Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 603: He dug his ears

Warm walking and protesting: "Emperor, can you not be so overbearing?"

Emperor Hao stopped, his dark eyes stared at the warmth, "Just to you!"


Is this a different kind of show love?

Well, Xiu Enai died quickly, and she really has no freedom at all!

Emperor Juehao looked at the warmth and suddenly asked: "Do you know why Hao Shuai is drunk?"

Warm thought of Hao Shuai's nonsense, suddenly a little in my heart, did Emperor Hao also know?

As soon as he looked up, Sure enough, the president of Emperor Da's eyes looked like a knife!

Suddenly, the warmth suddenly turned into a small daughter-in-law, her eyebrows were lowered, her eyes were gentle and obedient, "No, I don't know."

Emperor Hao slowly said, "Fang Yu's ex-boyfriend is here."

Warm blinked. Ex-boyfriend? east? So it has nothing to do with me?

Emperor Juehao looked at her confused appearance, reached out and squeezed her nose, "Little fool! If you want to match Fang Yu and Hao Shuai, you must learn to let go! Don't be like a mother-in-law!"

"Um." Warm promised, and then came back to God, immediately annoyed, "Who is the mother?"

Emperor Hao teased her with interest: "It's not me anyway!"

"Emperor, Sir, Howe!"

The warmth fluttered and choked the ears of Emperor Juehao!

The emperor grandeur was dragged so that his whole body leaned down, his eyes narrowed slowly to look at the warmth.

A moment of warmth!

I recently looked at Emperor Dhaohao with a bad temper, and forgot that this man is a wolf and tiger!

Lose your hands, it seems that you are too boneless, don't lose your hands, it is estimated that the end will be terrible! Can't get out of bed tomorrow morning!

The warmth and coldness shuddered, and he did not dare to continue his efforts, but he still supported and did not let go, and raised his chin, and proudly looked at Emperor Hao.

Emperor Hao Junlang raised his eyebrows suddenly, "Aren't my hands sore?"


Why did this man suddenly become so good-tempered?

Emperor Hao lowered his head a little further in front of her, almost arched into her arms, and asked her, "Isn't it so hard to hold on?"

A big man like this is proud to turn her head to give her ears!

Suddenly, warmth felt a little sour in her heart, and she moved like a cola bubble, and her hand holding Emperor Jue's ears turned into a gently holding, and then held his handsome face, Lifting it, the thin lips fell on his petting and affectionate eyebrows.

Emperor Juehao's eyes shone with a strange light, as if falling into starlight.

"Here!" He pointed his finger at his thin lips.

"Don't!" Warm blushed his cheeks and murmured in protest.

Emperor Hao just watched her silently, her eyes soft, like some kind of large pet.

Warm and helpless, like a thief, looked around from side to side, when he saw no one around, he lifted his toes, stretched his arms around Emperor Jue's neck, and gently kissed the corner of his lips.

After waiting for the warmth to recede, Emperor Hao reached out and clasped her back, quickly counterattacking the attack.

Warm fists hit the emperor's chest, "Oh! Emperor, don't"

In the end, she was soft in his arms and no longer had the slightest fight.

The surrounding air quickly heats up, and ambiguous Mars is shooting in the air, crackling! Crackling Suddenly, Emperor Grand Hall picked up the warmth and hurriedly walked towards the car, his warm arms hung softly around his neck, and a crimson face buried in There was a moist glow on his chest and his bright red lips.

"Mr. Emperor! Miss Wen!"

As soon as Emperor Grand opened the door, he heard an untimely shout coming from behind.

The emperor ignored it and bent over to put the warmth into the car.

He was warm, but he was a little familiar with the sound. He leaned his head out of the emperor's arms and looked for the sound. Sure enough, he stood east from the car two steps away.

Warm reached out and poked Emperor Howe's arm, begging him not to be willful.

The emperor turned around and asked with a calm face, "Is there something wrong?"

His voice was low, with some kind of dissatisfaction and resentful anger.

Xiangdong knew that it was not the right time for him to appear, but if he did n’t speak now, I might not have a better chance in the future, so he immediately stubbornly said, "I want to find a job at Emperor, can I?"

"Speak to the company tomorrow!"

Emperor Hao hardly dropped a word, plunged himself into the car, slammed the door closed, and stepped on the accelerator at his foot, and his Bugatti Veyron rushed into the night like a sharp sword.

Warmly watching him move in one go, he couldn't help but utter his tongue. "Emperor, I haven't even asked Xiangdong yet, so you drove away and panic?"

Emperor Hao turned his head to look at her. There was a flame burning in his black eyes, "little thing, what do you say I'm panicking about?"

Shrinking warmly into the seat, "No, Emperor Hao, we are both married and married, and we have children at home!"

The warm intention is to remind Dihaohao to be leisurely. Unexpectedly, Dijiahao actually hit the steering wheel and then drove the car to the suburbs.

In the end, naturally, I went to a secluded place and did something unspeakable!

By the time I got home, it was almost midnight.

Warm had fallen asleep, and was carried into the house by the emperor.

The lights in the hall were still on. Empire Hong was sitting on the sofa, holding his own faucet, and seeing the couple enter the door, squinting his eyelids, "Do you think the bed at home is not wide enough?"

There was a trace of unnaturalness on the emperor's face, but soon it was calm again, and he lowered his voice: "Don't make a noise with my wife! You are old, young people, you do n’t understand!"

Imperial Hong's cane paused on the ground, his beard sulking, "You can toss! If you can't toss a grandson, see how I can pack you!"

Emperor Juehao frowned slightly as he walked in, "I don't plan to let Nuan Nuan be a child again. Having three grandchildren is not enough for you to play?"

Empire Hong hated Iron and Steel for a glance at him, "You gave your daughter-in-law all the big companies, and you still toss her like this, and you're not afraid she's tired!"

Emperor Juehao had gone up the stairs, stood halfway in the middle, and turned back and asked, "Dad, should I buy you some velvet antler to replenish the kidney?"

Empire Hong blushed immediately. "You child! Did you talk like that?"

Emperor Hao hurriedly gave him a sentence: "Young people have the lifestyle of young people. If you really can't sleep, go to the yard and count the stars!"

Emperor Hao said, without going to see what his father looked like, he quickly went upstairs and embraced the warmth into the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Warm poked his head out of the emperor's arms.

Emperor Hao looked down at her, "Woke you up?"

He extended his hand warmly and twisted on the eyes of Emperor Juehao, "It's all you! It's so bad!"

She was already awake long ago, but the conversation between the father and son was too embarrassing to listen to, and she had no choice but to continue "sleeping"!

Emperor Grande disapproved: "Who makes the old guy take care of so much, I will someday send some valuable herbs to supplement him, so that he won't be able to sleep at midnight!"

Warmly looked at Emperor Jue's serious look, some could not laugh or cry.

Emperor Juehao took her directly into the bathroom, "Warm and warm, are you tired? I'll help you wash!"

"No! Emgrand, you go out!"

However, how could the president of Emperor Taida give such intimate service easily?

Soon, the warm cat-like whine sounded again!

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