ye Yun stretched out his hand and touched the black Lotus flower.

When Ye Yun’s finger touched this brand, his mind instantly sounded a system prompt.

“Ding, detect the annihilation, activate the mission, and resurrect the demon ancestor Luo Hu.”

“Task name: Resurrect Luohu, the demon ancestor.

Task content: Rahu is one of the means of Heavenly Dao cycle, Karma is immortal, Rahu is immortal. Please revive Luo Hu to complete Heavenly Dao.

Task overview: Luohu’s remnant soul has been wandering in the wild world, looking for a chance to rebirth. Now that the Six Paths of Reincarnation is first completed, Luo Hu’s disciples guide Luo Hu’s reincarnation, and then Luo Hu’s reincarnation will cause turmoil in the world. Resurrecting Luo Hu can weaken Luo Hu’s strength and place him under the jurisdiction of Heavenly Dao.

Mission rewards: 1. Open up a new Minor World. Second, give the Terran great luck, so that the Terran race for hegemony in advance. ”

Is this black lotus flower related to the demon ancestor Luo Hu? Ye Yun thought secretly.

It’s no wonder that he felt intimidated just now, because the lotus platform imperial armor skill on his body was transformed by the fragments of the black lotus, and his defense power reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian. When Ye Yun was low-level, this was a magical skill.

But the system wants to resurrect Luo Hu by itself, which is not very happy.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, have you found anything?” Taiyi suddenly asked in Ye Yun’s ear.

Ye Yun nodded, “The Lotus flower on Kunpeng’s chest is transformed from the extinct black lotus, and it hosts the remnant soul of Luohu.”

“It turned out to be like this, alas.” Taiyi sighed.

Ye Yun frowned and asked, “Why are you not surprised by your tone?”

Taiyi answered frankly, “Because I already knew it!”

Ye Yun really wants to kick Taiyi to death now. If you know, what are you asking me to do?

It seemed that he had guessed what Ye Yun was thinking, and Tai Yi quickly said: “This is not because you have always been resourceful, Ye Yun Zuwu, so I specially invited you Ye Yun Zuwu!”

Ye Yun patted Taiyi on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said, “Well, after being a leader for so long, my speaking skills have improved significantly.”

As the party involved, Nine Heavens Kunpeng has never spoken.

On the contrary, Nuwa couldn’t stand the flattery between Ye Yun and Taiyi. She directly said to Ye Yun: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, since you already know what this lotus flower is, can you solve it?”

As Sage, she didn’t know the solution, and now she came to ask Ye Yun, which seemed a little strange.

But what everyone didn’t expect was that Ye Yun waved his hand directly and said, “Of course there is a way.”

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