
He killed the zombies that rushed up with one knife. Jiang Cheng glanced at the street and made sure that there were no zombies coming. Then he began to collect the zombie crystals under his feet.

There were 21 in total, including a zombie dog.

It is worth mentioning that the zombie virus can not only infect humans, but also animals. The infected animals are agile and more threatening than ordinary zombies transformed by humans.

For example, for canine zombies, even if you are wrapped in iron sheets, their canine teeth can easily penetrate the iron sheets and reach your bones.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng's speed is much faster than that of ordinary people, and his physical reaction ability is no longer comparable to that of dogs. When the zombie dog pounced on his calf, he sent the poor pastoral dog back to the dog star with one knife.

Putting the last crystal into the backpack, Jiang Cheng held the hatchet tightly and continued to explore along the wall.

His search speed was not fast, and the movement was very small. Occasionally, two blind zombies rushed over and were directly harvested with one knife.

After walking about 500 meters, he saw the first clinic on the West Street.

The sign with white letters on a blue background reads West Street Gynecology Clinic.

The name of the person in charge made him a little absent-minded.

Li Jianjun.

When Jiang Cheng was a child, he was in poor health, and his mother often carried him to get an IV drip, and later recognized a relative.

Until his parents passed away a few years ago, they stopped communicating.

In Jiang Cheng's impression, Li Jianjun is honest and kind, and he always smiles when chatting with people.

I don't know if this uncle Li is still alive.

"Forget it, I can't take care of myself."

Jiang Cheng shook his head self-deprecatingly.

If he had such strength before his rebirth, he would have kept his confidence in surviving in the face of slow-reacting zombies.

Even many survivors had the same idea as him in the early stage.

The situation is very serious, but the country has tanks, planes, cannons, and even nuclear bombs. After hard work, they can rebuild their homes.

What is the truth?

Half a month later, the mutant zombies appeared, which made the survivors deeply understand what fear is.

When the mutant zombies were bombarded one after another, they were unscathed. When the missiles fell, the city was razed to the ground, and the mutant zombies stood up one by one from the ruins. Only then did humans realize that perhaps only the mutant zombies themselves could defeat the mutant zombies.

Fortunately, the emergence of the awakened changed everything.

After going through all kinds of things, Jiang Cheng deeply understood that with his current strength, he was just a stronger ant.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Cheng walked to the door of the clinic.

The glass door in front had been smashed. Looking through the glass, there was no trace of survivors' activities except for the blood and some broken limbs on the ground.


Jiang Cheng carefully got into the broken glass hole.

The first thing he saw was the medicine cabinet.

The medicines on it seemed to have experienced a catastrophe, and they were overturned and scattered on the ground. Some commonly used medicines were only found in one or two boxes in an inconspicuous corner.

The packaging is broken or opened, so it is definitely unusable.

Jiang Cheng frowned, searched for a long time, picked out a few boxes that can be used and put them into the backpack.

In the end times, getting sick is a very scary thing.

There are no doctors, no instruments, you can only find some medicines to try to treat it, or leave it to fate.

For diseases like appendicitis that require open surgery, you'd better pray that it doesn't perforate and worsen.

"At least leave some."

Jiang Cheng smacked his lips and looked at the backpack.

A small box of amoxicillin, a bottle of enteric-coated capsules, and a bag of isatis root, that's it.

After packing these, Jiang Cheng got up directly.

He remembered that there was a larger pharmacy more than 50 meters ahead, and there was a large supermarket opposite the large pharmacy.

However, just as he was about to get out, a faint stench came.

He almost subconsciously turned around and chopped horizontally.


A round head fell to the ground, making a weak roar.

"You really can't relax at all!" Looking at the zombie head on the ground, Jiang Cheng bent down and skillfully took out the crystal and put it in place, then picked up the knife and continued walking along West Street.

After walking a few steps, suddenly.

The voices of a group of men sounded not far away.

"Chase, don't let that woman run away!"

"Fuck, don't let me catch her, otherwise I will break her legs."

Jiang Cheng subconsciously leaned against the wall, glanced at the door of the breakfast shop next to him, and ran in.

After hiding, he quietly stretched his head and observed that it was a group of men with the help of the gap between the stacked steamers.

It was estimated that there were eight people more than 40 meters away from him.

These people wore safety helmets, held steel pipes or wrenches in their hands, and some carried a shovel, and their expressions could not be seen clearly.

Running in front of these eight people was a good-looking young woman.

But the woman's hair was messy, and there were several red slap marks on her face. Obviously, she was beaten hard by this group of people.

Jiang Cheng subconsciously frowned slightly.

At first glance, they were just some street thugs waiting for their turn to kill, set fire and insult women during the end of the world.

But even so, Jiang Cheng had no intention of stepping forward to meddle in other people's business, and he didn't want to waste time and energy on these people.

He could only pray that these people would leave quickly and not hinder him from collecting medicines.

But things often go against one's wishes.

Seeing that she was at a dead end, the young woman rushed into the big pharmacy in front of her.

"Damn it, what you fear will come true."

Cursing secretly, Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth in anger.

After the apocalypse, the law is meaningless.

Without the restraint of the law, the evil of human nature began to expand rapidly, and the fate of this young woman can almost be imagined.

Seeing the woman enter the pharmacy, the men who were chasing her behind also slowed down their pace and surrounded the door with laughter.

"Beauty, why are you running? We are not evil people?"

"That's right, zombies have bitten so many people to death. We have to make a small contribution to prevent human extinction!"

Several men joked.

"You bunch of bastards, even if I feed the zombies, it won't be cheap for you beasts." The woman inside cursed.

"Brother Li, what do you think?" A man with a wretched face looked at the big man next to him.

Brother Li was about thirty years old, tall and strong, with a face full of flesh, and high bulging muscles that made people afraid.


Brother Li spat on the ground, his face full of impatience and said: "Alright, alright, hurry up, we will be in trouble if we attract zombies."

At this point, he said: "Hold it back, don't kill her, this woman is a doctor after all, if someone has a cold, we still have to rely on her."

"I know, Brother Li!"

Several younger brothers agreed and followed one after another into the store.

A woman's scream soon rang out inside.

"A bunch of beasts!"

Jiang Cheng originally didn't intend to take care of this trivial matter, but when he heard what Brother Li said, he hesitated again.

Doctors are definitely a rare and precious profession in the end times. At critical moments, they can save lives.

If such a talent is brought into the base, then future medical care will be guaranteed to a certain extent.

For him, it's just a matter of having one more pair of chopsticks.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng picked up the hatchet and ran towards the pharmacy in two steps.

Inside the pharmacy

The woman was held down by three men with her arms and legs, and another man tore off her clothes, exposing large patches of white skin.

The woman cried and struggled wildly, and the men's obscene laughter echoed around her.

"Get out of here, take your dirty hands away!"

"You beasts!"



Just as the woman screamed in despair, a faint voice sounded behind them.


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