
The Frozen Lizard was a little surprised, looking at the tall figure in front of him.

The Unkillable Owl!

At this moment, the kagune wrapped around Yoshimura Kousen was severely damaged, and scarlet blood was flowing.

"Let me complete my final atonement." The Unkillable Owl smiled faintly.

The one eye ignited with a surging fighting spirit, and the fiery red"flame" danced.


The powerful electric beam bombarded the Unkillable Owl, washing his body madly!

Burning, destroying, charring, and disintegrating.......

When the last trace of lightning faded away, the Unkillable Owl had already fallen to the ground, his whole body almost burnt to charcoal.

The layer of knives on his body slowly faded away, and he returned to the appearance of an old man.

The light grinned and was about to finish him off.

Suddenly, a red meteor streaked across the sky, and at an astonishing speed, it smashed in front of the store manager!

In the hazy smoke and dust, a huge figure appeared faintly!

It was a creature taller than the Unkillable Owl!

The Frozen Lizard narrowed its eyes and stared at the figure closely.



A beast-like roar came from inside, mixed with a woman's laughter.


Accompanied by heavy footsteps, a terrifying monster walked out from inside!

"That is......One-eyed Owl!" The Frozen Lizard was a little surprised.

It turned out that Takatsuki Izumi had not left yet.

The One-Eyed King is Takatsuki Izumi, or the kagune form of Yoshimura Eto.

Like the store manager, he uses his own kagune to wrap his whole body and is fully armed.

Compared with the elderly store manager, the One-Eyed Owl is more powerful and bloodthirsty. She is as tall as two stories and exudes the aura of a flood and a beast!

Her body is larger, her kagune is terrifying, and the four blood-red armor kagune are embedded behind her shoulders, flashing cold light like blood-red spears.

The feather kagune on her back is more luxuriant, and compared with the store manager, it is like a new rose and a withered chrysanthemum.

Of course, in addition to the factor of youth, Yoshimura Eto often eats humans and ghouls to keep her combat power in perfect condition.

As a natural one-eyed ghoul, although she can survive by eating human food, if she wants to exert the combat power of a ghoul, she must do this.

"At......"The store manager was dying, looking at the familiar figure.

The One-Eyed Owl showed a ferocious smile:"No one is allowed to hurt you, except me, Dad."

The next second, the One-Eyed Owl's eyes were stern, and a large amount of bright red sword rain burst out from behind, piercing hundreds of small light monsters into a hornet's nest!

All the small light monsters released electric light, destroying the feathers pierced on their bodies.


Facing this powerful new opponent, Xiao Guanghai seemed even more excited!

This is fun!

Hundreds of golden light snakes, densely packed, gathered into an electric storm, biting the body of the one-eyed owl crazily!


"These guys are endless."

"We must find an alien hero to teach them a lesson."

The Frozen Lizard said angrily.

If we can unlock the electric lizard, it would be easy to take down the little light monster.

In front, the one-eyed owl couldn't bear such a terrible electric current and fell straight to the ground.

The kagune on his body quickly faded, and the figure of a slender woman emerged.

She was wearing a blue and white JK uniform, with long dark green hair like a waterfall, delicate features, a queen-like face, and a loli-like figure, with ups and downs and exquisite shapes.

Fangcun Et was lying on the ground, her body was full of traces of electric injuries, bleeding, and she couldn't recover in a short time.

At the same time, she was attacked by hundreds of little light monsters, and her injuries were more serious than the store manager!

If it weren't for the strong physical fitness of the SSS-level ghoul, I'm afraid she would have been wiped out long ago.

At the same time.

Hundreds of little light monsters stopped attacking.

Instead, they created a huge electric light cage around them, trapping everyone present.

Then they controlled the electric light cage and began to shrink slowly.

The evil taste of that light was terrifying. It wanted these people to watch themselves die, constantly approaching death and unable to escape.


The store manager gritted his teeth and climbed up, staggering to Fangcun Eite and holding her in his arms.

Fangcun Gongshan, who had always been calm, now had red eyes and tears on his face, dripping on Fangcun Eite's pretty face.

"Don't be touched, I just don't want others to kill you." Fangcun At forced a smile:"Because I want to kill you, you bastard, with my own hands...."

"Bastard who abandoned his wife and daughter!"

Yoshimura Eto is the daughter of the store manager.

She is a hybrid born of the store manager and the human Yuna. She is a one-eyed ghoul born with strong strength.

Unfortunately, Yuna was later discovered by the V organization, and they asked Yoshimura Kousen to kill Yuna, a human.

Because Yuna has long been on the assassination list of the V organization, but the store manager has never known it.

The V organization said frankly that if they do not obey, they will kill their entire family.

It is true that Yoshimura Kousen is very powerful, but personal strength is ultimately limited.

There are many powerful half-humans in the V organization, and Yoshimura Kousen's power alone is absolutely invincible. Yuna

, who knew the news, was not afraid, but smiled with relief, and asked Yoshimura Kousen to kill herself.

Just to protect Yoshimura Eto so that she could survive.

In despair, Yoshimura Kousen killed his most beloved wife and gave Eto to Mr. Noro to raise.

In order to prevent his daughter from suffering from the troubles of the V organization, he must sever his relationship with Eto.

Since then, Yoshimura Kousen has lived alone until he established an antique coffee shop.......

In this regard, Fangcun Aite has many misunderstandings about the store manager, thinking that he did not stand up and resist, but chose to escape.���

Over time, resentment developed.......

"Oops, if this goes on we'll all die here."

Tian Mark looked at the electric light cage that was getting closer and closer, his face looked very ugly.

Mr. Oops slapped the Power Watch on his chest:"Hurry up, change back!"

"I want to become a powerful alien hero!"

But the power watch did not respond.

"Oh, how annoying!"

Tian Xiaowen whispered:"If only I had super powers, I could protect everyone......."


At this moment, the omnitrix on the frozen lizard flickered and turned back into Ye Chen's appearance.

Many ghouls were stunned, and then dumbfounded.

So these monsters were transformed by Ye Chen?

"This guy actually lied to me." Dong Xiang's beautiful eyes widened.

It turns out that Ye Chen is not a monster manager at all, but a monster himself!

The fact that he can switch monsters already explains everything.

Noticing the gazes of the crowd, Ye Chen didn't care.

Now that things have come to this, it doesn't hurt to tell them. What

's more, Ye Chen saw them fighting to the death to protect the Tian family just now.

"What a surprise......"The demon ape laughed, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"But he has changed back, and he can't beat the monsters in the sky."Ru Jianxuan frowned and said worriedly.

At this time, the light saw the frozen lizard turned into a human, and couldn't help feeling puzzled.

A small light grinned and rushed towards Ye Chen, intending to test it.

Ye Chen had expected it, raised the omnitrix, and hit the claws of the small light with his backhand!


The omnitrix flashed yellow light and entered the collection mode.

Collection unlocks the gene of the light!

At the same time, Ye Chen entered the system mall.

Redeemed a random alien hero treasure chest

【Successfully exchanged for a random alien hero treasure chest!】

【Consume 1000 points!】

【Current points: 9500!】

"Open it."Ye Chen said without hesitation.

【Ding~ Successfully opened the alien hero treasure chest!】

【Unlock new hero: Psychic Celestial Being! 】!!!

Error List - Super Giant

PS: I'm a bit busy today, so the update is late, sorry.

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