On the main road in front of the gate of Linxian Vocational and Technical College.

Several figures were waiting in the food alley opposite.

"Nary Du Wen, what are you doing? You haven't sent a signal for so long!" Sun Qiang cursed angrily.

Wood frowned and said, "Are you running into some trouble?"

Zhou Qing's face was calm, his eyes were as calm as water, and he said calmly: "What's the hurry? Wait."

Huang's father and Huang's mother listened to the conversations of several people.

They didn't expect that things would develop to this point. If they really take action against the soldiers now, then the Huang family will not be able to clean it up.

The couple looked at each other and could see the worry in each other's eyes, but the situation was so pressing that they could only keep some words in their hearts.

Time passed by minute by minute.

While several people were waiting anxiously, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

"It's Du Wen's signal!"

Sun Qiang's expression perked up after hearing this, and he immediately looked at Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing said two words calmly: "Action!"

After giving the order, the six people set off immediately.

Sun Qiang was the most positive. As he ran, he shouted: "Petrified!"

In an instant, his iron-tower-like muscles instantly turned to stone. Every time he took a step, the ground cracked, showing his incomparable might.

Wood was also unwilling to lag behind others. He shouted loudly and his body instantly grew to three meters tall. His originally thin and thin body had bulging muscles.

Zhou Qing was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression clearly. He just pointed his toes and his body rose into the air.

Huang Xue was much more stable than Sun Qiang and Wood. He slowly followed behind these people, a hot fireball burning in his hand.

Huang's father and Huang's mother followed Huang Xue timidly.

The loud movement of a few people immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding zombies and the soldiers stationed at the base.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"



The soldier immediately opened fire, and fire snakes continued to spit out from the muzzle. However, the bullets hit Sun Qiang at the front. Apart from sparks, it was very difficult to leave any traces.

"Haha, are you tickling me?"

Sun Qiang's petrified square face made a joke, he opened his hand to grasp the iron door of the vocational school and pulled hard.


In an instant, the iron gate deformed, and the barbed wire was thrown aside by Sun Qiang.

"Tch, I thought that capturing the base this time would give me some excitement. Everyone is vulnerable." Sun Qiang showed disdain.

In fact, it’s not that the combat strength of the soldiers is not good, but the awareness of single-round combat. Every soldier who is sent to the surrounding cities to search for survivors is an elite in special operations, and can be regarded as a king of soldiers. However, Sun Qiang and the others have exceeded the category of human beings. He is not afraid of bullets, unless he is a superhero like Captain America.

"Sun Qiang, stop playing around and resolve the battle quickly." Zhou Qing reminded.

"Look, boss." Sun Qiang grinned, jumped up, and then rushed towards the soldier.


Seeing that he was outmatched, the soldier threw a few grenades directly at Sun Qiang, who was rushing towards him.


The scorching waves of air shook the other party back several steps.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the soldiers in front of him had disappeared.

"Grandma, it's like a mouse, it runs so fast!" After complaining a few words, Sun Qiang dug out the steel balls on his body one by one, and then continued to go deeper into the Linxian survivor base.

at the same time.

The soldiers had already run to the teaching area and shouted with their walkie-talkies: "Captain, there are six enemies in total. Three of them are not afraid of bullets. They have already entered. We are outnumbered and retreat."

"Copy that, you guys retreat to the rear for now, leave the rest to Advisor Jiang and us!" Li Feng put down the walkie-talkie and glanced at Jiang Cheng beside him.

Jiang Cheng stared at Du Wen unkindly.

Du Wen suddenly felt like he was dead, and quickly begged for mercy: "Brother, I really didn't know that Huang Xue's parents would come with them. Those two old immortals are just ordinary people, and I am not included."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng's hand flashed with silver light.

A blood arrow flew out.

Du Wen covered his neck with his remaining hand and looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief, but the suffocation that came over him gradually made him lose consciousness.

"Brother Jiang, what are you doing?" Li Feng asked confused.

They have always had a policy of preferential treatment of prisoners. Since the other party surrenders, they will not harm their lives.

Jiang Cheng said directly: "The soldiers can't bear to leave him alone. Once such a person escapes, he will cause us a lot of trouble."

"That's right." After hearing these words, Li Feng felt that Jiang Cheng was a ruthless person.

But at times like this, being ruthless won't do, and being kind will only make you vulnerable to enemies from both sides.

"Okay, let's go meet them next." Jiang Cheng said, then took out a grenade from his arms and handed it over: "This grenade can penetrate their bodies and cause harm to them, so hand it over." Let’s give it to Brother Wang Qiang.”

"Thank you." Wang Qiang knew how precious the grenade was. Although there was only one grenade, his face was filled with joy.

Then, Jiang Cheng took out a first-level doomsday pistol and handed it to Li Feng and said, "This pistol can penetrate their bodies. There are six rounds in total. Use it sparingly."

"Thank you." Li Feng took the pistol.

The three of them looked at each other and walked out of the war room.

At this time, Huang Xue and others happened to be walking towards them.

Two groups of people bumped into each other near the teaching building.

"It's you!"

The moment he saw Jiang Cheng, Wood immediately became furious and wanted to rush up and beat him into a pulp.

Huang Xue's face also turned cold. Whenever she thought of the scene of her arm being cut off a few days ago, her broken arm would ache slightly, but her eyes looking at Jiang Cheng were indeed extremely complicated.

Compared with Wood, Jiang Cheng was more masculine and handsome. From the thin shirt on his body, one could faintly see the outline of his muscles, and he exuded a man's charm all over his body.

On the other hand, Wood was thin before they met, and could only survive for five seconds at most. After being injured, his behavior became more and more feminine, but he liked to move his hands, which made him extremely disgusted.

"Jiang Cheng, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really God's eyes that gave me, Wood, a chance to take revenge." Wood said hatefully.

As soon as these words fell, Zhou Qing and others looked over curiously.

After they met Wood, they often heard him shouting a person's name. From this point of view, he did have some strength, but only for ordinary people.

"I was also very surprised. A good man is now neither man nor woman." Jiang Cheng said sarcastically.

"Looking for death!" Wood was furious and yelled, "Don't go up, leave this guy to me."

"I don't care." Sun Qiang shrugged.

"Hurry up." Zhou Qing nodded.

With their strength, it was a sure thing to seize the survivors' base in Linxian.

"Come on, let me see the strength of Master Wu."

Wood yelled, and his three-meter-tall body suddenly rushed up.

In the eyes of Li Feng and others, they only felt a giant figure flashing quickly, but in Jiang Cheng's eyes, it was like slow motion, and he saw every move.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

With two tsk tsks, Jiang Cheng's figure suddenly disappeared, and then the knife flashed.

In an instant, two huge pieces of meat fell from the sky and fell to the ground. It was Wood's body.

"Just like that?"

Li Feng was shocked.

He thought that facing a monster like Wood, Jiang Cheng would at least fight for a while, but he didn't expect that in just a blink of an eye, they didn't even see clearly, and Wood was killed on the ground.

Jiang Cheng steadied himself, walked to the side of Wood's head, which was still struggling to open and close, and swung his knife.

Wood's pupils dimmed quickly.

This time, he really couldn't die any more.

Then, Jiang Cheng walked to the lower half of the body, took out the knife and stabbed it hard into the stomach. After breaking a hole, the blade lifted and a crystal the size of a crystal marble flew out.

Jiang Cheng held it and put it in his backpack.

"This is what you owe Qingwan."

Then he looked up at Huang Xue and the others and said, "Come on, continue."

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