Bestial Wolf Father Snatches Mommy

Chapter 73: 2013-7-25 23:08:31 book

63. The first appearance of the edge (Part 1)

"What? What's together?!" Tang Yanran's eyes widened.

Su Jinnian closed his eyes, and put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water: "That's right - I'm dating Ximen Lie."

"Ximen Lie? Is that the legendary prince of the underworld?" Ji Zixiang couldn't help but be speechless, his sister is so courageous, she dared to provoke even people in the underworld, and it was not someone else who provoked, but the vicious and vicious means The prince! That man is not someone who can move casually, even Mr. Su is afraid of it!

Tang Yanran's expression was stiff, as if she had swallowed an egg raw, and it took her a while to accept the reality: "Then, what about An Xirong?"

It's not that cheating, is it? I said not to be with that man, but Su Jinnian decided to go against it. Sure enough, he still refused to give up on that man so easily! Now some of them are playing, and An Xirong has been taken advantage of, and all the fun is in vain. What a useless thing, even the cooked duck can be snatched away by others!

"I'll go and talk to him tomorrow."

After hesitating for two days, the one who should come still can't escape. Now that he has decided to be with Ximen, then those flamboyant people can stay where they are cool. Anyway, it has been agreed in advance that their relationship is not Formal, not to mention... During this period of time, An Huhu took a lot of money from her, and it was right to give him education funds.

Swallowing her saliva, Tang Yanran couldn't help shaking her head: "You... just decided like that?! Could it be too hasty!"

Su Jinnian shrugged his shoulders: "It's such a happy decision, there's nothing wrong with it!"

As An Xirong's strong backing, Tang Yanran expressed that she couldn't bear it anymore: "Don't you think this is too cruel for An Xirong?! He is so serious to you!"

As a woman dazzled by love, Su Jinnian proved the saying "A woman in love has zero IQ" with practical actions: "Ximen is also very serious about me!"

What is the reason? ! Tang Yanran felt that she could no longer communicate with this woman.

Seeing the two women in front of them arguing back and forth, Qianjuying just stood aside silently, her face was calm, she couldn't even see any unhappiness, but she was no longer as gentle as before, her clear black eyes were like ice At first glance, there is nothing abnormal, but if you look closely, you will find that there is no warmth in his eyes, cold and desolate.

As early as the moment he saw Ximen Lie driving Su Jinnian back, he knew that he had lost, because Su Jinnian looked at him completely differently from other people's eyes. Unspoken joy.

He may be able to control Su Jinnian's actions, and he can stay by her side so that other men cannot get closer, but he can't control her emotions, and can't control her love and hate. He even found sadly that no matter what he did, Su Jinnian might never have the kind of feelings for him that he hoped for.

The gap between him and Su Jinnian is not just an insurmountable secular gap.

From birth to now, there is nothing he can't do, even the most arduous task he can do perfectly, but the three words "Su Jinnian" are the peaks that he can never read. It looks like it is in front of you, as if you can touch it with your hand, but in fact, it is still separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, as far away as a mirage...

Su Jinnian was completely immersed in Ximen Lie's world, and did not notice Qianjuying's depression. Although there was a word that sounded very hypocritical, it was undeniable that this was indeed her "first love".

First love—officially interpreted as the initial part of the germination of human love, it can also be said that it is the first time a person tastes "love", but it is not necessarily true love. For example, if a person likes another person, he does not necessarily have to love She, but his love for each other is unique and cannot be easily replaced by others.

Su Jinnian is not a person who is deeply affectionate and can't live without love, so even if she has a good impression of Ximen Lie now, it's not because of him, but Ximen Lie is "unique" to her. The words couldn't be more apt. Now she is like a little bear that was accidentally drenched in honey. After taking a sip, she couldn't help but be addicted to it. She can no longer ignore the sweetness of honey. Even if it is a bit risky, she must muster up the courage to try it.

For the first time, Su Jinnian understood his heart so clearly.

But she didn't know how many people's glass hearts she accidentally broke when she was full of joy. She didn't know how many people had cursed the word "Su Jinnian", and it had long been their "first love" that they held in their palms and carefully protected.

After dealing with the affairs of the ASC Group, Su Jinnian was happy to be at leisure. He didn't pay attention to the earth-shaking situation outside, nor did he care about the mood of the spectators, and he didn't bother to ask whether Mr. Su would feel like being trapped after he got the news. Like stepping on a fox's tail, she hurried back to deal with her little evil. In short, the world is peaceful, the weather is beautiful, and very comfortable.

It's just that Su Jinnian obviously underestimated the degree of God's "love" for her, and the word "trouble" followed like a shadow, pervasive.

He was entangled in those messy things before, either to solve them or to avoid the limelight. As a result, Su Jinnian became the king of absenteeism in the history of Yinyao College not long after the school started, and the frequency of absenteeism was so high It made the dean of the college speechless.

