After giving his instructions, Father Yang put his hands behind his back and looked at Nuwa and said calmly: "What other means do you have? I will continue."

"You... have completely angered this god."

Nuwa's face was as gloomy as water, and her voice was cold: "But before that, your two companions should have a good time with this god's newly acquired pet!"

Nuwa clapped her hands.


The ground suddenly shook violently.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

Lin Ye and Luo Fan were shocked and looked at the forest behind Nuwa.

Crack, crack!

The sound of trees falling continued to sound, and a large amount of yellow dust flew up. As another tree was broken from the root, a gray-blue giant beast poked its head out.

Its head was burning with red flames, and its gray-blue scales reflected the metallic luster.

"This... this breath is!"

Lin Ye swallowed hard.

Luo Fan's face was solemn.

This was because the breath emitted by this spirit beast was far beyond the tenth level.

Even Father Yang couldn't help but look sideways.

Nuwa looked at the faces of Father Yang and the other two, and sneered: "This is the cutest guy under this god. After fusing with the divine blood, its strength is enough to compete with the strong men under the planetary level. I hope your two men can have fun next."

At this point, he paused and continued: "Go, Red Flame Dragon King, eat them!"


The Red Flame Dragon King roared, and a red flame ball condensed in his mouth, flying towards Lin Ye and Luo Fan.

"Super, spiral telekinesis wave!"

"Ice a thousand miles!"

Luo Fan and Lin Ye immediately took action.

A high-speed rotating dark blue spiral cone that was invisible to the naked eye condensed above Luo Fan's head, shaking the air with a fistful of air waves, and rushed towards the fireball.

Lin Ye pressed his hands on the ground, and the temperature around him suddenly dropped to below zero, and a chill was released from the palm of his hand.

Wherever he passed, everything was frozen into ice.

The weeds that were swaying in the wind were frozen into ice grass by the cold air, and the big tree with swaying branches was frozen into an ice sculpture tree by the cold air, rushing towards the Red Flame Dragon King with a whirlwind of momentum.

But the next moment.

Both of them were dumbfounded.

The super, spiral telekinetic wave was directly dissipated by the impact after hitting the fireball, and the cold air was melted by the flames on the surface of the fireball before it even got close, forming a large amount of white steam rising into the air.

After breaking through the attacks of the two, the fireball attacked the two with blazing flames.

"Can't even resist the super spiral telekinetic wave?" Luo Fan's pupils shrank, and he was secretly shocked.

Under normal circumstances, his strength reached the level of lower level nine, but his actual combat power was definitely at the level of upper level nine.

Super, spiral telekinesis wave is the second strongest move among his supernatural powers. Even the strong men below level ten can only avoid its edge.

Unexpectedly, it was dispersed just by touching the fireball. It can be seen that the power of this fireball far exceeds the scope of lower level ten. It may be middle level ten or upper level ten.

Lin Ye's pupils also trembled slightly.

"Ice, it was melted!"

He said, and looked at Luo Fan, and Luo Fan happened to look over at this time. Both of them could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Old Luo, it seems that we can't hold back."

"Let's go together."

Lin Ye said, and Luo Fan nodded.

The two shouted together: "Spirit Open!"


The aura on the body began to surge instantly, rising directly from the level of lower level nine to the level of lower level ten.

But this is far from enough.

The two shouted again.

"Hard Qigong!"

The next second.

Two strong men like iron towers appeared at the same place.

At this time.

Father Yang beside him just said be careful and punched Nuwa.

"Haha, just you?"

Nuwa sneered, without even raising her hand, and shouted: "God's power!"


In an instant, a circle of invisible ripples emanated from her body and pressed towards Father Yang.

Father Yang, who was originally rushing over, paused, and his body began to tremble involuntarily, which surprised him secretly.

"What is this?"

"Why do I feel scared?"

Thinking in his heart, Father Yang looked up at Nuwa. For some reason, under the cover of this momentum, Nuwa's original height of more than three meters was magnified countless times in his eyes, like an unreachable Mount Tai, and like a galaxy that can never be crossed, which makes people afraid.

However, when he saw the smile on the other party's face, Father Yang calmed down.

"No, that's not right!"

"This should be some kind of ability of the opponent, or a range attack, which is impossible to avoid."

"In that case, we have to break through by force."

Thinking of this, Father Yang shouted again: "Spiritual opening!"


The true essence turned into a torrent and rushed out.

In an instant.

With Father Yang as the center, a vast momentum burst out and hit the opponent's aura back.

As expected.

For a moment, Father Yang felt relaxed, the goose bumps on his body disappeared without a trace, and the palpitation also dissipated.

"It is indeed the ability of the opponent."

After his body was liberated, Father Yang said secretly, stepped forward, and punched Nuwa again.

Vajra Fist!

The golden light was stimulated on the fist, and the air was hit with a bang, going straight to Nuwa's face.

"You broke free?"

Nuwa's face turned cold, slowly raised her palm, and said lightly: "Kill the python!"

The voice fell.

The surface of her body seemed to melt, turning into mud, leaving her body.

The moment the mud fell to the ground, it turned into giant pythons five meters long and twenty centimeters in diameter, entangled together, turning into a torrent of pythons, opening its mouth to bite towards Old Man Yang.

"Open it for me!"

Old Man Yang looked at the countless pythons attacking, fearless, and punched them directly.

The fist and the snake flow intertwined.

Where the golden light went, the pythons could be beaten to blood and foam, but the trouble was that every time a punch made a gap, the gap would be filled by a new python.

In this way, after punching tens of thousands of punches in a row, the torrent of pythons was reduced a little, while Old Man Yang was exhausted and panting.


"No, this fight will never end!"

Old Man Yang said secretly, and after throwing a punch, he quickly retreated hundreds of meters away, and then he barely stabilized his body and secretly recovered his strength.

On the other hand, Nuwa saw Old Man Yang being repelled, and sneered again on her face.

"Want to rest? Watch me kill you bit by bit!"

Nuwa raised her hands and shouted again: "Kill the python!"

After the words fell.

More mud slid down from the surface of her body, turning into giant pythons, forming a torrent of pythons that was twice as many as before, biting towards Old Man Yang.

"What a trouble!"

Old Man Yang turned his wrist, and a silver Tang sword appeared in his palm.

The other hand slowly grasped the handle of the knife, his eyes flashed, and he said indifferently: "Since that's the case, kill as many as come."

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