
A zombie rushed up immediately when he saw the iron gate open.

Zhou Qiang took a deep breath, raised his gun and shot.

Bang! Bang!

Two consecutive shots, two blood flowers bloomed.

"Zhou Qiang, don't shoot randomly, aim and shoot!" Wang Wei reminded.

"I know." Zhou Qiang said in a deep voice. Because of panic, the first shot only hit the shoulder, and the second shot blew a zombie's head.

Lin Rou also calmed down, raised her gun, aimed at a zombie and pulled the trigger.


The bullet entered the zombie's eyebrows, and the zombie was shot and fell to the ground immediately. For a while, they had solved two zombies, which gave the three people great encouragement.

"Well done, let's just hold on until we enter the gun depot." Wang Wei said.

Generally speaking, ordinary sheriffs are not equipped with guns, because the management of guns in Da Zhou is very strict. Even if they are equipped with guns, they are on duty for important tasks, and each bullet needs to have a corresponding report.

But each police station also has its own gun arsenal, but there are only a few guns and not many bullets, but it is definitely enough to deal with the zombies outside.

Zhou Qiang continued to raise his gun and shoot, and Lin Rou moved back slightly because there was only one bullet left in the gun.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three more gunshots.

Three zombies fell to the ground in response, revealing the blocked door.

Seeing a gap was broken, the three rushed forward together, Wang Wei stepped forward and opened the door, and the remaining eight or nine zombies saw this and immediately pounced on them.

The three were entangled by the zombies again for a while, and their hands and feet were tied, so they couldn't aim at all.

"Fuck!" Zhou Qiang roared and tried to break free, but the zombies were very strong.

You know, an ordinary adult has about a hundred pounds of strength, and zombies can't feel pain. Without considering the damage to joints and bones, they can burst out more than twice the strength of ordinary people.

Seeing that if they continued to fight like this, all three of them would die in the mouths of zombies.

Suddenly, Zhou Qiang said, "You guys run away, I'll buy you some time."

As soon as he said that, both of them were stunned, and then they immediately cursed, "What the hell are you talking about? If we have to leave, we should leave together."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, otherwise we can't leave." Zhou Qiang smiled bitterly and looked at his arm, where a bleeding tooth mark was very obvious.

He was infected.

The two followed Zhou Qiang's gaze and saw the wound.

After a short silence, Wang Wei said, "Brother, I will remember you."

After the three of them exchanged glances, Zhou Qiang didn't know where he got the strength from, and kicked his right foot against the wall behind him, and the whole person pressed directly towards the zombies in front of him.

In an instant, several zombies were pressed to the ground by Zhou Qiang.


Wang Wei said in grief and anger, and Lin Rou also turned her head with red eyes and took advantage of the gap when Zhou Qiang pressed down several zombies, and the two rushed out of the door.

As sheriffs, the two of them knew the location of the gun vault.

They trotted all the way to a warehouse in the backyard.

But soon, the two were dumbfounded.

The warehouse's security door was locked, and the key was with the head, but the head was attacked by zombies that rushed into the station two days ago.

The two looked at each other, and saw the rejection in each other's eyes. They gritted their teeth and rushed towards the security door at the same time.


The door shook, but there was no sign of opening.

The two continued.


Another time, the door was still locked.

At this time, the zombies in the house had already followed the sound and surrounded the two.

The situation was extremely urgent.

"One, two, three! Hit!"

Wang Wei simply went all out and shouted loudly, and Lin Rou also gritted her teeth and hit it hard.


Just when the zombie was less than one meter away from the two, the security door was knocked open, and because of inertia, the two fell to the ground together.

Without caring about the pain, the two of them quickly got up.

Lin Rou closed the security door immediately, and then used her back to hold it, while Wang Wei stepped forward and violently dismantled the iron cabinet that locked the guns.

"Hold it!"

"Hurry up, I can't hold on for long!"