Fortunately, after several twists and turns, the head of the Su family, whose value has doubled, finally stepped into the gate of Yinyao Academy again.

Half a day later, the dean temporarily changed his mood, and instead prayed that the little ancestor would not come to school—

Where there are rivers and lakes, there will be disputes, where there is Su Jinnian, there will be hatred!

In autumn, the red maples on both sides of the campus path reflect the bright red luster under the sunshine, rendering the dazzling red with enthusiasm, like a raging fire, venting a kind of extreme wildness, splashing the spirit of life in its heyday. brilliant.

There was still some time before class, Su Jinnian was not in a hurry, and walked slowly on the path, silently considering how to speak to An Xirong.

Although that guy seems to be difficult to deal with, but with his narcissistic mentality, as long as she speaks up, she shouldn't cling to her facelessly and won't let go, right? By the way, so much time has passed, how can this big radish still love herself so much and never get tired of it? ! Could it be that as soon as she came back, those other women would all die?

Obviously, the reason Su Jinnian gave was wrong, because in the next second, her speculation was rejected without hesitation.

From a distance, facing the warm autumn sun, Su Jinnian raised his eyes and saw those girls coming towards him, all dressed up brightly, driving side by side, with unfriendly expressions and menacing approach.

That posture, it looks like he is here to find fault.

Su Jinnian couldn't help but swear in his heart, then he narrowed his eyes, stopped and waited for them to come over.

The leader is a tall girl. She is 1.7 meters tall and has high heels of more than ten centimeters. Walking on the road, she almost sweeps away thousands of troops. Except for Qianjuying who can slightly suppress her momentum, even Su Jinnian's attitude towards her Even her eyes should be turned on slightly to look up.

Flicking the maroon wavy shoulders, the girl raised her chin proudly, and the hostility on her heavily made-up face was obvious: "Although you are the eldest lady of the Su family, you are still the so-called chairman of the ASC Group, father and the others may fear you Su family power, but we are not afraid of you!"

Su Jinnian raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly: "So?"

The smile on her face was faint, but the meaning was obvious - they were not afraid of her, and Miss Su didn't take them seriously at all.

This undisguised contempt made a group of girls even more angry, but her aura of being neither humble nor overbearing over everyone made them sincerely... sigh.

The tall girl was also invigorated by her strong and indifferent aura, and after a pause, she continued to ask forcefully: "Are you really dating Principal An now?"

Hearing this, Su Jinnian understood that they came here for this purpose, she thought it was someone who took the trouble to make a moth come out, but she didn't want to be the admirer attracted by the attractant An Hu.

"Yes, we've been dating for a while, but I'm already planning to talk to him..."

Before the word "break up" could be uttered, the faces of the group of anxious girls changed immediately, and they couldn't wait to interrupt her loudly. They all spoke in unison, as much tacit understanding as possible——

"It's impossible for Principal An to fall in love with you, give up!"

Then, the tall girl kindly added: "He has always loved Cheng Chuyu, if you are sensible, you should leave him earlier!"

Even though Su Jinnian was planning to "break up" with An Xirong, hearing someone say that this man who has been having an affair with her for a long time has been deeply in love with other women, a normal person would feel uncomfortable, right? It's just that she's not happy, she doesn't have the right to ask about other people's private life right now, and she has no reason to interfere with his romantic relationship, so Su Jinnian didn't pursue it, but just smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter who Rong Rong loved before, the important thing is that he is with me now, if I want to leave him based on your words, wouldn't it appear that I am losing face?"

Seeing the faces of the other party's faces turned ugly again, Su Jinnian felt relieved for a while. Who told them to come to find fault with them when they had nothing to do, she just wanted to disgust them.

"Hmph, we kindly persuade you, I didn't expect you to be so ignorant!"

"That's right, Sister Chu Yu is Principal An's favorite. While Sister Chu Yu is not here, you come to interfere. What if it's not a third party?"

"Is everyone in the Su family so conceited? If you really like Principal An so much, do you dare to accept our challenge?"

Another challenge! Su Jinnian felt the meridians on his forehead twitch slightly. I really don't know if these women are brain-dead, or do they think they are brain-dead? One mouthful of sister Chuyu, under the guise of helping the sisters clean up the vixen, as if how loyal they are to Cheng Chuyu, but in fact, the little thought hidden in the heart is a person with eyes, who can't see it?

Seeing that Su Jinnian didn't answer, the arrogance of several people instantly burned up, and they stepped forward aggressively.

"If you dare not accept our challenge, it means that your feelings for Principal An are nothing more than that, so what qualifications do you have to continue standing by his side?!"

Tsk, the little girls are still fighting!

Su Jinnian inexplicably found it funny, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

"How do you plan to challenge the law, let's hear it."

