Best wishes for animation production

Chapter 663 Miracle (5000)

Days like Christmas.

It is very special for couples who are in love, and that day happens to be a weekend. For them, it is simply a God-sent day...

However, to put it bluntly, when they go out on a date today, they always have to find something to do. Otherwise, they will never be able to eat and drink enough, so they just find a place to rest, right?

The cinema is a good place to spend time.

Going on dates and watching movies is almost a must-have for many couples.

For couples in a stable relationship, watching movies is an easy way to pass the time and find topics to talk about. For those who want to confirm their relationship, the key point is not what movie they watched, but that the movie theater environment can create opportunities for them to "confess".

It is precisely because of demand that there are relatively small schedules like Christmas and Valentine's Day, but there are stable movie-watching crowds.

During these dates, most of the movies released are love-themed movies.

"Your Name" is the only animated film released on Christmas Day this year.

Logically speaking, in terms of audience, animation cannot compare with those live-action movies blessed by large-scale celebrities.

But "Your Name" is a bit special.

Its main characters are voiced by two idols.

The other thing is... the power of the dead house is too great.

On the morning of the 25th, the young man who posted that he was single at the premiere couldn't get a ticket because of those nerds who said they wouldn't watch it but secretly went to buy tickets early in the morning.

They swiped once and twice, creating a situation where it was almost hard to get a vote.

And in the afternoon.

Things are getting better.

Those who watched the movie again and again finally went back, and those who said they didn’t want to watch but went to buy tickets early had almost finished watching the movie.

And follow them back.

Discussions about the movie "Your Name" have begun to ferment on the Internet.

The CIN forum was directly slaughtered by related posts.

The administrator had to urgently merge related posts with a confused look on his face and create a discussion collection.

And this is just the beginning.

Because the CIN forum is only a forum within the circle.

Many people who have watched the movie felt that the movie should not be limited to the film industry, so they started a crazy Amway model.

Friends, colleagues, social networks.

In the beginning, only a few people posted things like, ‘Your name is really beautiful, please be sure to check it out’ on social networks.

But gradually, as the number of moviegoers increased, so did such comments.

The clips and music released in the trailer of "Your Name" began to appear in every corner of the Internet.

Short videos, pictures, words.

Gradually they merged into a ‘river’.

In the evening.

"Your Name" appeared on Twitter's trending topic list, and many people in the animation industry expressed their love.

A short video related to a certain movie has received four million views.

Users of the largest ACG video website expressed their emotions watching this animated movie.

Discussions about this movie in various ACG-related groups began to grow wildly.

On the rating website, the rating of this animated film stands out among the new releases, becoming the one with the highest rating...

Even the internal group of YUKI Studio.

The staff who had participated or not participated in the production of "Your Name" all began to discuss this animated film and the supervisor behind it - Gu Xue.

Every aspect, every place.

In just one day, the entire Internet seemed to have news about this animated movie.

In the evening, the two main voice actors, Hashimoto Ai and Yamauchi Yui, tweeted to promote the animation. Within half an hour, there were tens of thousands of retweets and comments.

The agency behind them was confused by the enthusiastic audience before they even had time to use their navy.

This is the so-called social phenomenon level, and there is no need to add fuel to the flames.

News about the work will appear in every corner.

And night is the peak time for couples to date.

Many couples saw the overwhelming news about "Your Name" during the day and subconsciously chose this movie...

And with this wave of cash-in after watching the movie...

"Have you heard? I used up a lot of paper towels last night!"

"Eh...are you sexually harassing me!?"

"No, no, I mean in the theater. Where did you think you were going? "Your Name"...have you heard of this movie?"


On TV, two hosts of an unknown morning nonsense variety show were talking nonsense.

Gu Xue sat on the bed, combing her long hair that was messed up while sleeping. She felt a little strange and rolled her eyes at the same time.

This is definitely sexual harassment of color.

Yesterday, the box office of "Your Name" was released on the first day. It was neither high nor low, 170 million.

