Big Panda Boss

Chapter 839: Forcibly break

???? "............Okay." Chen Fan said silently: "Then do you know that Real Kamora is there?"

???? Thanos said: "It should be still in the academy, I am going to look for it."

???? These words are calm and calm, and he didn't put the highest school of the empire full of Faye in his eyes.

???? Chen Fan chuckled: "Then you have to hurry up. I just sensed that the **** who abducted your baby girl is coming."


????Tara Star Space Star Harbor.

???? A yellow and blue spacecraft slowly landed on the tarmac.

???? As soon as the hatch opened, Xingjue jumped down first.

???? "Hey, Peter, slow down." The rocket jumped off immediately, followed by Groot and Drax the Destroyer.

???? Because Nebula and the Mantis Girl accompany Morgan to perform an important mission on the border of the Demon Race, they failed to come. Thor was on his way, but because of the long way he could not arrive until a day later.

???? I saw Xing Jue jumped off the spaceship and rode away directly.

???? The Rockets and others had no choice but to quickly chase after them.

????Because of security factors, alien spacecraft are not allowed to enter the atmosphere of the imperial capital, especially the Milano combat spacecraft equipped with a large number of lethal weapons.

???? So Xingjue and others can only park the Milano on the Star Harbor, and then buy a ticket and fly to the capital of Terra on a passenger ship.

???? Several people quickly passed the customs security check, Xingjue rushed to the ticket window as fast as possible and hurriedly said: "Give me a ticket to the capital of Terra the fastest."

????Ticketing Golem tweeted: "Hello Sir, currently the fastest flight to the capital is flight 1024, which will depart in 20 minutes. Do you want to buy an economy class ticket or a first class ticket? ticket?"

???? "Economy class first class is OK, give me one soon!" Xing Jue said anxiously.

???? "Sir, I need clear instructions."

????"First class, first class, give...Chapter 839 Breakthrough (page 1/4). My first class ticket! Quickly point!"

???? The Rockets and others standing behind Xing Jue shook their heads speechlessly.

After buying the tickets, a few people boarded the passenger ship in a hurry, and then waited a long time for 20 minutes.


???? School of Magic, today is another lively day as usual.

???? Students wearing various magic robes walked through the teaching castles in groups of two, and occasionally a few hurried looking people ran past.

???? At this moment, it coincides with the meal. Several canteens are crowded with people, and some students also meet to have a good meal outside of school.

???? At the open school gate, there was only a sleepy old man sitting in the sentry box basking in the sun, not caring about the students who came in and out casually.

???? Suddenly a tall black-robed man suddenly appeared outside the school gate, shocked the students to evade, and pointed at him.

The drowsy old doorman seemed to feel something, squinted his eyes, sat up and stared at the black robe man and said, "Hey, students who are not from this school can't enter, don't stand in the way."

???? The black robe man opened his shirt, revealing a huge sword with cold light.

???? The students were in an uproar immediately, and they scattered all around, but they all stood in the distance and watched. No one showed a fearful expression. Instead, they all looked good at the show.

???? After all, as the highest institution in the empire, every year there are guys with abnormal brains who come to play in the gym and want to become famous in one fell swoop, but such guys will eventually appear on the night news of the empire and become a joke. I did not expect to let them today met.

???? For a time, many students began to call friends and friends, looking for more friends to watch together.

???? The old man doorman yawned and stood up lazily to stretch his muscles and said: "Young man, old man, I advise you not to miss it. This is the highest institution in the empire. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison. ..."

???? "I know, I'm here to find my daughter." The black-robed man said calmly: "Hand over my daughter, I don't need to kill." #b......Chapter 839 Breakthrough (page 2/4),. br#???? The old doorman frowned, obviously feeling a hint of chill, he couldn't help but became vigilant and asked: "What's your daughter's name? In that class? Do you know that your behavior will only hurt you? Is the daughter embarrassed? How can she be able to raise her head in front of her classmates in the future?"

???? The black-robed man turned the blade and said lightly: "I have dozens of times, or I will hand over my daughter, or I will find it myself. One!"

???? "Huh! I don't know how to live or die, is this really a place where you can run wild?" The old doorman snorted coldly and picked up the broken broom that was standing aside.

The onlookers became excited at once, and cheered for the old doorman.

???? Beep Beep Beep!

???? Suddenly a sirens sounded, and a team of law enforcement teams that happened to patrol nearby quickly rushed over.

???? The students mourned immediately, complaining that it was not good.

???? "Put down your weapons!" The law enforcement team immediately surrounded the black-robed men.

???? The black-robed man snorted disdainfully, and he was about to resist when he swung his big sword. As a result, he was thrown to the ground by the law enforcement team with a blast, rolling around in pain and screaming like a pig...

???? The students onlookers all have black lines on their faces, and this person is a fool.

???? Soon the black-robed man was **** by the law enforcement team Wuhuada. After investigating his identity, he was really a patient who just ran out of a mental hospital...

???? Everyone rushed away, just as a post-dinner conversation.

???? The old man of the doorman shook his head speechlessly, threw the broken broomstick back, and was about to lie down and continue basking in the sun.

???? Suddenly a heart-pounding chill swept across, causing the old man's heart to twitch, and he was so scared that he jumped up and stared in the direction of...the female dormitory!

???? Boom! ! !

???? Only a loud noise completely broke the tranquility of the entire college.


???? "This guy really doesn't know what low-key is, but I also helped him secretly...Chapter 839 Breaking Through (Chapter 3/ Page 4)..." Chen Fan rubbed his eyebrows, considering whether to intervene, lest this guy make too much trouble.

???? But at this time the whole college was in a mess because of the loud noise.

???? Immediately the piercing alarm sounded, followed by countless guard golems as if out of thin air and went straight to the girls' dormitory.

???? And the tutors of each department immediately lost all their work when they heard the alarm ringing, and quickly showed up to organize the students to evacuate to a safe area, and then joined forces to stick to the treatment.

The headquarters of the law enforcement team, the headquarters of the night watchman, the headquarters of the guards, and the palace all received warnings of terrorist attacks on the academy at the first time, and they immediately responded and dispatched a large number of people to rush over.

???? And Selena, who was in the academy, rushed to the scene of the explosion and found that the entire No. 24 female dormitory building had been bombed in half.

???? Several mentors and golem guards in the academy all lay on the ground in a stumbling and sloppy manner.

???? Selena's heart shuddered, she immediately drew out her magic wand and blessed herself with several layers of protection spells.

???? At this time, Sanitaya also arrived, frowning and asked: "What happened?"

???? "Someone has invaded!" Selena said concisely: "The murderer should be around careful!!!"

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