Lin Rou felt that her shoulders were about to fall apart.

There were many zombies outside the door, and each zombie had the strength of an adult man to hit the door, and they kept rushing towards the door.

Fortunately, Wang Wei broke the cabinet in time, and he immediately took out two guns and nodded to Lin Rou.

Lin Rou immediately stepped back.

The door was instantly knocked open by the zombies, and zombies rushed in one by one.


A tongue of fire spurted out.

A zombie fell to the ground, and then Wang Wei fired continuously. His shooting skills were not accurate, but at such a close distance, he could not miss.

After more than a dozen bullets, the zombies outside the door were completely cleared.

Next, the two of them quickly took two guns and more than a hundred rounds of bullets from the armory, and then ran out of the police station.

The zombies that were attracted by the gunshots immediately rushed over when they saw the two people on the avenue. Not only that, zombies from the surrounding streets also kept approaching this side.

Seeing this, Lin Rou and Wang Wei had no desire to shoot at all, and turned around and ran away.

At the same time.

Jiang Cheng was walking on the street with a hatchet.

He remembered that the Yanghe Community Police Station should be on the Yanghe Avenue in front.

When I was in high school, I went to apply for an ID card for the college entrance examination. I didn't go there much in the next five years, so my impression was a little vague.

"I should be right."

As he was thinking, suddenly a series of roars came from a distance.


Jiang Cheng's expression suddenly changed. He immediately leaned against the wall beside the road with his bag on his back, and looked out of his head to look at Yanghe Avenue secretly.


When he saw the zombies, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but take a breath.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw such a large-scale gathering of zombies after his rebirth.

It was a dark mass, at least thousands!

In front of this group of zombies, a man and a woman in security uniforms were running wildly.

"These two guys must have poked the zombie nest."

With a sigh, Jiang Cheng turned his head and went into the store next to him.

For now, dealing with one or two hundred zombies at a time is his limit. He doesn't want to sacrifice his life for two strangers.

On Qinghe Avenue.

"No... I can't run anymore."

Wang Wei was panting. He rarely exercised. He was sweating profusely after running more than 500 meters in a row. After a few steps, he stopped where he was.

Lin Rou is a retired soldier and has better physical fitness, but because he hasn't eaten for several days, his condition is not much better than Wang Wei. However, he still resisted the weakness and said: "Don't... don't stop, otherwise... Zhou Qiang will die in vain."

Wang Wei smiled bitterly, looked at the zombies gradually approaching behind him, and simply took out his pistol and said: "You go first, I'll cover you."

"No, let's go together!" Lin Rou insisted, then pulled out the gun and pointed it at the zombies: "Zhou Qiang has died, I can't see you die again."

Wang Wei was moved by what he heard. He didn't expect that this young man who had just joined the company for less than a year was so stubborn, but he still said: "Okay, don't be hypocritical, you go first, it's better than all of you dying."

As if afraid that Lin Rou would be stubborn and unwilling to leave, he continued: "If you really feel sorry, do me a favor and find a chance to go to my house to see if my wife and children are still there. If they are, take care of them for me."


Lin Rou was still a little hesitant.

Wang Wei made up his mind and shouted, "Go! Go quickly!"

Lin Rou trembled, and seeing the other party like this, she put her feet together and saluted the old security comrade seriously, then turned around with red eyes and limped towards a restaurant not far away.

Seeing Lin Rou leave, Wang Wei's expression relaxed, and he murmured to himself, "I didn't expect that I would be a hero one day."

After saying that, he looked at the surging zombies with a crazy face and shouted to the sky, "I am Wang Wei, the security officer of Da Zhou, number 007843, you monsters, come to me!"


Fire snakes flew out one after another, and the zombies in the front row fell to the ground.

But there were too many zombies. The front row fell, and the back row stepped on the corpses of the front row.

Soon, Wang Wei was drowned in the zombie tide.

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