Best of Hollywood

: The 76th officially broke the 100 million mark

Many movie theaters in Los Angeles lined up, long lines, the most popular movie theaters, a crowd of more than 100 meters long, all lined up outside the movie theaters, so that the Los Angeles Police Department had to temporarily increase the police force to maintain order on the scene .

Most of the people queuing up are almost all young people, with three or five people coming together, and only a few middle-aged people.

"Hello, five copies of "Chain Saw 2"."

"Six "Saw 2", thank you."

"Two copies of Saw 2."


Fortunately, the theater company provided enough screening halls, and there was no confusion.

Robert of the ADC Cinemas, looked at the growing crowd outside, and was somewhat moved. A small-budget horror film has achieved an unbelievable result, which can explain many things in itself.

"Continue to inform, and continue to increase the screening scale of "Chain Saw 2" tomorrow. Some films with poor scores can be screened in advance."

Almost at the same time, a number of theater companies in North America decided to continue to increase the screening scale of "Chain Saw 2" on Christmas Day.

The scale of the release of "Saw 2" may not be comparable to "Forrest Gump" and "The Lion King" released in the summer, but it has reached more than 2,000 screens, which is a proper Hollywood first-line commercial production treatment.

Let's put it this way, during the Christmas holiday of 1994, the North American film market belonged to "Chain Saw 2".

The several films that were released in the same period, although not to mention hitting the street, are also constantly reducing the scale of release.

For example, the three-day box office performance of "The Burning Years" on Christmas in the previous life was 14 million US dollars, which is not very good, but it is barely acceptable.

But right now, it is expected that the three-day box office performance of "The Years of Love" on Christmas will hardly exceed 8 million US dollars. The final North American box office is expected to be around 50 million US dollars, which is more than 10 million US dollars less than the previous life.

The reduced box office naturally went to "Chain Saw 2".

The number of movie viewers in North America is almost fixed every year. When a movie is a hit at the box office, it will definitely squeeze the box office of other movies.

In just one day on Christmas Eve, "Chain Saw 2" once again took in a box office of 17.56 million US dollars from North America.

On Christmas Day, as a number of theater companies increased the screening scale again, the box office performance of "Chain Saw 2" did not decrease but increased, and the screening ended with a box office score of 18.56 million US dollars.

It was released for three days, with a box office of US$13.11 million on Friday, US$17.56 million on Christmas Eve (Saturday), and US$18.56 million on Christmas (Sunday). Adding up the three days together, the cumulative box office in North America was US$49.23 million. No. 1 position on the holiday box office chart.

It even surpassed the three-day weekend box office results of the summer file "The Lion King", becoming the highest-grossing film released on the first weekend in 1994, and even created a horror film, which was released on the Christmas schedule.

The North American media almost unanimously believed that the final box office score of "Chain Saw 2" will exceed 100 million US dollars, at most it is a matter of time, and it will become the second North American horror film with a box office of over 100 million.

The No. 1 horror film released by Warner Bros. in 1973, adapted from the novel of the same name by William Peter Brady, "The Exorcist", had a North American box office of 233 million US dollars and a global cumulative box office of 441.3 million US dollars, beating most commercial blockbusters. .

With the end of the Christmas holiday and the inevitable sharp decline in the box office of "Chain Saw 2", theater companies began to gradually reduce their film schedule.

There is no way around this. The box office of a horror film cannot remain high all the time. Fortunately, there are still many loyal horror fans. They would rather go back to the cinema to watch "Saw 2" than choose other films.

This caused a strange phenomenon. Except for the sharp decline in the box office of "Chain Saw 2" on Monday, the box office of "Chain Saw 2" remained stable in the next few days. On Friday night, there was a small Scale rebound.

However, compared to the explosive box office of 49.23 million US dollars in the three days of the previous weekend, the second screening cycle saw a 50% drop. It took a full seven days to finally earn 23.59 million US dollars at the box office.

Ten days after its release, "Saw 2" had a cumulative box office of US$72.82 million in North America.

Before March next year, there will be no commercial blockbuster released in the entire North American film market, even ordinary audiences believe that the box office of "Chain Saw 2" will eventually exceed 100 million.

Christmas has just passed, and "Saw 2" has officially landed in some countries in Europe. Unlike North America, overseas is inevitably a bit colder, and it is impossible to have the hot Christmas scene again.

Australia’s box office was less than US$1.3 million in the first week; Brazil, the largest film market in South America in Hollywood, only had a mere US$600,000 in the first week; the European market was not as hot as expected, with France’s first week at US$1.5 million; Germany’s barely 1 million Around the dollar box office.

However, the box office of Hollywood's three largest overseas markets is not bad. RB's first week box office exceeded US$2.3 million, the UK's first week was US$4.63 million, and Mexico's first week was US$3.1 million.

The overseas box office of "Chain Saw 2" was about 14.4 million US dollars in the first week, which is far less popular than in North America.

Based on 20th Century Fox's forecast, the final overseas box office performance of "Saw 2" should be similar to that of the previous "Saw". It is impossible to break 100 million, tens of millions of dollars at most.

Facing the somewhat regretful tone of 20th Century Fox, many film companies showed a bit of sadness. What do you mean by tens of millions of dollars at most?

You know, the shooting cost, publicity investment, printing copy and other expenses of "Chain Saw 2" are all calculated together, and the investment is less than 20 million US dollars. That is to say, the overseas box office alone is enough for 20 million US dollars. Century Fox and the investors recovered the cost.

Ryan was a little surprised to get this data. He didn't know much about the markets in some countries in Europe or South America.

However, RB's box office performance in the first week has surpassed some English-speaking countries and regions, and it is worthy of being the second largest box office market in the world.

However, Ryan is very clear that the overseas box office of "Chain Saw 2" is not ideal, it can only be said to be barely enough.

In the 1990s, Hollywood hadn’t captured the global film market. Some countries and regions had little awareness of Hollywood films. Except for a few big-name stars, UU Reading hardly paid attention to Hollywood films.

What's more, "Saw 2" doesn't have any special effects or big-name stars, and the investment is even less pitiful. The only selling point is horror and blood.

This aspect obviously cannot please all overseas audiences.

They want to see big Hollywood stars, special effects on a grand scale, something like Star Wars, not an American horror flick.

In contrast, the North American market is the home of "Chain Saw 2".

In the third week, it continued to dominate the weekly box office with a box office of 15.03 million US dollars. In the fourth week, it finally fell sharply again, only receiving 9.35 million US dollars.

The cumulative box office revenue has finally passed the 90 million US dollar mark, and is about to officially break through 100 million.

January and February in North America have always been the off-season for movies, and there are very few commercial blockbusters released. As a result, the screening scale of "Chain Saw 2" has not been reduced too badly, and it still achieved a box office of 7.5 million US dollars in the fifth week.

So far, "Chain Saw 2" has officially exceeded 100 million North American box office results, reaching a box office of 104.7 million US dollars.

This was a $100 million box office in the 1990s, and it was undoubtedly a watershed moment. For this reason, 20th Century Fox held a large-scale celebration banquet, and almost all the famous people in Hollywood were invited.

As the creator of the series, the director of the first "Saw" and the producer of "Saw 2", Ryan has naturally attracted the attention of many film companies and media.

Even, as soon as he left the apartment, reporters would follow and secretly take pictures, which was extremely annoying.

What left him speechless the most was that there were reporters hiding in the car at night to secretly take pictures, completely enjoying the treatment of a popular director.

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