It's really neither high nor low. After all, in Gu Xue's previous life, some movies could achieve a box office of 300 to 400 million yuan on the first day.

Therefore, for Gu Xue, the achievement of "Your Name" is not shocking.

But Gu Xue was also very satisfied. She hugged Gu Rou and slept with a smile.

In the morning, Gu Rou left first.

Gu Xue, who had been busy for so many months, got up later, turned on the TV, and saw a variety show discussing "Your Name".

What the hell...

Gu Xue watched the TV and didn't think much about it. After all, the movie was only officially released yesterday. She complained in a low voice that this variety show ran so fast. Went to wash up.

Cleaned myself up a little.

Then go out.

Gu Xue planned to go to the studio to complete the finishing work.

On the way to the station.

"your name……"

Gu Xue was walking when she suddenly heard someone saying "Your Name". She turned to look at the girls and blinked.

But the girls were gone.

Gu Xue could only continue to rush to the station with some doubts.

But get on the tram.

Gu Xue heard those four words again.

"your name,"

"Eh? Don't you even know my name?"

"No, do you want to watch the movie? Everyone in the class said it's good."

Two teenagers who looked like high school students were talking quietly in the carriage.

Gu Xue turned to look at them and blinked again.

Next stop.

The high school students got off the bus.

Several office workers came up again.

"Go to the movies after get off work, your name."

"Ah, I've heard about it. I heard it's very touching."

"Yes, the music and pictures are amazing..."

Then came another wave of people...

Passengers in the carriage were getting up and down.

And Gu Xue heard a lot of good things about "Your Name"...and herself on the tram.

a lot of.

She used a scarf to cover her delicate chin and half of her face. When she got out of the car, her face was slightly red.

But it's not over yet.

Before going to YUKI Studio.

Gu Xue didn't eat breakfast, so she went to the convenience store to buy bread, and while she was checking out...

"Good morning, are you an employee of that building, right?" The young clerk took the initiative to say hello, and then said to himself, "I heard that the movie "Your Name" was produced by the YUKI studio in the building. Oh, it’s really amazing. I went to see it yesterday and saw..."

Gu Xue stood in front of the counter, tore open the package, took small bites of the bread, and occasionally glanced at the clerk.

Quite cute.

She patiently listened to the clerk's soliloquy, and when the other person came to his senses, she bowed slightly and left with an apologetic smile.

Go out.

Gu Xue looked around and swallowed the last bite of bread.

Her first time.

Really feel what is called phenomenon level.

She just bought some bread.

It's outrageous that the clerk could talk about it for twenty minutes...

Gu Xue, who finally got rid of the clerk, came to the office a little later than usual.

Before going in, Gu Xue slowed down her pace and carefully peeked in at the door.

After confirming that the noisy employees in the office did not gather at the door and yell to scare her, she breathed a sigh of relief and then walked in.

"Good morning."

Gu Xue said hello to the studio employee who found him.

But as soon as she said hello, everyone in the studio raised their heads and looked at her.


Gu Xue tilted her head, showing a puzzled expression, and subconsciously pushed open the door of her office.

The door just opened.

A black shadow quickly rushed towards her.

So fast.

beyond imagination.

Gu Xue was startled and jumped back, but still did not hide away. The black shadow successfully hugged her and hugged her tightly.

"Ten million! Ten million!"

Yu Jingyao was so happy that she was almost crazy. She jumped up and down with Gu Xue in her arms: "The number of viewers of "Your Name" yesterday exceeded 10 million! Thirteen million! The single-day box office was 460 million! Plus On top of yesterday's 170 million, there are 600 million in two days!!! 600 million..."

"Eh? Wait...what are you doing?"

Gu Xue, who was hugged from the waist, was stunned. Then she reacted, reached out and pushed Yu Jingyao's face, and leaned back, showing an expression of disgust.

"Why are you unhappy!?"