Looking at the smile on the woman's face, it was dazzling no matter how you looked at it, and hearing her nonchalant tone, the expressions on the faces of the girls were angry, and the conflict suddenly intensified: "Girls who can study in Yinyao College , to have both the talents of a "lady", whether in cooking, tea art, flower art, etc., or in wine tasting, aromatherapy, handicrafts, etc., you must have excellent results, and you must have excellent results in any of them. If you meet the standard, you are not worthy to get the graduation certificate of Yinyao College. Therefore, among these projects, we plan to draw lots to select three kinds, and then the three of us will challenge you separately. If you win, we will hand in the withdrawal application immediately Leave here, but if we win, then—please leave Principal An and disappear from this campus!"

Compared to the last duel where he gambled on his wealth and life, the gamble this time was obviously much lighter, but no matter what, Su Jinnian would never allow himself to face a disastrous defeat.

"There is no need to draw lots. In order to convince you to lose, just choose the three that you are best at! Secondly, if you lose, I don't need any withdrawal application. That kind of thing is useless to me. It's better for everyone Giving me ten million is really worth it!"

Making enemies everywhere is not Su Jinnian's style. Since these chicks can "defy" the majesty of the Su family and come to challenge her, it shows that the power behind them cannot be underestimated. Even if one person is nothing, the three families If united, Qi Li can also break the gold.

Hearing Su Jinnian's arrogant remarks, apart from the anger of being underestimated, the girls also felt guilty as if they were seen through by her glass-colored eyes.

Because even if she didn't say that, they had already tampered with the lottery box, and no matter what, they would draw the item they were best at, so that they could take the upper hand!

"Hmph, you said this yourself! I hope that after the competition is over, you can fulfill your promise, and don't cry because you have boasted so much now..."

Su Jinnian still had a casual expression on his face: "So, what is the talent you are good at—?"

The tall girl raised her chin, full of confidence: "Taste wine!"

The other two girls were not to be outdone: "Tea ceremony!" "Smell the fragrance!"

Hearing this, Su Jinnian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it wasn't cooking, otherwise she would have to go to a teacher to learn art - it's not that the food she cooks is not delicious, it's just that her talent is not in it. The food is delicious, but as for the color, it can probably be called "dark food" from hell.

When the three provocative girls flicked their long hair and walked away arrogantly, Qian Chongying asked Su Jinnian: "Miss has already decided to break up with An Xirong, why do you still have to accept this boring thing?" challenge?"

Raising his hand and gently stroked the bangs on his forehead, Su Jinnian restrained his expression, and smiled coldly at the backs of the girls: "Whether An Xirong and I break up is a matter between us, there is no need What a waste of time for other people! Even if I want to break up with him, I won't have half a relationship with them. I don't want to hear someone gossiping, saying that I left An Xirong because of their threats. —In this world, there is no one who can threaten me, Su Jinnian!"

The time for the competition was scheduled for after school in the afternoon. As the new "man of the hour" of Yinyao College, Su Jinnian's movements were immediately spread, and it took only half a day to spread throughout the campus, including of course Ximen Lie. And An Xirong's ears.

To this, Ximen Lie's reaction was to pull Su Jinnian into a corner and kiss him fiercely, then looked straight at Su Jinnian with meaningful eyes, with an expression of "Do you have anything to explain to me?"

Su Jinnian immediately raised the white flag to surrender: "...I will break up with him immediately after winning the game!"

An Xirong was sitting alone in the office and giggling, fantasizing about the wonderful fantasy of "Sure enough, women are duplicity animals, I didn't expect Su Jinnian to care about him so much", which fully proves that he is indeed an out-and-out narcissist.

Thinking of another good show to watch, the teachers and students of Yinyao College achieved an unprecedented unity of thought for the first time—how did time pass so slowly? ! Why are you still in get out of class? ! Ciao, hurry up and get out of school!

"Dang—! Dang—! Dang—!"

The bell for the end of the last get out of class finally rang amid the anxious waiting and anticipation of the crowd. In an instant, all the teachers turned from silence to boiling, and then returned to dead silence after a while. Almost all the teachers and students in the school were at the same time. Gathered to the scene of the "Famous Talent Competition", which is the luxuriously decorated theater hall of Yinyao College - because it not only accommodates a large number of people, but also has a large set of equipment for real-time shooting, and the screen is enlarged and played behind the stage On the big screen, the sound effect is also top-notch!

The notaries this time were represented by both sides, together with the three gold medal arbitrators from the Arbitration Association, they could basically guarantee the fairness of the competition. Drawing on the lessons learned from Motoyama Fujita's poisoning last time, this time the Arbitration Association carefully checked the various materials involved in the competition one by one, thus eliminating the possibility of tampering with the materials.

After a brief introduction by the host, the competition officially began.

"Then, let's invite the initiators of this challenge—Liu Qingmei, Yan Jingyi, Tang Xiao, and the student Su Jinnian who accepted the challenge to come on stage! According to the agreement between the two parties in the competition, the first round will be conducted first by Liu Qingmei and Su Jinnian." Wine tasting' competition!"

64. The beginning of the edge - wine tasting

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