You may have some misunderstandings about the definition of artillery.

Listening to Lin Yuan's mumbling, Topa came back to her senses and looked at the strange messenger in armor next to her with a complicated expression.

She now understood why the email from the Black Tower was so strange.

There was no other reason, and there was no need to explain it.

As long as Lin Yuan arrived at the destination, he would naturally annihilate the insect swarm.

"Mr. Senju Hashirama, thank you so much this time"

"I forgot to introduce myself just now. I am Topa, the director of the company's strategic investment department. I received a temporary order from the company to come here to resist the insect swarm."

"This is my contact information. If you don't mind, you can take it. Just consider it as making friends."

Topa raised his hand and called his pet account, took out a business card from it and handed it to him.

"It's okay to make friends, but no need for business cards."

Lin Yuan took the business card, looked at it for a while, and threw it back.

The company has too many black technologies.

He is not as professional as Heita, so who knows if this business card has the function of positioning and eavesdropping installed?

"Enough of the polite words."

"I'm not going to waste too much time on these bugs, time to get back to business"

"No problem, how can I help you next?"

"Give me the coordinates of the Zerg swarm inside the Loyal system."

"720 Please wait a moment."

Topa immediately gave orders to the company employees around him.

This was not a difficult task for them.

In order to prevent accidents, the company had been monitoring the movements of the various insect swarms.

As the order was issued, the company employees quickly printed out the distribution of the insect swarms and brought them to Lin Yuan.

"Are there only 37 planets under siege by the Zerg? Fewer than I thought."

"This is the result of the transfer."

To shrink the front line, the company abandoned some unimportant planets and transferred all the talents and scientific research results to these 37 more important planets."

"Although this further expanded the size of the swarm, it also brought all the swarm together."

"As long as Mr. Senju Hashirama takes action to annihilate all 37 insect swarms, this sudden insect plague will be resolved."

"No problem, I like this kind of simple and rough work."

Lin Yuan's eyes swept across the coordinates of various planets.

Then, he threw away the information in his hand and clapped his hands.

"Wood Release: Wood Clone!"

The power of abundance surged, and thirty-seven armored figures quickly took shape and appeared around Lin Yuan and Topa.

"Mr. Senju Hashirama, what are you doing?......"

"Don't ask, just keep your eyes open and watch."

Lin Yuan clapped his hands again and mobilized the pioneering power in his body.

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A faint spatial force rose around the wooden clones, and the thirty-seven wooden clones that had just formed disappeared in an instant.

The next second, thirty-seven planets besieged by the insect swarm appeared in Lin Yuan's mind.

Unlike the Ted planet guarded by Topa, the surfaces of these thirty-seven planets were emitting a faint golden light at this moment.

The shield formed by the power of preservation enveloped the planets, isolating the outer insect swarms from prying eyes.

"Can we only fight directly in space?"

"Since it is not convenient to summon the wooden dragon, let's try another trick."

Boom! A vast amount of imaginary energy far exceeding the previous one emerged from Lin Yuan's body.

With Lin Yuan at the center, the entire Ted star was shaken by this huge energy and began to shake continuously. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Being touched by this power at close range, Topa's breath was choked and his eyes widened subconsciously....Isn't this right?

How come you still have so much energy ?

"I've made up my mind and decided it's you!"[]

Under Topa's puzzled gaze, Lin Yuan clapped his hands skillfully and used a new move.

""Senjutsu Wood Release True Thousand Hands!"


Without reservation, the vast and abundant power rushed up into the sky, turning into a green beam of light that illuminated the entire Laoyel galaxy.

"This is...Boss, look at this!"

At this moment, a company employee not far away seemed to have discovered something and quickly tapped the machine in front of him twice.

The next moment, thirty-seven projections filled with insect swarms appeared in the air.

Topa glanced at it and soon noticed the Guanyin statue that was growing larger and larger behind the insect swarm.

At first, she looked only a few kilometers in size, but as time went on, the size of the Guanyin statue expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a dozen breaths, a Guanyin statue several kilometers in size appeared on each of the seven projections of the three warriors.

They lay cross-legged on the starry sky, with their hands clasped together like Lin Yuan, with a gentle smile on their faces and a comfortable breath on their bodies.

But...Facing these peaceful Guanyin statues, none of the company members, including Topa, could relax.

In addition to their huge size, the main reason was that all of these Guanyin statues had countless arms growing from their backs, which looked very strange.

Thousands of arms?

Thinking back to the name of the move that Lin Yuan had just called out, Topa suddenly felt that the other party was a bit too conservative.

This was more than a thousand arms, maybe tens of millions of arms.

"Okay, next is the final blow."

Just as Topa was shocked by Lin Yuan's big move, Lin Yuan's suppressed excitement electronic sound reached her ears again.

"The Sixty-Three...Forget it, I won’t pretend anymore!"


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The vast imaginary energy tide swept across the entire Laoyel Galaxy, and its huge energy even caused vibrations in other surrounding galaxies.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the people in the Laoyel Galaxy, the countless palms behind the Guanyin statue began to accumulate energy at the same time.

The emotion called death rose in everyone's heart, and even the insect swarms that only knew how to breed had an unnecessary fear.

They kept roaring, or gathered together, or retreated in all directions, looking for a way out.

But at this moment, the accumulation of energy cannons ended.

In Lin Yuan's unhesitating order to fire, a blow that was enough to be recorded in the history of the universe fell in the Laoyel Galaxy.

Looking at the heroic scene filled with light and finally disappeared.

Listening to the deafening roar coming from the far away.

At this moment, Topa had only one thought in his mind.

So your clapping action was not necessary?!!......

This is my mother: Youfuvp

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