The messenger from Xianzhou?

A hint of doubt flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes.

He knew that the Black Tower and the people from Xianzhou had cooperated.

But the people from Xianzhou came, what did it have to do with him?

"Forget it, I'll know after I go over and take a look."

Putting the fixed-point gun back to its original position, Lin Yuan took a step forward and came directly to Heita's office.

There were two figures in the room.

In addition to Heita, who was standing next to the simulated universe center and fiddling with something, the other person was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. The other person seemed to be a little uncomfortable with being alone with Heita, and was standing in a corner at the moment, nervous and dazed.

"Black Tower, here I come."

Lin Yuan greeted him and said,"The one trembling over there is the Immortal Boat Messenger you just mentioned, right?"

"Why did you call me over? To let him see what the Harvest Envoy looks like?"

"I don't have such a bad taste."

Heita paused his actions and replied

"He is Yan Ming, the envoy of Luofu Xianzhou. He came to the space station this time mainly to give me the news about the ancient beast corpse."

"The corpse of an ancient beast?"

"Yes, weren't you and Ruan Mei looking for information about higher-level life before? I asked the Xianzhou Alliance to help."

"And just a few days ago, the fortune teller of Luofu Xianzhou found the whereabouts of the ancient beast's corpse and sent someone to bring it to you."

""I see."

Lin Yuan nodded in understanding.

Although the technology of the Collapse Iron World is very advanced, it can communicate and transmit information across galaxies at will.

However, there are also many highly skilled hackers who can intercept messages between galaxies and interpret them.

In order to prevent intelligence leaks, some important intelligence will be specially delivered by major forces to prevent third parties from knowing it.

"Thank you for coming all the way here, Mr. Yanming.

Lin Yuan came to the middle-aged man and patted him on the shoulder.

"Have you eaten today?"

"Forehead...I have eaten."

After hearing that Lin Yuan was the Envoy of the Order of Abundance, Yan Ming, whose expression became more nervous, was stunned for a moment, then nodded and replied.

"It’s good to eat, so let’s get straight to the point."

Lin Yuan asked:"Where is the location of the ancient beast’s corpse?"

"this...I don't know the details, Fu Taibu just asked me to bring this thing over."

Yan Ming took out a wooden box with the character [seal] on it from his arms.

This is a device used by Xianzhou to seal important props.

After taking it out, Yan Ming raised his hand, bit his finger, and drew it on the paper talisman in a specific order to open the first layer of seal.

Then, it took a few more minutes, and after breaking the remaining layers of seals one after another, Yan Ming finally took out a translucent crystal from the box and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"That thing is one of the secret treasures of Liuguang Yiting, the Memory Crystal."

The voice of the Black Tower sounded at the right time:"As long as you use the agreed code to open the memory lock on it, you can extract the information sealed inside."

"Do you need my help? You are planning to use your own abilities to try to crack the memory lock."

"I can do it myself."

A trace of memory power appeared on Lin Yuan's fingertips.

He understood at a glance that the memory lock was essentially a reorganization of the information inside the memory crystal.

As a memory order, it was easy for Lin Yuan to crack the memory lock.

In just a few breaths, the information inside the memory crystal was rearranged by Lin Yuan.

The next moment, a planet covered by fire clouds and filled with magma, as well as related information about it, appeared in Lin Yuan's mind one after another.

"Hmm? This location...I see. No wonder the people from Xianzhou specially sent someone to deliver the message. If it was leaked, there would be problems."

""Huh~ It seems that Mr. Lin Yuan, you have successfully received the information."

Yan Ming relaxed and raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

To be honest, this mission was a bit too exciting.

First, he met the legendary black tower face to face, and then he met an envoy of abundance who came from nowhere. After finally delivering the things, the other party chose to forcibly crack the memory lock, which made Yan Ming tremble with fear.

He was afraid that Lin Yuan would make a mistake and damage the memory crystal.

Fortunately, Lin Yuan had the confidence to do this.

Looking at the man in front of him who was looking down and thinking about something, Yan Ming hesitated and spoke again.

"that...Excuse me, Mr. Lin Yuan"

"If there is no problem on your side, could you please settle the reward?"


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the

"Black Tower, didn't you pay them for the information?"

"Why should I give it to you?"

Heita replied without even looking up,"You and Ruan Mei asked me to help investigate the existence of higher-level life forms."

"I won't ask you to pay extra commissions because we know each other, and you still want me to help you pay for it?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That seems to be the truth."

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that he got too much free money from the Black Tower.

Now when it comes to the other party, Lin Yuan will subconsciously skip the payment.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan raised his hand and took out a black card and a green bracelet from mid-air, and handed them to Yan Ming in front of him.

"~There are more than 70 million credit points left in the card, plus a protective bracelet containing the power of abundance, is that enough?"

""That's enough."

Yan Ming, who had prepared himself mentally, nodded and accepted the reward.

This was much higher than he expected.

Apart from the share he had to give to Taipusi, the rest was equivalent to the money he earned from going out for business.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, this is my business card"

"If you need anything, you can contact me at any time.

Yan Ming took out his contact information and handed it to the big customer.

"I didn't brag, I created it���The Ming Merchants Group is the first merchant group of Tianbosi"

"As long as Luofu has it, whether it is flying in the sky, running on the ground or swimming in the water, I can get it for you."

"Could you give me a jade omen of the Luofu alliance?"

"Forehead...I'm afraid that's impossible."

Yan Ming's eyes twitched, and he instantly calmed down.

The Alliance Jade Omen was something that only General Jing Yuan could give. How could a worker like him in Tianbosi get that thing?

"Where is the ancient beast's corpse?"

After watching Yan Ming leave in frustration, the black tower that had been adjusting the simulated universe finally stopped what it was doing and asked Daoyi

"Judging from your expression just now, this shouldn't be a place where you can easily meet."

"Well, on the planet Ralph in the Stranger Galaxy"

""Momu Galaxy?"

Heita was stunned.

Although she had never heard of Ralph Planet, she had an impression of the name of Momu Galaxy.

If she remembered correctly, Momu Galaxy......

"Wasn't it that place destroyed not long ago by Fenfeng, one of the Lords of Extinction?"......

Say goodbye: Hoan Hỉ Tự Tại Vương Bồ Tát

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