End of June.

Summer is coming.

It’s not the dog days yet, but Chucheng is already a bit hot. Fortunately, a drizzle brings some coolness.

“Let’s go. If we don’t catch the train, it will be too late.”

“Hey, wait for me.”

At the school gate, men and women dragged their luggage. Some gathered together to make appointments for the next meeting, while others rushed to the train station. Only one person stood stupidly at the school gate, letting the raindrops fall on his cheeks.

“Chucheng Light Industry University?”

Jiang Cheng looked at the big words in front of the gate, his eyes a little blank.

He clearly remembered that he was swallowed by the tide of corpses, how could he appear in this place?

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng quickly took out his mobile phone.

June 23, 2022.

Looking at the date on the display, Jiang Cheng pinched himself hard again.


The severe pain on his face made him take a breath.

It’s true, he is not dreaming.

He is reborn!

Reborn three days before the end of the world.

According to memory.

Half a year ago, Xiao Rizi, despite international opposition, insisted on discharging nuclear waste water into the sea, causing the death of a large number of organisms in the sea.

The methane gas produced by the decay of the corpses of these organisms rose to the sky, causing global warming, melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, and rising global sea levels.

So, on June 24, 2022, a heavy rainstorm swept the world. This rainstorm lasted for three full days. Countries around the world ushered in unprecedented floods, a large number of farmlands were flooded, and a large number of houses were destroyed.

Not only that, the heavy rainstorm also carried an ancient virus. All crops infected with the virus withered almost all, farmland soil could not be used, and all reservoirs could not be drunk due to virus pollution. After being infected with this virus, humans even turned into zombies.

Some people say that this heavy rainstorm is a self-formatting of the terminally ill earth.

Others say that this is Xiao Rizi's discharge of nuclear waste water into the sea, which caused nature's revenge.

In short, after the rainstorm, the earth regained its vitality, a large amount of spiritual energy emerged in the mountains, and countless animals and plants mutated under the nourishment of spiritual energy.

He survived for three whole years in such a doomsday where zombies were rampant and mutants were everywhere, until a zombie tide came, he was betrayed by his teammates and died in the zombie tide.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng clenched his fists tightly.

He would never let this happen again if he lived again.

At this moment, the ringing sound suddenly rang in his hand.

Picking up the phone and looking at the name on the display, Jiang Cheng was stunned for a short time, and his expression gradually became cold.

Huang Xue, his ex-girlfriend, was also his senior in the same major.

Before the end of the world, Huang Xue was bedridden in her hometown. For three years, Jiang Cheng took care of her day and night, and almost all the royalties he earned from writing were spent on her.

But when graduation was approaching, the other party cheated on a rich second-generation and called to break up on the day of graduation.

At that time, he was depressed for more than a year because of this matter, and even suffered from depression.

The most important thing is that this woman betrayed him many times in the apocalypse, and the last time directly led to his being swallowed by the tide of corpses.


Seeing this name again now, Jiang Cheng felt that his previous self was not worth it.

Press the answer button.

"Hello, Jiang Cheng."

An arrogant female voice sounded from the speaker, and there were bursts of low gasps on the side.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Cheng said expressionlessly.

The other party's voice was obviously stunned, as if he was surprised by Jiang Cheng's attitude, but he still said: "Break up, we are not suitable."

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement and hung up the other party's phone without hesitation, and directly blocked and deleted Huang Xue's phone number, and then found QQ and WeChat and blocked and deleted them all.

This kind of fickle woman is not worth wasting half a bit of his time.

At this time, Huang Xue's side.

Jiang Cheng's attitude made the other party a little annoyed.

It was obviously she who proposed the breakup, why did she seem to be dumped.

No, she Huang Xue has never been treated like this before. She has always been the one who dumped men, and no man dumped her!

Picking up the phone, Huang Xue dialed Jiang Cheng's number again.

"Ding! The number you dialed is busy, please call again later!"

The call prompt sounded, and Huang Xue became even more annoyed.

"Why did this stupid bastard block me!"

"I let him play for three years in vain."

"No, I must ask for an explanation!"

Huang Xue called up WeChat and QQ again and sent a message.

But the next moment, a huge red exclamation mark popped up.

This made her scream in anger!


Now is not the time to seek revenge on Huang Xue. Jiang Cheng quickly thought about the current situation after hanging up the phone.

There are still three days to the end of the world.

After the end of the world, the whole country will usher in a large-scale famine, so the first task is to store food and water.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng picked up his phone and opened the app store, downloading all those junk loan software.

Today's loan software is very convenient. As long as the identity information is uploaded, the money will be credited in a few minutes.

Jiang Cheng didn't care whether these so-called APPs were legitimate or not. Anyway, after the heavy rain, all of them would be gone.

After operating for about half an hour, Jiang Cheng borrowed about 1 million from the APP, but it was not enough.

He searched Baidu for some junk loan information and called directly.

"Hello, is this Mr. Fu?"

"Hello, do you need a loan? Let me introduce our loan methods to you."

"No, give me 200,000 yuan and I will send you my ID card photo immediately."

"Okay, okay!" The other party hesitated for a while, as if he had never seen such a straightforward customer, and then immediately responded with a smile.

It must be said that there is one good thing about these loan sharks, that is, the loan is really fast. After downloading the APP according to their requirements, 200,000 yuan was immediately in hand.

Then, Jiang Cheng contacted several more rubbish little GGs.

He was not satisfied until he had collected another 1 million yuan.

As for the next step, he looked at the train ticket on his phone and ran directly to his hometown Linxian City.

Linxian City only takes 45 minutes to get from Chu City.

Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, Jiang Cheng sighed in his heart.

In his previous life, Linxian City was directly flooded by heavy rains. Half of the city was flooded. Fortunately, his home was a three-story single-family private house, and it was in the highest geographical location in Linxian City, so it avoided being flooded.

However, the zombie outbreak after the rainstorm forced him to go to the survivor camp in Linxian City. However, this small city camp in the fifth or sixth tier only lasted for three years before it was completely destroyed in a zombie tide.

After getting off the train.

As soon as he got out of the station, a taxi driver ran over and said, "Do you want to go to the downtown area of ​​Linxian? It's only 20 yuan per person."

Jiang Cheng said without hesitation, "I'll pay 100 yuan. I don't want to share a car."

"Okay, okay."

The driver was also stunned, and then immediately smiled.

A car can only carry four passengers, at most 80 yuan. Jiang Cheng paid 100 yuan. He not only saved gas money, but also felt relaxed.

It took only 20 minutes to get to the city after getting in the car.

After sending the driver away, Jiang Cheng stood in his own single-family residential building with a little heat in his eyes.

The house was left to him by his parents before they died.


Muttering, Jiang Cheng took out the key from his pocket and prepared to open the door.


A mechanical prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Doomsday survival base is binding!"

"Binding completed! Host, please open the survival base immediately to activate it."

Doomsday survival base?

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