
[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

Longjiang bank.

Inside a tall building.

Dozens of military witnesses carried binoculars.

Especially the old man at the head, who held a telescope in one hand and the other hand behind his back. The sweat constantly overflowing from his palms undoubtedly betrayed his emotions at the moment.

"Attention, all units, the target will appear soon. Attention, all units, the target will appear soon!"

A voice sounded on the intercom.

Downstairs, the ambush soldiers were all on alert.

Almost 30 seconds later.

A military vehicle suddenly turned sharply and drove towards this direction at high speed, and following behind the military vehicle was a huge, muscled monster.

"Attention all units, the first-order crusher will enter the combat area in three seconds. Please prepare the experimental team."

"Ready." A hoarse voice sounded.

"3! 2! 1! Experimenters, enter!"

As the voice on the intercom fell, the large military vehicle suddenly drove into the designated area, then braked suddenly. A soldier in the vehicle jumped out of the vehicle, and the monster following the vehicle swooped down and landed on the vehicle.

With just two punches, the military vehicle instantly turned into a pile of scrap metal.

After destroying the military vehicle in front of him, the first-order crusher turned to look at the soldiers who were trying to escape, and pounced directly on it.

"Damn it!"


The soldier hurriedly raised his gun and fired, but the bullets hitting the opponent were either bounced away directly or stuck in the flesh, and the first-order crusher was getting closer and closer to him.

"Am I going to die here?"

Seeing the monster in his sight enlarge, he took a deep breath and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"You bitch, come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

With a roar, he took out a grenade from his waist and pulled it towards the latch.

Just when he was about to pull out the bolt, his wrist was suddenly pinched by a strong hand.

"You have done a good job, now leave it to me."

Hearing the voice, the soldier was stunned. He looked up and saw a resolute profile. He was so excited that he almost shouted: "Lin..."

The visitor waved his hand.

The soldier understood immediately and hurriedly moved to the side.

Seeing the soldiers retreating, the visitor pressed his ear and said calmly: "Super soldier Lin Ye is in position, please give instructions."

"Kill this first-order crusher."

"Yes!" Lin Ye nodded lightly, looked at the Crusher in front of him with indifferent eyes, and raised his hand towards him.


As if it was the first time he encountered such a provocation from a human, the first-order crusher immediately roared to the sky, bent his arm, and punched the human in front of him in the head.

Lin Ye, on the other hand, remained motionless. Everyone around him was sweating, especially the commander, Xiang Lao, who shouted: "What on earth is this kid doing? Does he want to die?"

Hearing the angry shouts from Commander Erhuizhong, Hou Yan immediately said anxiously into the intercom: "Lin Ye, take action quickly!"

On the battlefield.

Looking at the fist that was getting closer, Lin Ye did not dodge or avoid it. Instead, he took a step back with his right foot, rubbed his right shoulder, and punched hard at the moment the opponent was about to hit him.


A punch blasted out, setting off bursts of smoke and dust, and the surrounding vision became blurry.

Everyone outside the battlefield stared nervously at the battlefield.

Almost ten seconds passed.

The smoke and dust were blown away by the river wind, revealing two figures, one large and one small, inside.

" this the strength of the Super Doomsday Soldier?"

Mr. Xiang muttered in shock.

The officers on the side also sighed.

When the base was first established, some of them took those zombie crystals, but after taking them, they either turned into zombies or died on the spot with burst blood vessels. This was the reason why they opposed the super doomsday soldiers.

But the success of Hou Yan's research gave them hope.

If the success rate can be increased, every super soldier can be like Lin Ye, and the loss of several seriously injured people seems to be within the acceptable range.

In the battlefield.

Compared with the first-level crusher's fist, Lin Ye's fist was as small as an ant, but it was this ant-sized fist that could withstand the first-level crusher's attack.

"Is it just this little power?"

Looking at the first-order crusher who was unable to push forward, Lin Ye looked sarcastic.

Once upon a time, all the soldiers in his platoon died at the hands of this monster, and he was also seriously injured by this monster. But now, things have turned for the better.

He gained unparalleled power.

Human beings are no longer ants at the mercy of zombies.

Human beings are still the masters of this world!

Lin Ye couldn't help but burst into tears as he thought about it, and murmured: "Everyone, have you seen it?"

As he said that, Lin Ye shouted loudly and punched with his right arm: "Back off!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the first-order crusher was actually forced to take a step back.

Dr. Hou Yan, who was observing from the side, also murmured excitedly: "This... is my super doomsday soldier."

With that said, he quickly reminded the researcher beside him: "Quickly, record the data quickly."

"Yes, doctor."

Just as everyone was recording, Lin Ye stretched out his left arm, hugged the first-order crusher's fist with both arms, and then lifted it up with all his strength: "Get up!"

At the same time, he turned around with the power of his left leg and threw it over his shoulder.

The next second.

The huge body of the first-level crusher was lifted up, and it fell to the ground after a 180-degree swing in the air.


Dust splashed.

The officers and soldiers around were all excited.

Hou Yan saw that the power data had been recorded, and said again: "Lin Platoon Leader, you can use your ability now."

"Got it." Lin Ye nodded.

Staring at the first-level crusher, his eyes gradually turned white, and a huge chill came out of his body. He slowly squatted down, put his hands on the ground, and said lightly.

"Ice for a thousand miles!"


Linxian City.

After destroying Heyang Hospital, Jiang Cheng cooperated with Yang Laodi and others who came to kill all the troublemakers in the remaining crowd or those who had committed murder and robbery after the doomsday through mutual reporting.

After a screening, the original members of the Heyang base, which originally had 499 people, were directly reduced to 150 people, plus the 149 survivors who were kidnapped, a total of 299 people were left.

Jiang Cheng still had a headache looking at this wave of people.

However, after looting all the supplies in Heyang Hospital, he still took them all to the Shuguang Base. After handing all the people over to Zhou Sheng, the number of survivors outside his base reached 349.

After throwing them over, he went directly into the transformation room and threw all the three awakener crystals he got today.

The next moment.

Energy +5850 points!

Glancing at the remaining energy points: 58242.3.

Just as the base mall had been completely refreshed, Jiang Cheng said without hesitation: "Open the base mall!"


Permanent products:

Level 1 Doomsday Pistol Bullet (20 energy points/round) [Power can penetrate the first-order mutant.]

Level 1 Sniper Bullet Price (50 energy points/round)

Level 1 Gene Enhancement Potion (100 energy points): After use, each attribute increases by 1 point, and has a certain anti-virus ability. Cracking... Remaining time: 70:49:26.

Level 2 Laser Gun Energy Block (500 energy points/block)

Product column:



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