Big Panda Boss

Chapter 834: Stage

After listening to the news, the audience under the stage started talking.

"The next scene is Saint Vanessa? I look forward to it. I heard that this time it is a newcomer who will play the saint."

"I hope not to destroy the classics. In my mind, only Vanessa played by Ximena is the most perfect saint."

"Ximena is already a dead old actress, but you can still think of her."

"I don't care, only Ximena is in my heart!"

"Keep your voice down, you two, the next scene will begin soon."

"By the way, what is the name of this newcomer?"

"I don't know..."

"It seems to be called Ya, it should be a stage name."


"Yes, that's the name."

"Oh, if a newcomer dares to take this stage name, I want to see how beautiful she is."

The theater went dark, and the audience also became quiet.

Accompanied by a burst of cheerful bagpipes, under the blessing of magic special effects, the stage presents a beautiful and peaceful pastoral scenery.

At the same time, the ethereal singing sounded, and people who were familiar with the voice immediately became excited secretly, because they heard that the singing was actually the voice of Mrs. Prava Laguna.

At this time, a young girl who hadn't given Fendai walked slowly on the country road. She was dressed in a plain skirt with a broken basket in her hand, but her clear eyes and beautiful face were like a freshman The elves come out of the forest.

There was a whisper of exclamation from the audience.

Inside the box.

The bored Elendi suddenly sat up straight, staring at the girl who appeared on the stage in surprise.

Diana suddenly felt sore, stretched out her hand and squeezed his thigh fiercely.

Elendy grinned in pain: "No, you listen to me explain."

"Shut up, I won't listen!"


"You told you to shut up, you really don't explain it?"

"I just think the actor's temperament is very special, really have no other ideas."

"Do you have other ideas?"


"Okay, no need to explain, watch the show!"

Diana directly waved her hand for silence...

Elandi suddenly felt that it might be a blessing for him that the marriage proposal was not successful.

The performance on the stage continues, but the audience familiar with the plot knows that this beautiful elf **** the stage has had a rough life, and finally ended in a tragic ending...

In the epic, Vanessa is a lowly illegitimate daughter, her father is a little noble, and her mother is a servant, so she is also a servant driven by others after she is born.

If it hadn't been for the war that almost swept the entire empire, perhaps this girl would be sold to another nobleman at a high price by his father one day, but the invasion of foreign enemies would change her fate.

The flames of war ignited the peaceful villages and towns, and the blood stained the earth and stung everyone's hearts.

On weekdays, the brave knights fled, only the girl took up arms to protect her relatives.

Bloody battles were quickly swept across the stage. The once weak girl quickly grew up a heroine who was admired by the world, and countless brave men gathered under her to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

Until one day the girl met a handsome young man on the battlefield and fell in love, but made the other person hateful because of jealousy.

The girl finally died of betrayal, lying in the arms of the young man and died smiling.

The clichéd plot, the artificial performance, and the embarrassing lines all add up to an earthy plot that can cause physical discomfort.

Even if it is dressed as a classic epic drama, it is synonymous with elegance and still cannot change its essence.

But beauty can save everything!

As the sad tune sounded, countless women under the stage cried to tears, and the men also resisted their sour noses.

The audience had long been immersed in the play and could not extricate themselves, until after the curtain ended, the whole theater immediately burst into the warmest applause.

Elendy clapped lightly and let out a long sigh, while Diana was secretly wiping the corners of her eyes.

"I believe it will not be long before this newcomer's fame will spread throughout the entire imperial city, and we may have witnessed the rise of a new star." Elandi praised, suddenly feeling a chill.

Diana put away her handkerchief and said lightly: "It is indeed an impressive drama, and every actor has contributed a wonderful performance."

"Hmm, you're right." Elendy nodded straight.


After finishing the curtain, Chen Fan followed the crowd and retreated behind the curtain and immediately heard warm applause.

"Miss Fanya, you are definitely the most talented young man I have ever seen." Harrington took the lead in applauding and smiling.

"Thank you, this is the result of everyone's hard work." Chen Fan's humble attitude won everyone's favor.

Mona stepped forward and gave him a warm hug, smiling: "Your performance really exceeded my expectations. Putting you on this stage is definitely the wisest choice in my life."

Chen Fan thanked him and said, "Thank you for your cultivation. Without you, there is no me."

"The mouth is so Mona smiled happily, and said: "Go and remove your makeup. I will take you to the best restaurant later and celebrate. "

"Thanks to the class master." Chen Fan happily returned to his dressing room, but as soon as he entered the door he noticed that it had been searched.

Chen Fan was moved, and found that the old jazz next door was no longer there, and replaced with two law enforcement agents.

Obviously, the law enforcement team hasn't found the poisoner yet, so they can only wait and see.

Chen Fan felt that it didn't matter to him, so he didn't pay attention anymore, took off his makeup and put on his normal clothes.

Mona knocked on the door and came in and asked, "Have you changed your clothes?"

"It's changed." Chen Fan couldn't wait, after all, he was hungry for a day.

Mona frowned and said, "Why are pants again? Don't you have a skirt?"

Chen Fan said: "The trousers are simple and convenient to wear."

Mona said solemnly: "This is not good, after all, you will be a celebrity in the future. You have seen that female celebrity wear trousers every day. I will take you to buy some new skirts after dinner."

Chen Fan urged: "The host, I'm starving to death. Let's eat first."

Mona was pushed out of the door by Chen Fan and said speechlessly: "Other women will be so happy to hear that they have bought a new dress. You still want to eat. I really doubt if you are a real woman."

Chen Fan grinned and said, "If I were not a woman, would you fall in love with me?"

"Go and go, no big or small, even I dare to molested." Mona rewarded him with a chestnut, put on a skirt and walked quickly: "Diva is already waiting for us in the car."

Diva is the name of Mrs. Prawara Laguna, but generally only people close to her would call her.

The two walked out of the backstage of the theater and found three posts outside. They checked those who came in and out very carefully.

When the two got into the car through interrogation, Chen Fan pretended to be puzzled: "Why are there so many law enforcement officers?"

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