Big Panda Boss

Chapter 881: Tsundere artifact

"Panda Brother (

"What artifact?!" Chen Fan looked surprised, and said to his heart why I didn't have this **** luck?

Chen Fan immediately boarded the large ‘Eternal Lord’ and pulled the Red Devil and others into his chaotic realm.

"My lord." The Red Devil held a dark red broken sword, flattering and said: "This is the broken sword!"

Chen Fan picked up the broken sword with his spiritual thoughts, and immediately felt a trace of scorching fire from the sword.

"It is indeed an artifact, but it is broken." Chen Fan said solemnly: "Didn't I ask you to steal the Kingdom's artifact of the Terra Empire? Why did you dig out a tattered thing for me?"

Originally, Chen Fan asked Thanos to lead a team to hide in the Terra Empire. One was to steal the other's advanced technology, and the other was to secretly develop underground forces and then slowly figure it out.

As a result, it didn't take long for Thanos to find out that there was a mysterious ancestral temple in the Bone Fort galaxy in the Royal Family of Terra Empire. It is said that this ancestral temple contained a treasure of the kingdom.

Chen Fan held Youzhiwuzao and hit three sticks first, and asked Thanos to find a way to get that artifact.

But midway, because of Kamora's chaos, the father-in-law Thanos chose to betray and he was sent into the cold palace for deep reflection.

The Red Devil took over the task that Chen Fan had handed over to Thanos to find a way to steal the artifact.

"No, no, no, my lord, we are still planning the kingdom artifact of the Terra Empire." The Red Devil quickly explained: "And this broken sword was accidentally picked up in a weird mist in the Bone Fort galaxy. of."

"Is there any good thing?" Chen Fan looked speechless, stretched out his tentacles and poked the broken sword. The broken sword immediately seemed to be alive, and a raging flame rose up.

The reaction is like a kitten with blown up fur.

"Oh, the spirit is still well preserved?" Chen Fan asked in surprise: "Where is your master? Why did you lose you?"

The flame on the broken sword was unpredictable and gradually extinguished.

The sword spirit sent a thought: "My master was killed by a mortal. If you help me take revenge, I will recognize you as the master."

"Huh?" Chen Fan said with a dumb smile: "Your master is really weak enough to be killed by a mortal."

The sword spirit was furious and shot a blazing sword light at Chen Fan, but he could not hurt him at all.

"Little guy, if I want to, I can erase your memory immediately and make you completely surrender to me."

"If I blew myself up, I won't let you succeed!"

"Oh, that's really tough enough. Well, tell me who your master is and why did you die in the hands of a mortal?"

Chen Fan was successfully aroused by curiosity and wondered if his kind was doing things.

Sword Spirit was silent for a while before communicating again: "My master is the'God of War' Bassaze, one of the six true gods!"

"Ha, another **** of war." Chen Fan let out a laugh, and couldn't help but think of the strange God of War of the British Empire.

"Which world does your **** come from?" Chen Fan asked curiously.

"Terrya." Sword Spirit slowly said: "A world surrounded by mist, created by the six true gods, but my master was betrayed by the other five true gods, and was sealed in the mist until... …"

"It's another dog-blood plot full of loyalty and betrayal!" After listening to the sword spirit's narration, Chen Fan confirmed that there was no information about the so-called Tyria world in his memory, and asked: "How do you say this? Was God defeated by a mortal and a... young dragon together?"

Sword Spirit said angrily: "Yes, although the young dragon has just been born, it is very powerful. However, the young dragon was raised by mortals, so that it has forgotten the dignity of the dragon clan, and it has become a foe with a group of ants. The face of the dragon is lost."

"Well, I see." Chen Fan asked: "Then how to get to this Tyria world?"

Sword Spirit: "..."

Chen Fan's face turned black: "Don't tell you or you don't know!"

The sword spirit squatted and said: "I was involved in a void storm because of a small accident, and then was thrown into the misty land by the void storm, and then I was given to you by the demons. I found it."

Chen Fan said: "In other words, if you want to go to that area of ​​mist, what Tyria must enter?"

"Yes." Sword Spirit said: "Take me to the land of mist, maybe I can find my way back."

Chen Fan looked at the Red Devil and asked, "Where is that misty place in the Bone Fort Galaxy?"

The red devil hurriedly replied: "Return to my lord, the villain doesn't know, because the mist is floating in the void, sometimes looming, and there is no way to locate it. We only met by chance. The villain guessed that piece. The mist may be connected to a dimensional entrance to another plane."

Chen Fan pondered for a moment and said, "Go find it, and contact the deity if you find it."

"Yes, my lord." The Red Devil retreated and disappeared.

Chen Fan looked at the broken sword in front of him again and asked, "Do you have a name?"

Jian Ling said silently for a moment: "My **** has fallen, and I have no name."

"Okay, then I'll get another one for Fan thought for a while and smiled: "How about calling you'Happy Fire'? Are you happy with a new name? "

Sword Spirit: "..."

"Come on, the fire is happy to give the deity a smile."

"I still blew myself up."

"Hey, don't, let me tell you this name has a lot of background, and it exists on the same level as another magic sword of the Three Realms!"

"As a superior god, don't you feel ashamed to deceive a spirit?"

"The deity can swear, I absolutely didn't lie to you."

"I don't believe it, anyway, even if I blew myself up, I wouldn't be called a rustic name."

"That's the sword of joy? Or the joy of flame? Fire is really happy? Fire is very happy?"

"...I'm going to blow myself up."

"The Ashbringer!"


"Hehe, all my blades are ashes, do you like it?"

The sword spirit should not be silent, but the billowing flames from the broken blade condensed into a half flame blade!

"Thank my **** for the name!"

Chen Fan smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to grab this Tsundere Excalibur.

The blade of flame is like an entity, and it seems to burn everything when it is swung.


Duoduo, the door was knocked.

"Fanya, the closing performance is about to begin, haven't you put on makeup yet?" Mona's voice sounded outside the door.

"Okay." Chen Fan recovered, reached out into the void and grabbed the divine sword, turning it into a sword-shaped pendant and hanging it on his right ear.

"Is this your kingdom of God?" Jian Ling asked curiously.

"No, this is the world." Chen Fan got up and exchanged mentally: "I am a rock singer now."

Jian Ling asked wonderingly: "What kind of **** is a rock singer?"

"Yeah." Chen Fan thought for a while and replied: "A profession that makes people believe that there is no savior in the world."

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