"Too slow."

Flash Star took off his mask, dodged the corrosive aura, and appeared behind the Sour Man in an instant.

"Where did you go?" The sour man was still confused and couldn't catch the other person's movements at all.

""Idiot, behind you!" the snake-haired woman yelled.

The sour man was startled and was about to turn around.

Flashstar kicked the sour man over.

The latter fell flat on his face.

"You freak, how dare you......"

The sour man was angry and was about to get up.

"Stop talking, your breath is killing me."

Flash Star stepped on the sour man's head, knocking him unconscious, leaving a pulley mark

"Next, it's your turn."

Flash Star grinned and looked at the Bald Tyrant and the Snake-haired Girl.

Not far away, the Four-Handed Tyrant had already started a fierce battle with Zambro!

The Clown Zambro had absorbed all the energy of joy and his fighting power reached its peak!

For a while, he fought back and forth with the Four-Handed Tyrant of Xiaoban!

However, what both sides didn't know was that in the depths of the darkness there was a pair of blood-red eyes staring at them intently.............


Zambro knocked the Four-Handed Overlord back with one punch.

The blue cylinder embedded in his arm trapped a lot of human joy, wailing in pain like a soul, and a few white shadows flashed by.

Joy is the source of Zambro's power.

"Four-handed freak, you are no match for me."Zamboro said with a sinister smile.

The Four-handed Tyrant lowered his head and said nothing.

He was repelled by Zamboro, not entirely because the other party absorbed the energy of joy.

But because he was not ready for the battle. He was still afraid of the clown in his heart!

To Tian Xiaoban, the clown was like an insurmountable mountain, and it was difficult to overcome the fear in his heart.

""Xiaoban, what are you doing?"

Flash Star's voice came from not far away.

The Four-Handed Tyrant was shocked and looked in the direction of the voice.

Flash Star turned into a series of afterimages, constantly playing with Bald Tyrant and Snake Hair Girl, still at ease, observing the situation here from time to time.

Flash Star knocked Bald Ty away with a punch and kicked his little Kun Kun

"Xiaoban, if you don't defeat the clown, you will never be a hero"

"A hero shouldn't have such a low-level weakness."

"And if you lose, all the audience will die! Your soul will be trapped in the clown machine forever, and you will never be able to reincarnate!"

"Grandpa, Xiaowen, there are thousands of innocent spectators, you don’t want them to be killed by the evil clown, right?"

"Did you hear that clearly?"

The words of Flash Star exploded in the ears of the Four-Handed Overlord like thunder.

"Yes, if I can't beat Zamboro, Grandpa and the others will die."

The Four-Handed Overlord was in a trance, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"I understand. Thank you, Brother Ye."

"I will defeat the evil clown, save everyone, and become a true hero!"

The Four-Handed Overlord was completely inspired, and his whole body was full of vigor, like a lion waking up from sleep, his muscles quickly tightened, and he was full of strength!

"Hahaha, let's give it a try!" Zambro laughed.

He had already treated the four-armed overlord as a meal!

In addition to absorbing joy, he would occasionally treat humans as snacks!

This four-armed freak looked very muscular. If he was coated with breadcrumbs, he would definitely be crispy when fried, right?

""Weirdo, come on!"

The Four-Handed Overlord roared, crushed the ground under his feet, and rushed towards Zambrogh like a beast.

At this moment, there was no more fear in his heart!

Instead, there was endless anger and courage!

The strong are angry and draw their blades towards the stronger!

Only the weak will draw their blades towards the weaker!

Tian Xiaoban has the courage to face his fears, and his fighting power is subversive!

Zambrogh sneered and punched to meet the attack!

In his opinion, the Four-Handed Overlord was just an incompetent and furious beast.

He couldn't beat him just now, and it's the same now!

However, the next scene made Zambrogh dumbfounded!

At the moment when the fists of both sides collided, Zambrogh felt a huge force coming, and his arm twisted strangely and was broken by the Four-Handed Overlord!


Zambro screamed and stepped back, looking at the furious Four-Handed Overlord in horror.

"You guy, why are you suddenly......"

The Four-Handed Overlord sneered:"Because I have someone I want to protect in my heart, and you....Nothing at all!"

"Well done, Ben."

At this time, Flash Star has resolved the battle and tied up the clown trio.

He successfully defeated the snake-haired woman and others, earning him another 1,000 points.

【Current points: 8000】

"This is all thanks to Brother Ye's guidance."The Four-Handed Overlord said seriously.

If it weren't for Ye Chen's words to stimulate him, he might never have been able to overcome his fear of clowns.

"you......What on earth do you want?"

Zamboro covered his broken arm and glared at the Four-Handed Overlord and Flash Star angrily.

"Destroy the clown machine."Flash Star said calmly.

Today, Zambro can't escape even if he has wings.

"No, it's my lifeblood!"

Zambro panicked and quickly stood in front of the clown machine, fearing that someone would attack it.

"Xiaoban, get rid of this guy who is in the way."Flash Star's tone is unquestionable

"Ah, get rid of him?" The Four-Handed Overlord scratched his head."Killing people, that's not a good idea."

"If you don't want to kill him, I'll do it later."

Flash Star knew that Xiaoban couldn't do it, so he didn't force him. After all, he was still a child.

"Well, I will be responsible for defeating Zambro, and Brother Ye will take care of the rest."

The Four-Handed Overlord nodded, and immediately ejected, crashing into Zambro!

Without being afraid of the clown, Zambro was beaten back again and again, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

Flash Star had no mercy on this.

Zambro feeds on human joy, and has killed countless innocent people.

Such a monster is always a scourge if it is kept alive!

It would be better for him to send Zambro to heaven and ascend to paradise as soon as possible.

Under the fierce power of the Four-Handed Overlord, Zambro was quickly defeated.

With a bruised face, he lay on the ground dying, like a dead dog.

"Brother Ye, I leave it to you."

The Four-Handed Overlord panted and returned to the Flash Star.

"Xiaoban, how do you feel now? Are you still afraid of the so-called clowns?"Flash Star laughed.

"I'm not afraid anymore!" The Four-Handed Overlord laughed and stretched his muscles."It feels so good to beat up the clown!"

""Yes." Flash Star nodded and looked at Zambro,"Then it's my turn next."

He wanted to kill Zambro and wipe out the roots!

Facing the murderous Flash Star, Zambro was almost scared to death. Finally, he couldn't help it and shouted hysterically:

"Brother, save me!" As soon as the words fell, a dark shadow emerged from the darkness and appeared in front of Zambro.......

Love Watch - Female Ghost

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