Father Yang suddenly came to his senses and felt a fishy wind coming towards him. He furrowed his brows and punched out.


A silver-white wolf was directly blasted out by him.

But the strange thing is that the wolf only flew backwards for a few meters and then landed firmly on the ground again. Father Yang was surprised when he saw it.

You know, his punch is enough to shake a planet-level powerhouse.

But the wolf seemed to be only slightly injured.

In other words, the strength of this wolf has reached the planet level?

Thinking about it, Father Yang felt something was wrong again.


Several more wolf howls sounded, and the sounds continued to rise and fall.

Looking up and scanning around, he found that at some point, he was surrounded by hundreds of wolves.


A silver-white alpha wolf, Yang Tian, ​​let out a wolf howl, seeming to be giving orders.

The voice fell.

The wolf next to him had his fur standing on end, and without any hesitation, he bared his teeth and pounced towards him.

"How dare you, beast!"

Father Yang shouted sharply, raised his fist and punched the wolf that was rushing towards his neck.


One hit and a groan.

The wolf was knocked several meters away.

But just like the previous wolf, it just flew a few meters and then landed firmly on the ground, licked the injured area, and then rushed towards him again.

"You still have some energy left?"

Father Yang frowned in thought, but the other wolves didn't give him a chance to think, and a few more rushed towards his back.

"What a beast. If the old man doesn't show off his power, he really thinks I'm a sick cat, right?"

Father Yang looked at the dozens of wolves with silver-white fur that were rushing toward him. He scolded and shouted: "Nine steps to the dragon, let's go!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

In the blink of an eye, the true essence condensed into nine phantoms and unfolded.

"First level of Heavenly Demon Fist!"

"One overlapping wave!"

As Father Yang's figure flashed, wolves were constantly being blasted away by him.

This lasted for half a day.


Father Yang distanced himself from the wolves and looked at the wolves approaching him. He was panting heavily and his heart was beating like crazy. Big beads of sweat kept falling from his forehead and the sides of his pants were even more wet. It was soaked with sweat.

"What a beast, with such strong endurance. He has been fighting for so long. Don't you know you are tired?"

Father Yang groaned secretly in his heart.


But the alpha wolf didn't give him a chance to rest, and raised his head and howled again.

Hundreds of wolves rushed towards him.

"court death!"

Father Yang flipped his wrist, and the tenth-level Tang Dao appeared in the palm of his hand. The blade flashed, his right foot moved forward a little, and his body turned into a golden glow and flew out.

"The third form of the three swords to destroy demons, destroy demons!"


The Tang Dao bloomed with golden light, turned into a sword light hundreds of meters long, and swept towards the wolves.

Wherever the broadsword passed, the silver-white wolf it came into contact with was directly split in half from the neck, or half of the head was cut off from the body.

All in all, there are different forms of death.

A large number of parts were scattered on the ground, and the ground was stained blue with blue blood.

Only the alpha wolf was lucky enough to escape, staring at Father Yang indifferently, as if the death of his companion was not worth mentioning to him.

Looking at the broken corpses on the ground, Father Yang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the alpha wolf and laughed and said, "Now that all your companions are dead, old man, what should I do with you?"

He had been killing for a long time and it was almost endless. Now that he had killed all the wolves with one knife, he felt indescribably happy.

If I had known earlier, I would have cut him with a knife.

It would save him a long time of effort.

But the next second.

Father Yang's smile froze on his face.

I saw.

The Wolf King raised his head and howled.

The dead wolf corpse on the ground seemed to have regained life. The head that had been separated flew back to the neck, the hands and feet that had been cut off grew back again, and the cut from the belly re-opened. Glue back.

In just a few seconds.

The wolves that had been killed resurrected one after another, and then stared at him fiercely, just waiting for the Wolf King's order, and they swarmed up.

"Wori, your ancestor!"

Father Yang immediately uttered foul language and his eyes were dazzled.

He swore that he had never seen anything like this before.

Can you still live after dying?

This makes it impossible for people to play!

"No, we can't waste time here, we have to find a way out!"

Thinking about it, Father Yang glared at the wolves in front of him, then took a step forward and flew into the sky.

"Old man, I want to see what else you can do to chase me!"

Leaving the pack of wolves howling on the ground, Father Yang flew towards a jungle.

In this way, he flew for a full two hours. The more he flew, the stranger he felt.

According to his speed, even a thousand blue stars have been circled by him, but now he has been flying for two hours without reaching the end.

He quickly braked and hovered in the air. Father Yang looked around and then at the sky, looking for a way out.

However, just when he was trying to find a way out.

Outside the picture scroll.

Nuwa stared at the confused Father Yang in the scroll and sneered: "I'll give you some more ingredients."

As he spoke, he pointed his finger.

at the same time.

Father Yang, who was hovering in the air, suddenly felt a violent vibration between heaven and earth.


In the forest right at his feet.

A cloud of yellow dust rose up, as if something had exploded.

He was so frightened that he quickly dodged to the side.

The next second.

A red, muscular arm emerged from the forest.

This arm was so large that even the hundred-meter-high trees were only one-fifth the length of his arm. These trees looked like a handful of weeds against his arm.

Then, the second arm also emerged from the forest.

Then came a huge head with horns, then a body, and legs.

Finally, a two-kilometer-tall, red-faced, fang-toothed, copper-bell-like eyes, a pair of long horns on his forehead like a buffalo, muscular, and wearing a fur skirt, a red Cyclops crawled out from the ground.

"Damn it, who disturbed my sleep? I must chew his flesh and bones, suck his marrow, and eat him up."

The giant complained.

But the next second.

His face suddenly changed, and he begged for mercy and flattered: "It turned out to be Nuwa. I, the noodle-eating ghost, have met the goddess. I wonder what the goddess has to say?"

"Yes, yes, I know."

The red-faced ghost kept nodding, as if he was talking to himself.

After he finished speaking, the red-faced ghost turned his head and looked up in the air. When he saw Old Man Yang hovering in the air, he pointed and said: "Are you the human who destroyed the goddess's five spirit beads?"

"It's not as big as my shit. Do you have the ability to do that?"

Old Man Yang: "..."

Seeing Old Man Yang remain silent, the red-faced ghost continued: "You must be guilty, but the goddess has instructed that you can't be beaten to death."

"Just... beat you half crippled."

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