"I've learned a little bit about the situation on the way, please let me go!"

"Can't you be happy after knowing it!? I won't let go! Do you know! What does this mean! In just two days, there are more than 10 million people. The final number of viewers may exceed 100 million! 100 million people ! Directors who can achieve this level can be counted on one hand!"

The more Yujing Yao talked, the happier she became. Finally, she hugged Gu Xue's waist tightly and kissed her face hard. She still didn't want to finish the kiss. She shouted that our family's supervision was too powerful and started a series of life-threatening kisses. .


Gu Xue felt the saliva on her face and couldn't be happy at all.

She stretched out her hands and pushed Yu Jingyao's face hard, angrily and a little shy, and said angrily:


"...Where is the nausea?"

"Everywhere is disgusting!"


The two quarreled in public.

Some of the studio employees who witnessed the whole process couldn't help laughing.


Gu Xue pushed Yu Jingyao's face with both hands, turned her head suddenly, and looked around.

Full of majesty.

The person who laughed out loud quickly straightened his face and looked serious.

【たった久のこのきらめきを(As if to swallow up this moment of glory)】

[Everything is eaten until we are so tired that we can’t even laugh or cry]

I don’t know whose cell phone ringtone rang, adding BGM to the happy atmosphere...


It was also a day full of energy for everyone at YUKI Studio.

The other side of the city.

"Thirteen million!?"

Yamauchi's only manager looked at Yamauchi in shock.

Yamauchi said proudly: "Even if you don't trust this data, you should have seen the box office. It's already 600 million, and each ticket costs 35 yuan. You can calculate it after you divide it."

"How... is this possible? Although after seeing it, I really think it's very good, but..."

The agent looked at the data and said in disbelief: "I thought it was just an ordinary animated movie."

"Yeah, it's just an ordinary animated movie, but it's so well done!"

Yamauchi's only expression was a bit disgusting: "There are so many movies released now, but none of them can beat this animated movie. If there is no opponent on New Year's Day, then the number of viewers of this movie will definitely exceed 100 million. You originally He also said he wouldn't take the job.

Let 100 million people remember my voice. Where can you find a substitute for such an opportunity and job? "

"Uh..." The agent was speechless. She did object at the time...

"Ha, it seems I am better."

She looked speechless.

Yamauchi was even more proud. He straightened up suddenly, raised his right hand, pointed at his nose with his thumb like a middle school boy, and said with a stern expression: "Kono!!"


Seeing his appearance, the agent lady finally couldn't bear it anymore. She took a deep breath, her eyes twitched, and she suppressed her anger and said:

"Well, yes, it's you.

In addition, speaking of... you were very successful in dubbing, especially the sound of switching bodies with Sanye. I think your fans are also discussing it. How about this? You are so talented, I can help. Find a character who cross-dresses as a woman..."

Yamauchi's solemn expression trembled violently and said in fright:


"The company will agree based on your current situation. Well, that's it. I'll contact you."

The agent stood up.

"...I was wrong! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

The only thing Sanai said was that she fell to her knees.

"Well, wouldn't the final box office start at at least 3.5 billion!?"

Hashimoto Ai's little nest.

Her manager, Ms. Endo, also looked shocked.

"Well, it's her turn to take it. I've read the script myself, and I thought it was so good when I re-watched the finished movie that I couldn't help crying, let alone those who were watching it for the first time."

Hashimoto Ai gently fiddled with the long hair hanging by her ears with her index finger and replied.

"But this is too exaggerated! I originally thought she would throw away the fame she gained from live-action movies and make animations just because of love... But this, let alone making live-action movies, what kind of live-action movies are there! Animated movies are not as good as grabbing money. quick!?"

Ms. Endo said a little confused.

Hashimoto Ai: "..."

She knows that Ms. Endo's more profitable values ​​of live-action movies are slightly shaken by the impact of "Your Name"'s estimated box office.

With comfort in mind, she reached out and patted Ms. Endo's shoulder.

