Best wishes for animation production

Chapter 59 I’m no longer a human being

"There are limits to human capabilities."

"I have learned one thing from my short life. The more I clear Eryuan, the more I will find that human abilities have limits... unless they surpass human beings."

Gu Xue looked serious.

Miss Mihara was silent for a long time, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I'm no longer a human being! Miss Mihara!"

Gu Xue suddenly raised the pencil.

Quite cute...

Chisa Mihara: "..."


Realizing that Miss Mihara didn't understand what she was talking about, Gu Xue put down her hands in frustration, sighed, and rested her chin on the workbench, looking listless.

Today is the third day that Gu Xue started clearing Eryuan.

It only took three days for her to go from being full of energy at the beginning to being boring, to now her rationality is gradually disintegrating, and she wants to give up on herself.

Qing Eryuan is so troublesome. It's no fun to dig out the details. I really want to turn into a Qing Eryuan machine with no emotions.

This is probably what Gu Xue is thinking now.

Seeing her like this, Chisa Mihara pursed her lips, wanting to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Because of Ichihara Taicao, no one in the company can help Gu Xue. If you find someone outside the company... there may not be anyone willing to do this kind of work. Since you can do free original paintings and be remembered by Miss Mihara, who doesn't have two With a brush, who would be willing to help someone with a job like clearing Eryuan?

"Sorry..." Gu Xue sighed for a while, then came back to her senses, knowing that she would only make others upset. After apologizing, she braced herself up, straightened up, and cleared away Er Yuan's few words. The card original painting was handed to Mihara Chisa.

"Ms. Mihara, after you handed over the original painting, you didn't say anything else, right?"

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, Gu Xue had cleared a total of nearly twenty cards of original paintings and handed them to Mihara Chisa, who then handed them over to CDD Animation Workshop for inspection.

high speed.

This is also the main reason why Gu Xue doesn't want to clear Eryuan.

She almost vomited.

Chisa Mihara took the original painting handed over by Gu Xue, was silent for a moment, and whispered: "The other party said... if possible, please hand it over in batches, and... it's gone."

In fact, the chief producer of the other party seemed to want to meet and get to know Gu Xue, but Miss Mihara thought about it for a while and did not say anything.

"Didn't I hand it over in batches?" Gu Xue had an expression like "What are you talking about on the other side?"


Chisa Mihara recalled how the person in charge of contacting the other party was furious at the beginning because the original paintings were not handed over, to her confused face when she received a pile of original paintings yesterday, and then to her shaking head and a bitter smile when she received a large pile of original paintings this evening. Transform and choose not to speak.

I plan to hand over all the original paintings for the second half of the eleventh episode of "Invasion" in a few days. What kind of batch... The other party's current mood is completely like a roller coaster...

Seeing that Miss Mihara was silent, Gu Xue continued: "Here are five cards. You can find a chance to take them. It's best tomorrow. It's too dangerous to travel at night. As for the remaining cards, I can probably still get them today." I’ll clear out a few cards, but it should take another day to finish them all.”

"Okay." Chisa Mihara responded, holding the original painting of Wuka in her arms, hesitating for a moment, and asked: "Besides the unfinished shots, is there another shot that has not been drawn on the storyboard? It's the explosion of the card , Do you need to ask Misawa Hiroshi to help? He also mentioned that if you find it difficult, you can ask him to help."

"Oh, that's stuck." Gu Xue turned to look at the storyboard on the workbench, "I'll take a look at it later, estimate the time, and it will be completed. If you can help, forget it. Misawa Hiroshi should help No big deal."

"...Okay." Chisa Mihara nodded, then turned around, "Then I'll go deliver the card."

"Let's go tomorrow? It's very late."

"It's okay, aren't you hungry?"

"Then please be careful..."


Zhu Chi's recent mood has indeed been like a roller coaster.

I thought outsourcing had exploded.

The collection is inevitable.

He squirted wildly at the other side, but unfortunately the people under his command heard him.

No matter what he heard, the other company suddenly gave him a surprise.

I paid nearly 20 cards in two days.

The joys and sorrows of life are just like this.

Now Zhu Chi is hiding from Sanada, the animation director of the eleventh episode of "Invasion". He even doesn't dare to go to the toilet. He often goes there reluctantly when he can't hold it in anymore. He still runs every time. I went there for fear of running into Sanada.

Moreover, he often doesn't enter the toilet and starts to take off his belt as soon as he reaches the door...

This happened several times to several female colleagues. Soon, rumors began to spread in CDD Animation Workshop that Zhu Chi was a pervert...

Zhu Chi checked the original painting while holding his urine every day. When he heard such rumors, he expressed that he felt calm. He just wanted to hack everyone in the company to death, and then go to Gu Xue Company to die with them.

But these are small things...

Zhu Chi has been very busy recently. He works at his desk every day, almost never stopping. He does this partly to avoid the eyes of the chief painting supervisor and assistant who works in the same office, but the most important thing is Checking the original painting.

Gu Xue’s original paintings began to be delivered one after another.

Zhu Chi complained about the other party's disorder more than once.

"You dare to hand over the final draft without checking it. If I really want to revise it, you will all jump off the building.", "What do you want to do by having so much sex at once? Please consider other people's workload!", " Believe it or not, I will actually eat it for you to see..." and the like.

However, after reading the original paintings drawn by Gu Xue, all the complaints above will become "awesome".

Today I checked the five cards of original paintings that were just delivered.

After Zhu Chi marveled at the opponent's painting skills, he looked through it carefully, but he really didn't find any areas that needed major repairs. At most, the face and other areas needed minor repairs. There was no problem at all with the robot's body shape and movements. .

"Where did this person come from?" Zhu Chi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He has been in the industry for nearly fifteen years, starting with animation and working his way up.

Animation check, original painting, painting supervision, and finally became the current chief painting supervisor. He can be regarded as a veteran in the industry. He knows many people, but he has never heard that mechanical painting is so powerful, called Gu Snow people.

Sighing, with a feeling of sadness like "I seem to be getting old," Zhu Chi stood up, picked up the original painting, and prepared to go to the supervisor Satoshi Nakata.

The last time the other party went to the scene where the voice actors were recording AR in the twelfth episode, Zhu Chi couldn't find him. Yesterday, Gu Xue sent a bunch of original paintings. He didn't have time. Today, he finally completed the work ahead of schedule. Zhu Chi planned to supervise Satoshi Nakata. Talk to him about something before going home.

See Zhu Chi getting up.

The chief animation supervisor and assistant, who had a grudge because of the coffee, quickly turned his head and smiled brightly.

"Prisoner, you need to go to the toilet."

Zhu Chi's face turned dark immediately.


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