Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 2083: Only time can help me (24)

The taxi drove farther and farther, and eventually disappeared in the distance of the winding road. Luo Qingxue entered the old house into the backyard until she was so far away that she could no longer hear the motor of the car, "She's gone."

Lengscheng was squatting on the ground playing with Little Wales, as if he hadn't heard his mother's words. Little Welsh was teased by him so that his tail was wagging, and then he lay on the ground and turned his belly. Lengscheng reached out his hand and touched its belly. He just wagged his tail desperately without calling. For a long time, on the side of the dog's face, he tilted to the side and spit out something in his palm.

Leng Sicheng saw that the thing was shiny and seemed to be a button. Reminiscent of it playing with Gu Qingqing on the ground before, this button is 80% of hers.

After the button spit out, it screamed again, and its big watery eyes looked at him for a moment, and its big hairy tail kept wagging.

Lengscheng stared at the button in his hand for a few seconds. The button was shiny and still stuck to Welsh's saliva. He narrowed his eyes slightly, got up slowly, and responded to his mother: "I know." Then he flicked the button in his hand casually and put out a paper towel to wipe his palm. Little Welsh ran to the thrown place again to dig a hole, his front paws jumped up and down, having a great time playing.

Luo Qingxue also saw the thing he had thrown away, and looked at Lengsi City, which was still calm, but said: "Auntie has made the soup, you can drink a bowl first."

Lengscheng nodded and went to the restaurant with her. The aunt brought the soup, he took a sip, and Luo Qingxue asked, "How about? Let Auntie stew it all morning. Isn't it okay?"

Leng Sicheng nodded, bowed his head and drank all the soup. Luo Qingxue watched it all and drank, and then ordered: "Drink one more bowl. You see, you have been too busy to go out recently, and you have lost a lot of weight."

Leng Sicheng did not object, and drank another bowl according to his words. When the two bowls were finished, he wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and saw that his mother was still looking at him, knowing that she had something to ask.

That's right, I didn't tell them about my divorce, and I didn't notify them of my re-engagement. My daughter-in-law changed people, so I had to explain why.

He knew that his mother still liked Gu Qingqing, and it was not difficult for her to call her over today. As for Miss Su, he also knew that after getting engaged, she often came to accompany them and often gave them things, and he didn't stop it.

He put down the napkin, "Mom, do you have something to ask?"

"If you have time, you will formally bring Miss Su and her family over to have a meal together." Although Miss Su came to the door, they also went shopping and bought things, but before and after the engagement in Lengsi City, there was no Bring her here for a formal meal. There is no engagement banquet, but the news of the two people's engagement. What is this? Even back then, he made a decision to marry Gu Qingqing and invited her mother and brother over.

Lengscheng didn't speak, but just looked at his mother. Luo Qingxue said: "After all, you are all engaged, and we haven't even seen her family. This is not a problem. You will also form a family in the future."

When Luo Qingxue said, Leng Sicheng listened quietly, and then nodded: "Okay, I'll contact her."

There was no expression on his face, and there was no movement. Luo Qingxue glanced again, and then said: "You are not too young anymore. After you get married, you should have children as soon as possible."

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