Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen

The monster camp, Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun have returned to the main camp of the camp.

But at this time Ye Yun was not in the camp, Taiyi was not there, and only Dijun was the bird in the camp.

The Human Race is still in the camp. Nuwa didn’t think Ye Yun had left. She asked Di Jun, “Di Jun, where did Junior Brother Taiyi and the ancestor Ye Yun go?”

Dijun slapped haha, “Nuwa Sage, I don’t know about that. Just now Taiyi whispered to Ye Yun Zuwu several times and then left.”

Nuwa turned her head and said to Yuan Shi Tianzun, “Brother Yuqing, look, Ye Yun Ancestor Witch is gone.”

Yuanshi Tianzun: “…”

I believe you a ghost! You Sage is so bad!

Yuanshi Tianzun really can’t understand Nuwa’s operation now. Nuwa was biased against the ancestor Styx when Ye Yun played against the ancestor Styx, but after discovering that Ye Yun could control the power of the six realms, she turned to Ye Yun again. .

Nuwa originally said that he had helped Yuanshi Tianzun inquire about the mystery of Ye Yun’s six powers, but now that Dijun answered so perfunctorily, Nuwa not only did not pursue it, but also believed it.

No one can hear that Dijun is telling a lie!

But Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Nuwa’s eyes, and could only nod his head helplessly, “If this is the case, then I won’t bother Nuwa Junior Brother, I will now go back and notify Senior Qing and Senior Qing, let them come to the Nether Blood Sea… ”

Before Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, suddenly the ground trembled violently, so that Yuanshi Tianzun almost didn’t fall!

The Yuanshi Tianzun of the Cultivation Base, the quasi-sage, could not stand steady at this moment, which shows the intensity of the vibration.

Nuwa waved her sleeves and immediately appeared outside the camp. She looked up and saw a cyan figure shot into the sky, and his back instantly became the size of a grain of rice.

And an extremely huge pothole appeared in the big camp of the demon clan, and billowing smoke and dust rose from the hole, which was caused by the figure just now.

Nuwa’s eyes narrowed, “Ye Yun, what are you going to do?”

In the sky, Ye Yun’s mind kept ringing system prompts.

“Ding, the Yaozu general is shocked, and his emotional value is +784.”

“Ding, the demon captain is shocked, with a sentiment value of +1242.”


The movement just now was too loud, and the monster clan army kept providing Ye Yun with emotional value.

Originally, Ye Yun didn’t have any emotional value in the account for a while. At this time, in just a few breaths, Ye Yun gained tens of millions of emotional values.

But Ye Yun’s thoughts are not here. He previously let Taiyi wander in the sky of the ghost blood, waiting for an opportunity to kill the vital power of the Ashura clan, and draw the ancestor of the river Styx.

Just now, in the west direction of the Nether Blood Sea, a beam of light went straight to Jiuxiao, and Ye Yun immediately hurried towards the direction of the beam.

That beam of light is a variant of the true sun flame that Taiyi spit out. It has the power to illuminate thousands of miles, which is the signal that Ye Yun and Taiyi agreed upon.

In an instant, Ye Yun, who had launched a series of idle steps, arrived at his destination.

After seeing the sight, Ye Yun’s pupils shrank to the size of a needle.

Beside Taiyi, the Houtu ancestor witch stood impressively.

On the opposite side of Taiyi, there stood Ancestor Styx, who was holding a native yellow book in his hands. Before he got close to the ancestor of the Styx River, Ye Yun felt that the book had a great power and a familiar taste.

A thought quickly flashed through Ye Yun’s mind, the book from the ground! He didn’t know why he had this idea, but without hesitation, he immediately landed next to Taiyi.

When the ancestor of the river saw Ye Yun coming, he almost vomited blood.

He sternly said: “Ye Yun fellow daoist, you are going to deceive people too much, why can’t you get through the Nether Sea of ​​Blood over and over again? If the monster clan unified the primordial land, I am afraid that your witch clan will not be spared, right?”

Now among the four powerhouses, three stand together, one quasi-sage and two Daluojinxian, while the ancestor of Styx is alone, and Cultivation Base is quasi-sage.

Ye Yun didn’t pay attention to Ancestor Styx, he turned his head and asked Hou Tu, “Hou Tu Ancestor Witch, why did you appear here?”

Houtu stunned for a moment, and then she replied: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, I sensed my own opportunity, so I followed the induction and came here.”

There is no secret between the witches, and the twelve ancestor witches are even more honest with each other, so Houtu directly answered Ye Yun.

Ye Yun had a strange expression on his face directly from the book in the hands of the old ancestor of the Styx, and then asked, “Houtu ancestor witch, does the chance you mentioned refer to this?”

Houtu glanced at the book on the ground, then nodded, “It is this thing.”

Ancestor Styx saw Houtu talking with Ye Yun all the time and was going crazy. He roared, “Can you talk to me?”

Ye Yun turned his head abruptly and said to the ancestor of Styx, “Stysy fellow daoist, you really make me sad. I thought you were just a little shameless, but I didn’t expect you to be so mean! The design attracts the Houtu ancestor witch!”

The ancestor Styx was about to vomit blood, and he scolded Ye Yun angrily, “Ye Yun ancestor witch, stop talking nonsense! Where did I design it!”

Although he said this in his mouth, the ancestor Styx didn’t have enough confidence to say this.

Because Ye Yun really said what he said was the truth.

Ye Yun didn’t listen to the explanation of the ancestor Styx. He directly summoned two six-dao holy swords, held them in his hands, and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, today it’s either you die or I live, draw the sword!”

You die and i live? Old Ancestor Styx cursed instantly; “Aren’t these two the same!”

Ye Yun snorted coldly, “Don’t give me these careful tricks, you dare to attack us Wu Clan, you are really tired of being crooked.”

The ancestor Styx was wearing such a big hat by Ye Yun. He was going crazy. He glanced at the confused Houtu of eyes reveal, and then a flash of light flashed in his mind.

He said loudly: “Fellow Daoist Houtu, and I want to give you a big chance, please persuade Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, don’t get a misunderstanding!”

This roar was really useful. Hou Tu, who didn’t know Ye Yun’s conflict with the ancestor Styx, quickly grabbed Ye Yun and said, “Ye Yun, ancestor witch, is there any misunderstanding between you and the fellow daoist of Styx? Looking at the words of the Styx Fellow Daoist is not a deception. After all, he is transformed by the blood of Pangu at the same time as us. Why not let the two parties put aside their prejudices and communicate well?”

Taiyi was silent all the time. After Hou Tu finished speaking, he blinked madly at Ye Yun, signalling Ye Yun to turn Hou Tu into combat power.

Ye Yun saw Tai Yi’s appearance, and directly confronted Tai Yi unceremoniously: “You protect me against Styx, and I will have a chat with Hou Tu Zuwu.”

Tai Yi nodded quickly, “Okay, don’t worry, Ye Yun Zuwu.”

As soon as his voice fell, a violent wind passed over him, only to hit Ye Yun.

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