Suppressing the joy in his heart, Jiang Cheng looked at the first-level cultivation room again.

Before, because of insufficient energy points, he did not open the cultivation room. Now that there is a way to obtain energy points, his mind is moving again.

It takes 1 energy point to transform the spirit pool every day.

It takes 2 energy points to use the gym for two hours.

The hibernation chamber consumes 0.1 energy points each time.

If the cultivation room is opened, the total energy consumption per day is 4.1.

With the remaining 65.78 energy points, it can last for nearly 16 days. Of course, this is based on the absence of energy conversion.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the overall development is still in a considerable direction.

Thinking about it, Jiang Cheng went straight to the storage space on the third floor. Long before the end of the world began, he purchased a large number of vegetable and fruit seeds. It was not because he was afraid of insufficient supplies, but because he had a sense of crisis since he was a child.

People can't wait to eat up all the mountains.

"What should I grow?"

Jiang Cheng looked at the dazzling array of goods shelves and frowned.

First, tomatoes, which are a necessity, are rich in vitamin C, which can ensure that he will not get scurvy for a long time. Then there are carrots and green peppers, which are rich in vitamins A and B, which can protect eyesight and heart very well.

Jiang Cheng also selected cabbage, garlic and bitter gourd. He planned to divide the one acre of land into six plots.

After taking the seeds, Jiang Cheng directly opened the door of the cultivation room.

What is this?

Jiang Cheng was stunned by the scene inside the door.

The original bedroom of more than 30 square meters turned into a black soil the size of half a basketball court, and it exuded the pleasant fragrance of soil. The ceiling of the house was replaced by the blue sky. If he hadn't known that this was a cultivation room, he would have thought he had entered another world.

This is amazing!

With a sigh, Jiang Cheng took out the seeds and looked at the black soil again. The smile on his face suddenly froze.

He doesn't know how to plant!

It's a shame that even before his rebirth, he had never done farming work as a scavenger in the Linxian survivor camp.

After all, even survival was a problem at that time, let alone farming. In addition, a large area of ​​land was contaminated by ancient viruses. Although crops can be grown, no one dares to eat them.

"System, how should I plant the seeds?" Jiang Cheng asked awkwardly.

"The black soil in the cultivation room is spiritual soil rich in spiritual energy. There is no need to do too much processing on the crops. Just plant the seeds directly."

The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

In this case.

Jiang Cheng simply planted a few seeds every 20 centimeters to try first.

Do it as soon as you say it.

He took off his thick cotton armor directly, rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs and started planting.

One acre is not big, but it is not small either. Especially in the hands of someone like Jiang Cheng who has never planted land, it took nearly two hours to finish it.


After burying the last few seeds, Jiang Cheng exhaled fiercely.

Damn it!

This kind of land is much more tiring than killing zombies.

If anyone dares to say that farmers are useless in the future, he promises to give the other person a big slap in the face.

However, when he looked at the acre of black land covered with seeds in front of him, a sense of pride arose spontaneously, which was something engraved in his bones.

The only thing that made him feel a little painful was that this acre of land directly consumed a full two cubic meters of spirit pool water, that is, 2 energy points were lost at once, and the spirit pool would automatically consume 1 energy point to replenish the spirit pool.

Looking at the remaining energy points, Jiang Cheng twitched his mouth.

"Forget it, everything is for survival!"

Besides, it seems that there is another opportunity to increase the attributes of the gym and the spirit pool today. Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng's face looked better.


An alley next to the base is also called Yanghe West Road.

There are only a dozen residential buildings here, and the zombies were basically dealt with by Jiang Cheng in the afternoon battle.

In the house originally used to lure zombies.

The JK girl gradually came back to her senses from her daze.

Ye Jingwen looked at the empty room, and her heart was shocked and scared.

She didn't expect that one day she would be so close to death.

Moreover, that person actually...just left her and ran away!

Is she so useless?

A feeling of grievance suddenly rose, and her nose was a little sour.

Sitting on the ground, with her hands around her calves, she buried her head between her legs and let the tears fall down.

After a long time, her mood eased a little.

Wiping her tears, Ye Jingwen stood up with the help of a chair.

But the next moment.


The stomach rumbled uncomfortably, accompanied by a feeling of hunger.

For a moment, the tears in her eyes tended to fall again.

Sniffing her nose, Ye Jingwen prepared to find something to eat first, and then find a place to settle down after recovering her strength.

Thinking of this, she carefully held the door frame and stretched her head out. When she saw the zombies all over the ground and the smelly blood flowing all over the ground, she frowned again.

Resisting the discomfort in her stomach, Ye Jingwen carefully bypassed the zombie bodies and began to search in this house.

This house is very big, with three floors in total.

Because the first and second floors were flooded, many things were unusable, but there was a three-opening white refrigerator in the room on the third floor.


The refrigerator door opened.

There were three apples lying quietly inside, and judging from the color, they should have been bought only a few days ago.

Swallowing hard, Ye Jingwen picked up an apple and started to eat it. She had never felt that an apple was so delicious since she was hungry yesterday afternoon. The sweet and sour juice rekindled her hope of survival. In the end, she even swallowed the apple seeds.

After eating one, Ye Jingwen picked up the second one.

Just as she was about to bite it.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came.


She turned her head in fear.

Two middle-aged men dressed as migrant workers appeared in her sight.

When the other party saw her, he was also slightly stunned.

For a moment, six eyes met.

Ye Jingwen was instantly frightened and froze in place.

After a brief silence, the two middle-aged men exchanged glances.

One of the slightly shorter dark and thin men took a deep breath, walked out and said: "Hand over the apple in your hand."

At the same time.

In the Walmart Life Supermarket in Linxian City.

Hundreds of people sat on the ground and listened to the speech of a middle-aged man in security uniform in front of them.

The security guard spoke in a dialect:

"Everyone, please be calm and listen to me."

"There are those ghosts everywhere outside now. We will die if we go out."

"Two of our colleagues died because of guarding the escalator."

Listening to what the security guard said, one of the male customers was still dissatisfied and said, "Then what do you say? We can't just stay here forever. We have been out for three or four days, and the elderly and children in the house are still waiting for us to go back."

After the male customer finished speaking, the other hundreds of customers followed suit.

"That's right, staying here forever is not a solution."

"If something happens to the elderly and children in the house, can you take the responsibility?"

Seeing that everyone was arguing more and more, the middle-aged male security guard raised his voice and said helplessly, "Stop arguing! I have no other choice. If we go out now, we will die. We can only wait for the country to send people to rescue us."

After speaking, the customers fell silent, and some female customers sobbed softly.

Just when everyone was in low spirits, a young man suddenly stood up and said, "Then tell me, if we stay here, how should we distribute these daily necessities?"

As soon as this was said, everyone's eyes became strange.

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