Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 101: Expected Action

The corridors at the scene of the crime were already crowded with students watching. They were chatting and discussing in a low voice, and from time to time they would look fearfully at Harry standing in the middle.

Hufflepuff's students stared at Harry in horror and anger.

Harry knew that he couldn't explain clearly. Just now so many people heard that they were looking for Justin, but after a while, Justin was attacked, and he happened to appear at the scene of the crime.

Harry saw Ernie staring at him fiercely, and then said something to the people around him. Harry wished he wasn't here right now, anywhere, as long as he wasn't here, whether it was Snape's office or the small storage room at the Dursleys', as long as it would get him out of this predicament.

What should come still will come, and after a while, Principal Dumbledore took Harry away, and dispersed the students who were watching the excitement.

At dinner time, the whole school already knew, there was a third attack on the castle. And the prime suspect - Harry Potter himself was on the scene. Almost everyone thought that the Ministry of Magic would arrest him immediately and send him to Azkaban.

But in fact... nothing happened. The next day Harry went to class as usual, which made many people unbelievable. Draco had complained more than once about the way Dumbledore was running the school while practicing the Charms in the small classroom.

There are only Solim, Draco and Neville in the small classroom recently. Hermione had been a little busy lately, and Solim certainly knew what she was up to.

Christmas is coming soon, and due to the panic caused by the recent events in the castle, many students decided to go home for the holidays. But to the bewilderment of the Gryffindors, Malfoy stayed on. This further strengthened Ronald's guess. He believed that Malfoy did something bad, and then planted it on Harry. This time Malfoy will not come home this Christmas, which further shows that he is going to do something during the holiday. maybe.

Hermione's Polyjuice Potion was finally finished with Snape's help. Of course, Hermione herself was completely unaware of all this. Solim knew it very well, he had met Snape countless times in that women's bathroom. If it wasn't for Snape's help, Hermione's potion would expire in less than 20 minutes, and they would definitely be finished by then.

Taking care of Goyle and Crabbe without Draco was easy enough for Hermione, a couple of Stunning Spells did the trick, and the two big-bodied guys just lay down without even knowing what was going on.

"Cool`.!" Ronald said a word he learned from Harry to express his current mood, "You must teach me this, Hermione."

It is easy to knock Goyle and Crabbe down, but it is difficult to put them in the closet. hair.

"Are you sure this is all right?" Ronald said, looking at the strangely colored Polyjuice Potion in his hand.

"Drink it! And change into this!" Hermione tossed Harry and Ronald a suit and shoes. "I'm not going to make the same mistake as someone."

"What is wrong?"

"Drink it now!" Hermione said nervously. After speaking, he drank the potion in his hand, and hurriedly ran to the compartment. The last time she plucked a lock of hair from Millicent's head at the Dueling Club, Solim made it clear to them last time that it must be confirmed that it is something on a human body. Hermione was sure that what she had pulled out was human hair, unless Millicent wasn't human.

Hermione finally knew how Solim felt at that time. The feeling of Polyjuice Potion was really uncomfortable, but this feeling came and went quickly. When the three of them changed their clothes and met, no one said a word. They are all looking at each other with strange eyes.

"How does it feel?" Hermione spoke first.

"Gol's feet are a bit big, and the shoes you gave are a little smaller."

"Okay! Let's go out quickly, time is limited." Hermione hurriedly led the two out of the women's bathroom.

Satisfied, Solim closed the Marauder's Map. Coincidentally, Solim saw Draco on the map just now, if there is no accident, the two of them should be able to meet together

There weren't many students in the Slytherin common room right now - Slytherin House had the fewest students. Silna is playing with her snake, and Solim is lying on the sofa teasing Luna.

Draco led the three of them into the living room.

"Hey Solim, have you read the latest issue of the Daily Prophet?"

"I never watch that kind of crap, there's nothing of value at all."

"He only reads that kind of academic journals." Silna added.

"That's a pity, Vincent, look at this." Draco threw a newspaper over.

"What's this?" Harry turned into Goyle and took the newspaper.

"Arthur Weasley fined 50 galleons for casting a spell on a car?"

Then they saw the whole report, Ronald's father, Arthur Weasley, was fined by the Ministry of Magic because of the flying Ford car, to be honest, Dumbledore must have come forward, otherwise Arthur Weasley would have faced more than just Just a fine of 50 Galleons will do the trick.

Presumably Ronald already knows by now what kind of trouble his actions brought to his family before school started. And the name of Lucius Malfoy also appeared in the report.

Ronald and Harry knew very well that he was Draco's father, how could Lucius pass up such a good opportunity to make trouble? He even asked the Ministry of Magic to expel a completely unqualified wizard official like Arthur Weasley, but obviously, magic In the end, the Ministry still sold Dumbledore to save face, and fined him hastily.

Draco would laugh when he said this, as long as the Weasley family was unlucky, he would be happy, Harry and Ronald could only follow Draco to force themselves to laugh awkwardly in order not to reveal themselves.

While teasing Luna, Solim stared out of the corner of his eye at the embarrassing expression of the two of them—the expression that he couldn't laugh, but forced himself to laugh.

After laughing, Draco started to ask Solim some questions, Harry and Ronald pricked up their ears, and even Hermione who was sitting far away slowly came over.

"..." You said, would Scarhead's family have married a family with the talent of Parseltongue?" Draco asked, "Otherwise, how could he have such a talent?"

"Obviously...not." Solim said lazily, "They are called Potter now, but centuries ago, they were called Ignotus. 1. Although I'm sure, Potter himself doesn't know the situation of his family.

"Oh? How do you say?" Draco asked with interest.

"Peverell is not so much a family, but rather an aggregation of some families." Solim explained: "Antioch, Cadmus, and Potter's ancestor, Ignotus, these three The family is the ruling family of Peverell. But of course, (OK) you must also know that Antioch and Cadmus have long since disappeared, and the three most orthodox Peverells are only left Ignotus, but centuries ago, in order to escape the war, they became anonymous and began to call themselves Potter. If Potter resumes the official name of their family now, his name should be: Harry‧James Ignotus S. Peverell is right. But obviously, that silly boy doesn't know anything.

"Ha, Scarhead hangs out with that Weasley scum all day long, what can he know?" Draco wanted to slap Weasley when he got the chance.

"But no matter what, even if Scarhead is a Parseltongue, I don't believe that he is the heir of Slytherin, and I don't believe that he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Obviously, someone else opened the Chamber of Secrets and made the attack. Solim, you have No news?"

Harry felt weird when he heard Draco's words. Almost all the students in the school thought he was the murderer, but Malfoy, the old enemy, showed some kind of "trust" in him about the Chamber of Secrets. Harry didn't know what mood he should be in right now. .

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