Big Panda Boss

Chapter 894: Shame

???? "My lord, the villain is fortunate enough to live, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough.

???? Chen Fan glanced at his injury. Half of his body's bones, including the spine, were all comminuted fractures. The internal organs were also severely impacted, causing massive internal bleeding.

???? The serious injury must have been belching on ordinary people, but this guy can come back limping.

???? "You are doing very well, step back and heal your injuries."

???? "Thank you, sir." Marduk quickly thanked him, and at the same time let out a sigh of relief in his heart, the injury was not in vain.

???? Soon, the second round began.

???? Haramad fell into the arena, many people in the audience recognized his identity, and there was a lot of discussion.

???? Mamen, who had already lost a game, sneered when he saw Haramad playing.

???? Then I saw a group of black shadows and a flicker appeared in the field.

???? Chen Fan squinted and found that the opponent had sent a beholder to fight!

???? I saw this beholder was the size of a two-story building, except for the one-eyed and the mouth of the blood basin, the whole body was covered with tentacles, and each tentacled had a magic eye.

???? Obviously this is a high-level magic eye, proficient in various ray spells and spiritual spells, it is simply the nemesis of all psionic creatures.

???? The beholder quacked and laughed: "Huck is hungry, you look delicious!"

???? Haramad smiled politely and said: "What a coincidence, what do I think."

????Game start!

???? Haramad directly transformed into the Void Lord, swallowing this beholder!

????competition is over……

???? The whole audience was silent.

???? "Papa, papa!" The sorrow who was sitting high on the seat of God suddenly clapped gently with a smile on his face.

???? Seeing this, the gods immediately followed and applauded.

???? The mortal cheers immediately shook the sky.

???? Only Mamen has a wonderful expression.

???? Ha...Chapter 894 The Colors (page 1/4),. Lamaid exhaled a sigh of breath, and grumbled with his chubby belly, "Come on, where is my next delicious meal?"

???? Mamen looked back at the warriors he had recruited temporarily, all of them showed fear and no one dared to move forward.

???? After all, that monster is no longer something mortals can deal with.

???? At this time, all the gods cast their eyes on Mamen, because if he loses another game, he will be dead.

???? Mamen, who was forced to a desperate situation, simply gritted his teeth, not even the last face of being a god, and jumped directly into the court.

???? There was an uproar at the scene, and immediately cheers shook the sky.

???? This is the first time since the completion of the Celestial Arena where a **** himself has come down to participate in a duel.

???? So the audience was immediately excited!

????Shen Nie smiled happily, and for a while it turned everything over.

???? In the field.

???? Haramad was also comfortable facing Mamen, and rushed directly with a low growl.

???? "Void Devouring!"

???? "Get out!" Mamen shot him out of the field with a direct blow...

????competition is over.

???? There was a moment of silence in the boiling audience.

???? Mamen ignored everyone's gaze, looked at Chen Fan sternly and said, "If you want to kill me, you can do it yourself!"

???? Obviously Mamen wanted to inspire Chen Fan to take action personally, so that he could reveal Chen Fan's identity, maybe there is still a chance...

???? But I saw Chen Fan sneer: "You are not qualified to let the deity take action, go, my warrior."

???? A silver-haired old man quietly appeared in the court.

???? The gods all stood up when they saw the old man!

???? "You!!!" Mamen was even more shocked, and stepped back subconsciously: "Mephisto?!!!"

???? Mephisto smiled helplessly: "How about the little guy to discuss? Don't resist, let the old man give you a happy one, so that you can relax and I will save effort, yes...Chapter 894 Sex (page 2/4). Hello everyone."

???? Mamen screamed: "The king of your dignified hatred is willing to be another eagle dog? If it is spread out, what face do you have to be the lord of the world?"

???? "Hey." Mephisto sighed softly, "Yes, but as long as the old man kills all the people present, no one will know."

???? The audience was shocked!

???? The next second is magic power!

????Millions of mortals died instantly, none of them survived!

???? All the gods and demons were even more deterred by the monstrous demons, and they did not dare to take any action.

???? Only Ernie always smiled, seemingly satisfied with today's drama.

???? Mephisto raised his head and glanced at the evildoer, stepped to the front of the stiff Mamen, and said helplessly: "Originally, the old man wanted to give you a pleasure and let you suffer less, since you don't appreciate it. Then don't blame the old man for not helping you."

???? Mephisto said that he picked up the Mamen and teleported to stand quietly behind Chen Fan, no longer speaking.

???? Chen Fan raised his head to look at the evildoer and said with a smile: "Thank you Mianxia Tongyi, I won't bother you anymore."

????Xinie chuckles: "I like you very much."

???? The gods were astonished, and they suddenly felt jealous.

???? Chen Fan said with a dumb smile: "Mianxia, ​​don't hurt me like this. If this is spread, your admirers will not be able to tear me up."

???? The sorrow chuckled happily: "I am telling the truth."

???? Chen Fan was a little bit overwhelmed, and said embarrassedly: "There are still important things in the body, and I will come back to harass and say goodbye later.

???? "Well, I'll wait for you." The intimate voice was like a fragrant wind blowing in his ears, causing Chen Fan's hair to stand upright, and he hurried away quickly.

???? On the spaceship.

???? "I didn't expect you to be scared." Mephisto quipped.

???? Chen Fan stared: "That girl, you dare not provoke me, so I am ashamed to say me."

???? Mephisto smiled awkwardly, dropped Mamen and asked, "How does he deal with it?"

??......Chapter 894 Sexual evil (page 3/ Fan sneered and said: "Leave him a dog’s life first, I have great use."

???? "Who do you plan to use him to calculate?" Mephisto immediately became interested, after all, calculating others is his favorite entertainment.

???? The corner of Chen Fan's mouth clicked: "The Pantheon! Are you always interested in playing together?"

???? "Cough, cough, cough, what, there's still water in my room, see you later." Mephisto disappeared as soon as he slipped.

???? Chen Fan smiled disdainfully, walked to Mamen and knelt down and patted his cheek.

???? Mamen yelled with tearing eyes: "The evil demon kills me if he has the ability. Don't want to let the **** yield to you."

???? Chen Fan smiled and said: "Relax, I will not kill you, nor will I distort your will, but will retain your sanity so that you can understand what I will end up offending."

???? Chen Fan slammed his forehead and forcibly extracted his soul. Then he breathed out a breath of chaos and got into his **** body, and stood up straight.

???? "Come on, let's give him one first."

???? "Mamen" immediately showed a silly smile...

???? Mamen, who was pinched by Chen Fan in his hand, was shocked and screamed: "You must die, evil demon!"

???? "It's not realistic enough." Chen Fan squeezed his hands round, and Mamen immediately screamed again and again. Then, regardless of how he cursed or begged for mercy, he swallowed it in his belly.

???? At this time, Haramad, who was beaten flying, flew back, and proactively pleaded guilty: "The villain is incompetent, please punish you.

???? "You have proven your loyalty, and my lord will summon you."

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