Backstage at Tycoon Arena

"Everyone on the Star Train, this is the loss list that we just compiled.

A young man in a company uniform came over and handed the list to Lin Yuan.

"Excluding the indirect losses such as the delay of the game, only the cost of repairing the dome and the inside of the venue is counted, a total of 233w credits"

"Eh? Why is it so expensive?"

Sanyueqi, who was standing nearby, looked at the list and said,"Are you taking this opportunity to blackmail me?"

"Miss March 7, this is already the cost price."

The company employee shook his head and said,"As one of the company's key strategic projects, Tyco Ammonium has brought together a lot of the company's efforts."

"In order to make the motorball competition here a sufficient selling point, we used the highest quality materials to build the venue."

"If you were not anonymous passengers on the Starry Sky Train, the compensation would probably be several times higher."

"What he said is true."

Dan Heng, who was well-informed, nodded slightly, indicating that the other party was not lying.

"This is troublesome."

Sanyueqi felt a headache.

It's not that she didn't have any money.

A while ago, she helped Estelle run errands at the Black Tower Space Station, and Sanyueqi received some money from her. She had some savings.

But compared with the compensation of more than two million, it was a drop in the bucket.

"Lin Yuan, do you have any money?"

"Lend me some first, I'll pay you back later when I work"

"Don't think about it, I still owe Estelle money."

Lin Yuan shrugged.

He had asked Estelle to help him buy special props before, and she also bought him an annihilation warship online.

Thanks to her, he went from a multi-millionaire to a multi-millionaire overnight.

Even if he returned the 20 million credit points that Estelle had inexplicably transferred to him two days ago, he was still in debt.

"What about Dan Heng?"

"......I have no source of income, I usually collect funds from Ji Zi before getting off the bus."

"It's over, I can't afford to pay for it."

Sanyueqi scratched his head in embarrassment.

"If you have limited funds, we have a second compensation plan to offer."

Seeing the difficulties faced by Lin Yuan and others, the well-prepared company employee took the opportunity to speak up.

"The company can waive all compensation costs, and in return, please help with some voluntary labor"

"Voluntary labor?"

"Yes, as you all know, today is the opening day of a new round of Tyco Ammonium Motorball Competition."

"The three unknown passengers on the Starry Sky Train have a certain amount of popularity and publicity."

"If you agree, I would like to use your images for some publicity."

"By then, you can help run errands and solve some commissions. It will only take half a month to make back the losses you caused before."

"It sounds pretty good."

Sanyueqi looked to the side and said,"Lin Yuan, what do you think?"

"Haha, I refuse."

Lin Yuan took out his cell phone from his pocket:"Wait for me for a few minutes, I will go to Estelle to borrow some money."

It's time to activate the hidden energy!

"Eh? Wait...Wait a minute!"

Sanyueqi quickly held Lin Yuan's hand and whispered

"The Tyco Arena was damaged during landing, and they have no money to pay for it, so they have to borrow money. This sounds terrible, right?"

"If Esta knew about this, wouldn't we be thrown directly to the space station in disgrace?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm thick-skinned."

Lin Yuan waved his fist and said,"If anyone dares to taunt me in person, I will let him experience for himself what a big fist is like."

"This is clearly a threat of force."

Sanyueqi couldn't help but complain.

"Then I reveal my identity and ask the company to give me some face?"

"That's still a threat of force."

Sanyueqi held his forehead and sighed, feeling somewhat helpless:"It's only half a month. If you don't want to work, I can do that for you."

"It is impossible for me to work. I will never work in my life. If you want to accept it, I will leave it to you."

Lin Yuan replied confidently.

"All right, let's do it this way."

San Yueqi nodded and agreed:"I'll make two servings." After all, this matter was caused by her.

Since Lin Yuan didn't want to work, she would help.

As for Dan Heng...He didn't say he didn't want to do it, so I agreed by default!

Maybe I can even give him some of Lin Yuan's work.


Ten days passed in a flash.

After formally accepting the voluntary labor, San Yueqi began a fulfilling work trip and experienced a good life.

After handing in all the work, Lin Yuan wandered around every day, using the borrowed money to visit various attractions in Tycoon and watch the motorball game.

Although this kind of dull pioneering journey and memory can only improve limited strength.

But with the accumulation of quantity, it is still a bit helpful to Lin Yuan, equivalent to filling a few drops of water into the river.


Just when Lin Yuan thought that his vacation trip in Tycoon would end smoothly, Mayin and Rukia's distress signals came from the chat group.

Kuchiki Rukia:"Is Mr. Lin Yuan here?! @Lin Yuan"

Mayin:"Mr. Lin Yuan, help us! We were tricked by a guy with a mental problem!"

Nagisa Akatsuki:"Ah? What's going on."

Lily Luka:"?"

Lin Yuan:"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Lin Yuan:"Could it be that the fact that he passed the power of the Shinigami to ordinary people was exposed, and he was captured and taken back to Soul Society?"

Mine:"Not Soul Society! It's Hollows!"

Mine:"There's an idiot named Ishida Uryu. It seems that he used some bait to attract a lot of Hollows!"

Kugisaki Nobara:"Huh? What's there to be afraid of? Didn't Rukia buy a lot of equipment?" Kugisaki

Nobara:"I heard her say a few days ago that the efficiency of eradicating Hollows is higher now than before."

Kuchiki Rukia:"If it's an ordinary Hollow, it's true that they are no match for me, but the problem is........."

Looking at the figure in the sky, about two meters tall, covered with white bones, and emitting a terrifying spiritual pressure,

Rukia couldn't help but sweat on her forehead.

Kuchiki Rukia:"The Hollow in Karakura Town now seems to be a large Hollow of the Yachukas level."......

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