But Hashimoto Ai underestimated Ms. Endo.

Her shot.

Ms. Endo raised her head and glanced at her, and instantly became determined: "What do you think...get the copyright and invite Gu Xue to supervise and make another live-action version? You will be the heroine..."

Hashimoto Ai: "Huh?"

"There's something wrong!" Ms. Endo said, the more she thought about it, the more reliable she became.

"No la!"

Hashimoto Ai retorted her loudly, and suddenly stood up: "The charm and romance that only belongs to animation are basically impossible to reproduce in real people. Ah... just follow me. After watching the animated movie, you will knew."

Hashimoto Ai took Ms. Endo and went to watch a movie.

Although the movie theaters are now packed with seats.

But as an idol, it was easy to get tickets.

More than two hours later.

She and Ms. Endo walked out of the theater.

After watching the movie, Ms. Endo's eyes were red and a little swollen. She whispered: "You are right, no..."


"I'd better focus on how to get Gu Xue to supervise the filming of "Love Letter"."

Hashimoto Ai: "..."

I haven’t given up on recruiting Gu Xue as a director yet.

Hashimoto Ai was stunned for a moment, then showed a gloating smile.

I tried my best, Gu Xue.

But there is no way.

New Voice Company.

In the conference room, the agent left.

But the new group responsible for singing all the music in "Your Name" is still there, confused...

After a while.

"Brother, are we popular?" Murakami, the drummer and backing vocalist, turned to look at the band's lead singer.

"I don't know." The lead singer turned to look at him.

The two looked at each other in confusion.


Susumu Hashimoto, the composer, couldn't laugh or cry: "Even if you don't understand the situation, you can't stop browsing video platforms or social platforms. Music from animated movies is mentioned everywhere, especially Yume Lantern and Past Lives, even if it was secretly recorded The garbage sound source is spread everywhere, what is this if it’s not popular?”

The lead singer was stunned and said: "But Hashimoto Shin-senpai, I feel it is very unreal. We were still just a salted fish the day before yesterday... Today my manager told me that he is solely responsible for us and wants us to pay attention to our image... It feels like I didn’t do anything, Supervisor Gu Xue composed the lyrics and music, you wrote the score, and I got scolded a few times... Then after recording the song, it became popular? "

"Then you slap yourself? See if you can wake yourself up?" Hashimoto Shin glanced at him.

"This... is not necessary."

"Okay, you haven't seen the movie yet. If you have seen the movie, you will know why it is so popular... Let's go, this should be the last time I show off as an elder. Please watch the movie."

"But we read the script..."

“Reading the script and watching the movie are two different things.”

Hashimoto Jin stood up.

Two hours later.

In the cinema.

“The music here is great!”

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, it's so touching!"


Hashimoto Jin's eyelids twitched wildly.

He looked confident an hour ago and said that he had read the script, but after arriving at the theater, during the second half of the movie, the three of them hugged each other and started howling like ghosts.

I wish I could bump into them on the spot.

Except for people involved in the movie.

Countless animation enthusiasts, animation production industry insiders, film practitioners, and melon-eating people are also paying attention to this movie.

But the focus is different.

What the capital cares about is whether it can get involved and everyone can make money together, and they secretly think about whether the capital's increase in production will lead to success.

Animation enthusiasts or people who have watched movies can discuss and marvel at the beauty of animation with their peers on software they are familiar with.

For those in the industry, watching Cheng Yaojin’s success at the end of the year and predicting that he might break this year’s box office record, he felt mixed emotions.

"Your Name" seemed to be known to everyone overnight.

What is phenomenal?

It means that many people watch and talk about a movie, so large that it almost forms a social phenomenon.

This is phenomenal.

"Your Name" is already a phenomenon right now.

This is simply a miracle.

Although...the creator of this miracle.

Gu Xue.

At this moment, he was having an embarrassing battle of wits with his subordinates, and finally lost...

thank you all

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