"Damn it, my eyes are not hallucinating!"

Guo Peng rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked again. When he saw the huge corpse lying on the ground, he was filled with surprise.

The sacrifices of his teammates were not in vain, although it was not Guo Peng himself who took revenge.

This side of the square.

Jiang Cheng looked at the weak eight-petal-mouthed head that was opening and closing on the ground, and stabbed it in with an expressionless expression.

With a pop, his head immediately stopped moving.

Jiang Cheng continued to hold the Tang knife and slid it hard, and the reaper's skull was divided into two halves, exposing the brain and other tissues inside.

After poking around with the tip of his knife, Jiang Cheng found a crystal the size of a white marble.

Holding it in his hand, Jiang Cheng looked at the sunlight and discovered that the zombie crystals of this level of mutation were completely transparent and colorless compared to ordinary zombie crystals.

"I wonder how many energy points this thing is worth?"

After muttering, Jiang Cheng put the crystal into his backpack.

After doing this, he looked at the soldier he had rescued in the distance, thought about it, and walked over.

Just taking a few steps.


The sound of breaking glass suddenly sounded.

Jiang Cheng turned around hurriedly.

It was discovered that a huge thing broke through the glass on the third floor and jumped down.

Jiang Cheng's pupils shrank. With his current strength, he quickly captured the figure of this guy.

"Another mutant, still a power type."

He looked at the big man, his face was full of excitement instead of fear.

The battle with the speed mutant lasted only for more than a minute, and he was not completely satisfied yet. Now another one came, just what he wanted.

Holding the Tang Dao, Jiang Cheng walked over with a smile.

at this time.


There was a loud bang.

The ground of the square is sunken.

The big man slowly stood up from the depression, and then rushed directly towards Jiang Cheng.

"Well done!"

Jiang Cheng looked excited and walked over quickly.


Seeing the human being charging towards him, the big man roared angrily, and struck the human on the head with his fist, which was as muscular as an elephant's leg.

The fist enlarged in sight. Jiang Cheng did not draw the sword or avoid it. Instead, he clenched the five fingers of his free left hand into a fist and hit the giant fist with all his strength.

far away.

"This is...the Crusher!"

Surprised, Guo Peng saw another scene that subverted his three views.

"The master wants to fight the Crusher with his bare hands?"

"Oh my god, is this still a human being?"

at the same time.


The Crusher's giant fist flew out, but Jiang Cheng was not afraid and faced the strong wind with his fist.

Two fists, one big and one small, collided in the next moment.


The air of the explosion spread out in all directions in circles one after another.

Jiang Cheng felt his fist go numb, and a strong force hit his arm, causing his body to suddenly retreat seven or eight steps before he stabilized himself with a foot.

"Good guy, you are so powerful!"

Jiang Cheng rubbed his sore shoulders, his eyes filled with fighting spirit. He had only used ten percent of his strength just now and had not yet mobilized the spiritual energy in his body.

Now, he punched again to meet the attack, and the spiritual power in his dantian surged instantly, and his combat power instantly increased by 20%.

In other words, his punching power was 2175 kilograms before, but now his punching power is 2610 kilograms. After conversion, it is more than 1.3 tons.

"Come again!"

Jiang Cheng shouted loudly.

The Crusher had knocked the human back with one punch before, and then took advantage of the victory and punched again.

The two punches collided in the air again half a second later.


Ripples spread out again.

Jiang Cheng was shocked by the opponent's huge force and retreated again, but this time he only retreated two or three steps. On the other hand, the crusher also retreated one step.

"Big guy, come again!"

Jiang Cheng shouted again. This time, he flashed and sprinted at full speed, with all his agility attributes of 10.75 exploding.

The increase in speed is equivalent to adding another acceleration to 2610 pounds.


The Crusher was also aroused by Jiang Cheng, and he roared and punched to fight.

The two fists still collided.


This time, the big guy took a dozen steps back, while Jiang Cheng stood still.

Seeing that he was suppressing his opponent, Jiang Cheng became more motivated to fight, and at full speed, he chased after him and punched wildly.


This time, the big man had no time to react and was hit in the face, causing his huge body to hit the ground.


There was a loud explosion.

The square of the marble floor was directly sunken, and there were varying degrees of cracks around it.

Jiang Cheng didn't stop because of this. When the big man was beaten, he punched the opponent's head again.

Bang! Bang bang!

After more than twenty punches in a row, even with the strong defense of the first-level strength mutant, it was difficult to withstand these attacks.

For a moment, he was unable to move on the ground after being beaten, and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all swollen from the beating.

Not far away.

"What did I see?"

"The Crusher was beaten with bare hands by an expert and was unable to fight back."

Guo Peng stroked his heart. He was afraid that he would be shocked and fall to the ground later.

"I have to say, the skin of this thing is really thick."

More than twenty punches were fired in a row, and Jiang Cheng also felt his fists numb.

Rubbing his fist, he struck again, but this time he replaced it with the Tang Dao in his right hand.


The light of the knife flashed.

The panting Crusher's head and body were separated instantly.

He inserted the knife into his head and did the same operation.

The skull was cut off, revealing a white transparent crystal the size of a marble inside.

With a flick of the knife tip, Jiang Cheng held the zombie crystal and put it into his bag.

After doing all this, Jiang Cheng confirmed again that there were no other mutants, and walked towards Guo Peng.

On the other hand, Guo Peng, facing the master, went from being excited at the beginning to being at a loss, like a fanboy seeing a big star.

He walked up to him.

Jiang Cheng looked at the appearance of this warrior.

He had dark skin, a firm face, and facial features that were the kind that you would not find in a crowd, but his tenacious temperament made people approachable.

"I... I am a search and rescue team member stationed in the Chudu Survivor Base who was ordered to go to Linxian. My name is Guo Peng."

"How many people are there in total?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"We originally had 20 people in our rescue team, but when we searched Walmart today, we lost 12 comrades. If the captain can reach the base safely, we should still have 8 people left." Guo Peng said truthfully.

Jiang Cheng asked: "Where are you stationed?"

Guo Peng answered truthfully: "Linxian Vocational and Technical College, and we have temporarily established the Linxian Survivor Base."

Linxian Vocational and Technical College!

Linxian Survivor Base!

Jiang Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard these two key place names.

Today is July 8th, and the prehistoric rainstorm was on June 24th. So, a full 15 days, it is indeed the day when the Linxian Survivor Base was established.

But wasn't the Linxian Survivor Base established by four awakeners?

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng asked seriously: "Excuse me, do you have these people in your base, namely: Huang Xue, Wood, Zhou Qing, and Du Wen?"

"No." Guo Peng shook his head, and was afraid that Jiang Cheng would not believe it, so he explained: "We will record everyone who enters our survivor base. If there is, I will not be unaware of it."


Jiang Cheng frowned and asked again: "Is there a female internet celebrity named Li Qingwan?"

"I don't know if she is an internet celebrity, but there is indeed a girl named Li Qingwan." Guo Peng said.

What is going on?

Since Li Qingwan has appeared, it stands to reason that this Linxian survivor base is the one where he sat in the previous life.

Did something unspeakable happen in the middle?

Jiang Cheng remembered that he entered the survivor base 20 days after the end of the world, and 5 days were blank for him.

Something must have happened?

The more Jiang Cheng thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he said: "You should be able to contact your captain!"

"Yes." Guo Peng nodded vigorously.

"Okay, you contact your captain, and then I will go to your survivor base with you." Jiang Cheng said directly.

"Ah? Master, are you going to join our base?" Guo Peng said excitedly when he heard this.

"No, I just want to confirm one thing."

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