Big Panda Boss

Chapter 859: Heard the news

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Roland frowned and asked politely: "Dare to ask who that person is?"

Morgan spread his hands and said: "I don't know, I only know that he is a monster from the East. If you want to know his true identity, you can ask the Angel of Justice."

Roland looked at Tyrael and found that he was also surprised.

"Are you talking about Old Chen?" Tyrael was surprised: "Is the infinite gem in his hand?"

Morgan hummed: "What? Didn't he tell you?"

Tyrael smiled bitterly: "I really don't know this, but if I can find Lao Chen, maybe he can heal the injuries of the two ladies without infinite gems."

Roland was surprised: "The old Chen in Mianxia's mouth is still a genius doctor?"

Tyrael smiled embarrassingly: "That one is not a magical doctor, but...he is very talented, and the magical power he has learned can heal Chaos Qi."

Roland sighed: "The star realm is so big, there are so many strange people, I'm really ignorant."

Tyrael said helplessly: "It's just that the one who disappeared because of an accident before, and I'm looking for him now."

Roland immediately said: "I understand some divination techniques below, maybe it can help."

Tyrael slowly shook his head and said: "It's useless, I have asked Israel to help try..."

Roland asked: "What was the result?"

Tyrael said: "There is no result yet. Israel is still in his own temple of destiny and has not come out yet."

Roland was speechless as soon as he heard it. After all, even the Angel of Destiny couldn't find the whereabouts of that person. Perhaps it was no longer a matter of hopelessness.

Just as some of them were unable to do anything, an angel floated in and reported: "Under the crown, there is a Mage Terra from outside the hall, saying that there is something important to see Mr. Roland."

Roland apologized: "It was for me. Maybe something happened to Tyra. I'll go and see."

Tyrael said: "Since it's about Tyra, you might as well bring people in. Maybe you have discovered Thanos."

As soon as he heard Thanos, Thor and Morgan immediately became excited.

"Alright." Roland nodded and promised.

Soon the Mage Terra was brought in, and he hurriedly worshipped the gods in fear.

Roland asked, "What's the matter with you coming to me? But did you find the trace of Thanos?"

Mage Terra said embarrassingly: "The Holy Master misunderstood. I received a letter from Dean Amando asking me to investigate whether there is a family called Pendragon on the Dawn Star, but all inquiries were to no avail."

Roland frowned and said, "Why did Armando ask you to inquire about the Pendragon family? Could it be that he found any clues?"

Mage Terra replied truthfully: "That's the case. Today, an unidentified girl came to the academy, calling herself Altria Pendragon, from the dawn star, and this person carried a token of the Holy Light!"

"Holy light token?" Tyrael asked curiously: "What kind of holy light token?"

Mage Terra quickly replied: "It's a signed photo of an archangel of wisdom and a feather of holy light."

Tyrael was taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked: "Where is the person?"

Mage Tyra replied: "It should still be in the academy."

Tyrael tore open a portal and jumped in, leaving the gods looking at each other.


"Sister Selena is in front of the college library?" Chen Fan said with curiosity: "Can I go in and take a look?"

"Yes." Selena took his hand and smiled: "But you can only turn around on the first floor, and you can't speak loudly."

"Yeah." Chen Fan nodded obediently, and followed Selena into the quiet library.

When entering the door, there was a statue of a mage. Chen Fan recognized that this guy was the guy named Roland, and he was really a slapstick, and his statues were erected everywhere.

Going around the statue is a huge reading hall with rows of tables and chairs for students to sit and read.

At this moment, there are about a dozen students who are attentively flipping through books or taking notes, and there is only a rustle of pages turning in the huge hall.

There is a check-in counter on one side, and a girl with glasses and a big braid is also looking at a thick magic book intently.

If the little prince doesn't have a hobby for women's clothing, then it should not be this one.

Chen Fan calmly spread his consciousness and swept across the first floor of the library, but failed to find the target, and penetrated into the second layer of magic prohibition, yet no one was found. Then he went up to prepare to invade the third floor, and suddenly felt a familiar breath appearing at the door.

Chen Fan turned his head and blinked, and saw a handsome blond man strode in.

"Ah!" Chen Fan said with a grin: "I didn't expect you to find me soon."

Tyrael looked speechless and said, "Do you know how long I have been looking for you? You actually..."

"You two, please be quiet." The girl with big pigtails in glasses reminded me with a serious face, "If you want to chat, please go out."

Chen Fan smiled apologetically and walked out, and Tyrael immediately followed.

Selena also followed out curiously, and asked, "This is Liya?"

Chen Fan gave a light cough and introduced, "This is my housekeeper, Bo Fu."

Tyrell was full of black lines for an instant, but he tacitly cooperated with him in acting, and smiled gracefully and said: "Below Charlotte Holmes, thank you madam for your care for my lady."

"There, there, this is what I should do." Selena replied with some blushes. After all, Tyrael is too handsome, and his manners are so handsome, a woman will love it.

Tyrael smiled slightly and turned to Chen Fan and said, "Miss, please come back with me."

"I don't want it!" Chen Fan pouted and said, "I haven't found the Little Mamen yet. That's my favorite mangy dog. It must be retrieved."

This meant that Tyrell understood as soon as he heard it. He smiled and said, "Little Mamen can look for it slowly, but there are two kittens in the family who are sick. You need to go back and take care of them, Miss.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and Tyrell trembled.

There was a burst of eye contact, each clearly understood.

"Okay." Chen Fan said reluctantly: "I will come back when the kittens are cured. Sister Selena will see you again."

"Goodbye Liya." Selena told: "You can't be naughty anymore, do you know if you run out alone?"

" I know." Chen Fan answered happily.

Tyrael nodded to thank Selena, then waved his hand to tear open a portal and pulled Chen Fan into it.

Selena was stunned and stayed where she was, until she was slapped on the shoulder.

"Hey, why are you in a daze here?" Sanitaya stretched out her hand and shook her eyes, and asked: "Where is Xiao Liya? You will lose her, right?

Selena said in a daze: "Lea has just been picked up by her housekeeper."

"Butler? Where? Why didn't I see it?"

"Opened the portal and left."

"Are you teasing me? There is magic prohibition in the academy. No one can use space magic unless it is a god!"

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