Big Panda Boss

Chapter 827: night guard

Chen Fan said in surprise: "Class master, since this title is so honorable, how can I feel this newcomer? Let's change it."

Mona chuckled and said, "I said that if you can bear it, you can bear it, because I am the previous generation of'Vanya'."

Chen Fan was a little bit dumbfounded for a while, so he had to admit it with difficulty.

Back at the hotel where he was staying, as soon as Chen Fan entered his room, he suddenly noticed an abnormal reaction from the spiritual imprint planted on the two killers a few days ago.

He immediately locked the door and sat on the sofa, sinking into his mind to connect the two marks. From the perspective of God, the two killers were lying in a pool of blood. A few weird men wearing black trench coats, leather shoes, and masks on their faces were searching the hiding places of the two killers.

Chen Fan immediately recognized from the costumes of these people that they were a special service police called the Night Watchman in the Terra Empire. They were a bit similar to Jinyi Guards, but they were more powerful than Jinyi Guards, because the main opponents of these Night Watches were mixed into the empire. Demon spies.

Obviously, the various killers attracted by the heavy money have attracted the attention of the empire's senior officials, and they have directly mobilized the night watchmen to carry out the suppression.

Chen Fan was very fortunate that his disguise was perfect, otherwise he would be exposed by these night watchmen.

At this time, a night watchman walked to the corpses of the two killers and took out a magic wand to release a circle of bright light to inspect the corpses of the two.

Chen Fan immediately withdrew his spiritual imprint.

"Huh?!" The night watchman who was performing an autopsy suddenly let out a soft voice.

"What's wrong? Foie gras."

"Captain, I just sensed that there is a vague mental power on the bodies of these two people!"

"Have you grabbed the other person?"

"No, the other party was very alert and just slipped away."

"Apple pie, mashed potatoes, you two will use that new instrument to track it down."

"Yes, Captain."

"Foie gras, chickpeas, you two put the two corpses into the car first."

"Yes, Captain."

"Have you found anything about the big sausage?"

"The captain can give me a nickname, the nickname of Big Sausage is really that much."

"The application is rejected. This is your own draw. Don't talk about anything other than work during the task. Answer the question I just asked."

"Ah, well, Captain Cold Black Fungus, the two suspects are very cautious and didn't carry anything related to the identity certificate. I only found a personal terminal that was damaged."

"...Take things home first, clean the scene, and withdraw."

"Yes, Captain Cold Black Fungus."

"Just call me the captain."

"Okay, Captain Black Fungus Cold."


After the day turned, Chen Fan dragged a large box into the theater, accompanied by Mona. Then immediately began a tense and harsh rehearsal, because only half a month was given.

Harrington must rehearse this drama within the specified time. I heard that there will be members of the royal family to watch it.

Although Chen Fan is not the protagonist, he is also an important role, so from morning till night, he stayed in the rehearsal room for rehearsal with a few actors who had rival roles.

But the outside world caused an uproar because of an unexpected event.

The Shia Empire mission was robbed by an unidentified group of star thieves on the way home after the visit!

The imperial emperor was naturally furious, and immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the case, be sure to apprehend the gang of star thieves and ensure that all members of the mission are safe.

The forces of the night watchman who received the order were immediately dispatched, and the secret forces from all sides were rumbling, and they speculated that it was the brave guy who even dared to rob the foreign mission.


At night, Chen Fan pretended to be tired and returned to his room. He was just about to go to the bathroom to take a shower and suddenly received the spiritual contact from Thanos.

"Boss, I caught it."

"What did you ask?" Chen Fan walked into the bathroom and turned the hot water into the bathtub.

Thanos replied: "The other party confessed that they were invited by the Duke of Villiers to come to the dark business to form an alliance, and selling arms is just a matter of convenience."

"Alliance?" Chen Fan secretly surprised: "These birdmen also want to blend the war between the Supreme Heaven and the Demon Realm?"

Thanos said: "Because the Asa Protoss has existed in name only, it is equivalent to the Kree Empire, the Skuru Empire and the Shia Empire have no restrictions, so these three countries are actively exploring ways to expand abroad."

Chen Fan sneered: "It's really a tiger-free monkey in the mountains who is the king. These birdmen don't want to think that without the town of Asa Protoss, the nine worlds are just a piece of fat in the eyes of foreigners. They don't think about how to protect themselves. It’s really arrogant that Yelang wants to expand abroad."

Thanos asked: "Boss, what should these people do?"

Chen Fan said: "Keep it first, maybe it's useful."

"Yes." Thanos replied.

Chen Fan asked again, "Have you found the whereabouts of your goddaughter?"

"Not yet Thanos replied: "Kamora was brought up by me personally. If she wants to hide, no one can find her. "

Chen Fan said: "Well, you have to be a father, but more and more killers are coming to her recently."

"Yes, I try my best."


In the next few days, the empire quickly returned to calm on the surface, but underneath the seemingly calm surface undercurrents surged.

Chen Fan still played the role of a newcomer who had just debuted and did not attract anyone's attention.

On the contrary, those killers who were accustomed to hiding in the dark were severely hit by the empire. Even though these killers had nothing to do with the robbery of the Shia Empire mission, who made them hit the gun.

Tomorrow is the day when the show will be staged.

It's rare for Chen Fan to get a half-day holiday to relax. Mona wanted to take him to go shopping and buy a few dresses, but he declined.

After eating lunch, he returned to his room. As soon as Chen Fan sat down, he noticed someone sneaking in through the window.

"What are you doing?" Chen Fan asked without turning back when he raised the head of the teacup.

Marduk whispered excitedly: "Goddess, I just received the latest information from the hotel!"

"Oh?" Chen Fan said in surprise, "Is there that woman's whereabouts? Isn't it just ambiguous and useless news?"

Marduk hurriedly said: "This time the news is true, because someone took a picture of the woman." He said as he took out his personal terminal and projected a blurry picture.

I saw a square surrounded by greenery in the picture, surrounded by young mages wearing blue robes.

"This is that?" Chen Fan asked.

"Imperial School of Magic, Conjuration Department Branch." Marduk replied while zooming in on the picture, pointing to one of the girls who looked completely inconspicuous and said: "That's her!"

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