Lin Yuan is very strong. Ma

Yin knew this from his profile card on the first day he joined the group....Although she knew it, when she actually saw Lin Yuan take action, Marin was still inevitably shocked.

That was Esdeath!

One of the two pillars of the empire, a second-level city-breaking warrior who could summon a hundred-meter ice wall with a wave of her hand.

Through the previous fight, Marin knew the horror of the opponent better than anyone else.

But such a strong man didn't even have a chance to resist and was killed instantly.

Akatsuki Nagisa:"Brother Lin Yuan is so powerful!"

Kugisaki Nobara:"Is this a sixth-level strong man? I didn't even see how he made the move, and it was over."

Kuchiki Rukia:"I did see the process clearly, but...There seems to be something wrong with that rope."

Marin:"No? What's wrong?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Although the normal [This Rope] has a binding effect, it is not strong in suppressing power, and generally cannot be used to bind strong people."

Rukia Kuchiki:"But just now, after Lin Yuan shot [This Rope], Esdeath fell into a coma."

Rukia Kuchiki:"This is not the effect that [This Rope] will have under normal circumstances, but it seems to be affected by another force."

"As expected of a Shinigami who has systematically studied the art of binding, he has a solid foundation of knowledge."

Lin Yuan chuckled and explained,"You guessed right, the power that made Esdeath faint was the power of abundance."

Kuchiki Rukia:"The power of abundance?"

"That's right, you should have noticed that my power of abundance has a healing effect, so I can create those items in the mall."

Lin Yuan stood up and summoned a faint green light:"In fact, healing is just a derivative effect of the power of abundance."

"One of the properties of the power of abundance is the control of life force. Since I can heal others by injecting life force, I can naturally absorb it in return."

In fact, this is what Lin Yuan discovered after yesterday's practice.

Activating Kido through the power of abundance not only has the original suppression and binding effects, but also has an additional third effect.

Absorbing the enemy's life force, the external manifestation is that the enemy loses all physical strength and falls into a coma.

Kugisaki Nobara:"It feels like a new idea has been opened up all of a sudden, so can I use cursed power to activate Kido?"

Kugisaki Nobara had an idea instantly.

As a power derived from human negative emotions, cursed power itself has a certain destructive effect.

If it can be used to perform Kido, even if it cannot give Kido a third effect, it can increase its power.

Kuchiki Rukia:"I envy you a little bit, why doesn't spiritual pressure have special functions (sigh)"

Lin Yuan:"Are you sure it doesn't?"

Kuchiki Rukia:"Huh? What do you mean, does spiritual pressure have any special effects?"

Lin Yuan:"Of course there is, it's just that you use it every day, so you subconsciously ignore it."

Lin Yuan:"Do you think that energy like cursed power can directly cause damage to the human soul under normal circumstances?"

Rukia Kuchiki:"Huh? I see, I indeed overlooked it."

What is the special feature of spiritual pressure?

The answer has actually been in front of Rukia from the beginning, that is, it is an attack directly targeting the soul.

Energy such as cursed power and spiritual power does not have the power that specifically targets the soul like spiritual pressure.

Maine:"Wait! Is something wrong!"

Just as the topic in the chat group was gradually going off track, Maine finally came back to her senses and noticed something strange.

Maine:"Can you see the picture on my side?"

Nobara Kugisaki:"Of course, otherwise what do you think we are talking about?" Nagisa Akatsuki

:"Well, just now after Brother Lin Yuan teleported over, a live broadcast screen suddenly appeared on my side, and I could see the picture on your side, Sister Maine."

Rukia Kuchiki:"+1"

"Live broadcast?"

Ma Yin opened the chat group and checked the settings.

"Oh, found it!"

"It turns out that after inviting guests to your own world, you can simultaneously broadcast live to the group."

Although the chat in the group is very good on weekdays, due to various reasons, no one in the group has ever tried the time travel function. It was only when Ma Yin encountered a life crisis today and was forced to invite Lin Yuan to help that she realized that there are so many optional additional options under the time travel function.

""Boss Lin Yuan, do you need to turn off the live broadcast function?"

Ma Yin asked her lifesaver.

"It's up to you to decide."

Lin Yuan replied

"Then I won't close it for now. I'll take this opportunity to let everyone in the group know about my world."

Main made a decision and looked at Esdeath not far away.

The next thing to deal with is this guy....

Night attack on the headquarters.

Putting down the documents in her hand, Najeshitan looked at Akame who walked in through the door.

"Is Myne back?"


"Has there been any contact from the informant?"


"......It seems that the information was a trap."

"What are you going to do?"

Akame held Murasame tightly and said,"If we set out now, we should have a chance to pick up Marin."

"Don't worry, I won't give up my companions easily."

Najeshitan stood up and moved her mechanical arm.

"Go call Brand and the others to gather......."


Najeshitan was halfway through her words when the door of the room was suddenly pushed open and Lubbock ran in in a panic.

"Najeshitan, something terrible has happened!"

"Calm down, Lubbock."

"As a professional killer, we must always stay calm, otherwise......"

"Myne is back with Esdeath!"

"What did you say?!"

���Jeshitan stood up suddenly, with an expression of disbelief on his face:"Main betrayed?!"

"no...That was not what I meant......"

Lubbock took two deep breaths to calm down.

"I mean, Myne captured Esdeath alive and brought her back."


Are you sure you didn't say it the wrong way?

For the first time in her life, Najeshitan doubted the ability of Lubbock, her confidant, to express himself.......

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