Big Panda Boss

Chapter 909: Dragon Palace at the bottom of the lake

Chapter 909

Chen Fan said, "Since it's a forbidden area, I still won't go, lest my sister-in-law be angry."

"Oh, it's okay." Xiaoyouyou stubbornly said: "Xiaona and I have been secretly several times, and we haven't encountered any danger."

"I don't even dare to go if you stand up." Chen Fan couldn't help laughing and crying: "What kind of danger you really encounter later, don't regret it."

"What are you afraid of, aren't you still here with Uncle Xiong?" Xiao Youyou dragged Chen Fan to the depths of the Ten Thousand Flower Valley with a smirk, and dived into a hidden valley.

Chen Fan followed Xiao Youyou and squeezed through a winding valley road, suddenly enlightened, and saw a silver horse training from the sky, hanging from the green cliffs like a white dragon flying through the clouds and fog, giving birth to a rainbow bridge hanging across the sky and projecting colorful glow . In the valley, hundreds of flowers bloom on the green pavement and colorful butterflies are flying, like a fairyland on earth.

"It's so beautiful." Chen Fan exclaimed: "How beautiful is the scenery here, why did my sister-in-law list it as a forbidden place?"

Xiao Youyou giggled and said, "The forbidden area is at the bottom of the deep pool. This is not a forbidden area."

Chen Fan followed Xiao Youyou to the misty deep pool, looked up at the pike training straight into the sky, and asked loudly, "How high is this waterfall?"

Xiao Youyou also replied loudly: "I don't know, there is nothing beautiful on the top, the real fun is below, and Uncle Xiong follows me closely."

The little girl said that she used a water avoidance technique and jumped directly into the deep pool.

Chen Fan smiled helplessly and jumped down.

As soon as the body entered the water, a faint of chill was felt into the skin, as if the electric current passed, there was an unstoppable shiver.

"This pool is really cold enough." Chen Fan followed Xiao Youyou all the way to the bottom of the pool.

After diving for about a few hundred feet, it finally bottomed out, and the whole body seemed to be crushed by a large mountain.

The surroundings are already pitch black, and the temperature is more like an ice cellar.

Chen Fan cast a flash technique to illuminate the surroundings, only to see a patch of rocks.

"Uncle Xiong's side." Xiaoyouyou waved in a voice transmission.

Chen Fan swam over and asked, "It's so dark here, what's so fun?"

"You'll know when you come with me." Xiao Youyou took Chen Fan all the way to sneak.

Chen Fan swam and concluded that they should have dived into an underground lake, otherwise it would not make sense to swim for more than ten minutes.

Suddenly, an undercurrent surged, and Chen Fan sensed that a behemoth a hundred and ten meters long rushed towards them.

Xiao Youyou let out a cold snort, and immediately frightened that giant beast shivering and lying on the bottom of the lake without daring to move.

Chen Fan followed her slowly past the giant beast and found it was a catfish spirit.

Chen Fan subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth, making the catfish spirit tremble all over, and immediately sent a mental fluctuation to exhort him: "The two great kings are forgiving, the little demon's flesh is rough and **** and not tasty."

Chen Fan hehe smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, this king doesn't eat things that have already been opened up by spiritual wisdom. How long have you been practicing at the bottom of this lake?"

The catfish spirit secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and replied obediently: "The little demon has been a master for three hundred years."

Chen Fan asked again: "What treasure is there in this lake?"

The catfish spirit replied: "Hui Dawang, this dark water lake has nothing but a rocky beach, but fortunately it is connected to several large rivers, and river monsters and monsters are often rushed into the little demon. Saying that there is a forbidden area in front of the treasure, there is no doubt that the non-monster king will die if he enters, and there must be some treasure in it."

"Oh? There is really a forbidden land!" Chen Fan was even more curious.

Xiao Youyou turned around and urged: "Uncle Xiong, hurry up, what can I do with this little fish spirit."

"Here, here comes." Chen Fan speeded up to catch up with the little girl.

The catfish is like a pardon, and strays quickly.

Chen Fan followed Xiao Youyou for a while, and finally saw the forbidden area.

From a distance, it looked as if a **** bowl was upside down at the bottom of the lake. After swimming closer, I realized that this **** bowl was actually a prohibition against black air!

Xiao Youyou took out the dragon ring and put it on her finger, and said with a smile: "This prohibition was placed by the master, Xiaona said that at least it must be a **** to break. But I accidentally discovered that this dragon ring can easily open the prohibition, and it is not It will be noticed by Master and her elders."

Chen Fan jokingly said, "Are you sure the sister-in-law really didn't notice it?"

Xiao Youyou smiled stiffly, and said stiffly: "Oh, Master and her old man have been busy refining elixir recently, so she must have no time to care about such trivial matters."

Chen Fan said, "I hope so, what is in this restriction?"

"Hehe, Uncle Xiong, follow me and take a look." Xiao Youyou said as she lifted the dragon ring to release a faint dragon power, it easily opened a whirlpool entrance on the restriction, and then pulled it. Chen Fan got in together.

After a while, Chen Fan felt that he had been rushed into an underground cave. He stood up and looked around and was shocked by the sight in front of him.

There is a palace hidden within this ban, and it occupies at least the size of three Forbidden City.

It's just that this group of palaces is obviously in disrepair for a long time, everywhere is dilapidated, and even many places are lying with bones.

All kinds of magic weapons with dim aura are scattered randomly on the no one comes to pick them up.

But what really made Chen Fan cared about was a faint dragon power from the depths of the palace, but this dragon was not alive, but full of lifelessness.

"La la la, is Uncle Xiong surprised? Was it unexpected?" Xiao Youyou leaped onto a hundred-foot-long snake-shaped bone, and smiled: "This is my secret base for Xiaona, except for Master. You are the fourth person to know this place."

Chen Fan could not laugh or cry: "This ghost place is so lifeless, what's so fun."

"You'll know if you go in with me." Xiaoyouyou jumped off the bones and pulled Chen Fan to the towering palace gate.

Chen Fan walked to the gate of the palace that had collapsed nearly half of it. He looked up and saw a gilt plaque hanging on the gate of the palace, writing a few simple characters: "Heilongjiang Oolong Palace".

Chen Fan didn't know how to spit it out. He asked if there is a Songhua River White Dragon Palace nearby.

The two of them stepped through the huge collapsed palace gate and passed through the gloomy gate hole, and they first saw a huge white jade square.

Chen Fan grinds the soles of his feet and confirms that the floor tiles covering the entire square are indeed polished with high-quality spirit jade.

There are also many bones on the square. There are demons and demons.

Various magical artifacts are scattered all over the place.

Xiao Youyou kicked off a buzzing magic weapon and said: "Xiao Na said that these magic weapons have absorbed too much grievances here, and have no use value, or they might be sold in exchange for a lot of spirit stones. ."

Chen Fan looked around and said, "This Dragon Palace should have gone through a bad battle before it led to such a ruin."

"Uncle Xiong go faster." Xiao Youyou dragged Chen Fan to trot outside the main hall gate.

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