Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1913: Goodbye (24)

This, this is terrible! This is simply equivalent to Lengsi City controlling everything about her under his shadow, just like the Five Finger Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha. Even if a somersault cloud is thousands of miles away, she can't turn it over!

"Qingqing, Qingqing, what's wrong with you, Qingqing?" Next to him, Li Youyou gently touched her shoulder: "Are you okay?"

It took a long time for Gu Qingqing to come over: "...I'm okay, okay."

Although he said it was good, his face was like golden paper, and the whole person was stupefied.

For the first time, she felt the horror and horror of Lengs City. She really did not expect that Lengs City was like a spider weaving a big web for her. She thought that she was free when she stole out, but she didn't expect it at all. She has never escaped in the net.

It can't go on like this! If this continues, she is really like a prey being stared at. Once bitten, she will only slowly paralyze and die.

She turned her head and glanced at Lin Zhouyi suddenly: "Mr. Lin, you said that I won the first prize in the innovation competition before and I can study abroad. Is this still a good deal now?"

Lin Zhouyi said: "I didn't tell your story. You are still half a month away from school. You can choose by yourself. If you want to go out, you can expedite your visa. If you don't want to go out, you just don't want to report."

Gu Qingqing nodded without hesitation: "I'll go."

She really wanted to go. It turned out that Lengs City was terrible. After she was imprisoned, she felt his bondage, and later felt that his imprisonment was only for Mingxiu's plank road to darken Chen Cang and for a happier future with Xu Zipei. . I saw his violence today, but only then did she feel the viciousness of Lengs City——

This kind of marriage is not necessary at all!

However, when they came back, the doctor came to the door directly: "Mr. Nie’s situation, not very seconds..."


At the same moment, Leng's.

As soon as Lengscheng came back, he devoted himself to all the work, even more seriously than before. When Secretary Cheng came back, she couldn't even tell what she was doing, so she had to help him all the time.

Until the night was busy, Secretary Cheng stole a gap, and said to Lengscheng, "Mr. Leng, I have arranged the affairs of Mrs. Nie. I took Mr. Nie to the hospital, and the injuries on his hands were bandaged Okay, I also hired four bodyguards to guard her day and night. There are people guarding her no matter how she goes in and out."

Leng Sicheng looked back at him directly, with a cold expression: "Do I want you to make your own claim?"

Secretary Cheng immediately begged for mercy: "Mr. Leng, I was wrong. Later, I contacted Aunt Wu and asked her to persuade and persuade his wife."

Lengscheng stood up directly, his tall figure oppressed him: "Go to the logistics office by yourself and deduct three months' salary."

Secretary Cheng smiled and said, "Where is one month enough? I have already reported to someone, and I have already deducted half of my salary."

Lengscheng nodded: "Very well, if this goes on, you will directly deduct half a year's salary, plus go to clean the toilet."

Unexpectedly, Secretary Cheng nodded: "Actually, I clean the toilet. I am at home and my mother fines me to clean everything."

"Okay, you go..." Before the Lengscheng dialect was finished, Secretary Cheng's phone rang. He was going to pick it up outside, but he picked it up and found that it was a call from the hospital. He picked it up and listened, his face changed in an instant: "Mr. Leng, something has happened..."

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