Tian Mark's eyes were red, and he couldn't hold it back any longer.

He pulled out the pistol from his waist, and blue lasers burst out!

All the lasers hit accurately!

In an instant, five or six of the lights were defeated and turned into flying electric lights.

Soon, they gathered together again and recovered as before.

"Damn, these things can't hurt them!"

Although he was prepared, Tian Mark was still very discouraged.

"Grandpa, your pistol......"

Tian Xiaowen's eyes widened.

When did her grandfather have such a high-tech weapon?

And his shooting skills were so accurate!

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong. Tian Xiaowen looked up and down at Tian Mark, who was embarrassed, with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Okay, I admit that I am not an ordinary plumber." Tian Mark saw that he could no longer hide it, so he simply revealed his true colors.

"Before I retired, I belonged to the highest authority law enforcement organization in the universe - the Tiangong Association!!"

"Specializes in handling various supernatural events, expelling alien species, punishing vicious alien thugs, and protecting the peace of the universe."

"We like to call ourselves plumbers."

Tian Mark held the pistol, as if he had returned to his youthful vigor.

Tian Xiaowen stood there in a daze, with an innocent look in her eyes:"Okay, let me digest it."

""Cool! I didn't expect I have a heroic grandpa!"

Mr. Bad shouted from a distance.


Soon, he screamed again, and was electrocuted on the butt!

"To be honest, I really want to turn into a giant and beat you up, but I don't know how to turn back!"Mr. Bad yelled.

The light was successfully angered by Tian Mark's shattering just now.

They stretched out their fingers and began to shrink the electric light cage, trying to electrocute the two people to death!

"No! I'm not married yet!" Tian Xiaowen screamed in fear and shook her head desperately.

Tian Mark said nothing and hugged Xiaowen in his arms.

They might really die here.

At the critical moment!

Dozens of white rubber bands, emitting brilliant golden light, flew through the electric cage at a high speed, and then wrapped Tian Mark and Tian Xiaowen, turning into a giant rubber band ball!

"This is......"

The store manager was very surprised and stared at the rubber band ball emitting golden light in front of him.


Behind him, Density Hippo's forehead and eyes glowed with blazing golden light, and he grabbed the rubber band ball in the air and instantly pulled it back in front of him!

The electric light cage was useless and could not hurt the two people in the rubber band ball at all.

Because the rubber band ball is insulated!

Density Hippo used his ability to reduce the density of the divergent rubber bands, making them as light as cotton candy, and controlled them with golden light to protect Grandpa and Xiaowen.

"I am really surprised that another monster has appeared."Yoshimura Gongshan's mouth curled up a knowing smile.

Two monsters, two people from the Tian family are missing.

Is this a coincidence?

The density hippo waved his hand and opened the white rubber band ball, revealing the two stunned people inside.

"I'm fine?" Tian Xiaowen couldn't believe it. When she saw the dense hippopotamus, she was startled, and then she showed ecstasy.

"Thank you, Night.....Big hippopotamus!"

It was the first time for Tian Xiaowen to see a dense hippopotamus, but she knew the omnitrix logo.

"....Big Hippopotamus is still as reliable as ever."Tian Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the electric light cage was ineffective, the ten-headed light was furious and turned its target to the density hippopotamus!

"Hey, you guy, come here and die!"

""Mr. Gecko is going to catch you and put you in a small dark room to torture you!"

At this time, the gecko ran over and challenged Xiao Guanghai.

Xiao Guanghai was stunned and laughed sharply, mocking the gecko, feeling very disdainful and contemptuous of him.

The gecko gritted his teeth, he hated others looking down on him the most.


The gecko began to snap his fingers, making a crisp sound of joints.

The next second, two dark purple scales emerged from behind him, extremely thick, biting into the sky like a python!

The two lights had no time to dodge and were torn into pieces.

"Hahaha, what is one thousand minus seven?"The gecko looked crazy and had lost his mind.


The shredded light turned into a large amount of golden lightning, burning the gecko's body crazily.

In an instant, the gecko was burned black all over and fell straight to the ground.

"All the unfavorable situations in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved......."The gecko gritted his teeth and tried to get up.

The light shot out an electric snake, knocking the gecko unconscious.

"Are you here to get yourself killed?" Tian Xiaowen couldn't help but mutter.

Ten lights stared at the density hippo with ill intent.

The density hippo snorted coldly, and his eyes ignited with golden light, releasing a large amount of golden light waves, which once again enveloped the scattered rubber band balls.

Dozens of rubber bands were controlled by the density golden light. As the density hippo slowly raised his hand, they also rose into the sky.

Rubber bands can insulate, and the density hippo wants to use them to capture the light!

This is the magic weapon that trapped the Dowatt people!

Countless dazzling"gold bars" rose into the air and shot at the light in unison!

The light's face changed drastically, and finally stopped making a mean laugh, and began to flee everywhere.

"Oh my god, they are too fast, the rubber bands can't catch up."Tian Xiaowen said worriedly

"Yes, after all, they can turn into electric light."Tian Mark clenched his fists, and was extremely nervous for a moment.

If it were faster, it might be fine.

However, while escaping, the light actually freed up its hands to deal with the density hippopotamus!

Ten powerful electric beams, like a violent golden electric dragon, blasted towards the density hippopotamus below at a high speed.

""It's just a trick."

The density hippopotamus slowly rose into the air, automatically without wind.

"Increase the density!"

Almost instantly, the density of the Hippopotamus's body increased rapidly!

The muscles all over his body became tighter and firmer!

The defense was greatly improved!

It was like a piece of compressed steel, becoming harder!


The violent lightning drowned the figure of the Hippopotamus....... ps: For this book, I plan to have a harem, after all, it is a combination of multiple comics, and there are many female characters that fans like.

Of course, if most people don't want a female protagonist, or only a female protagonist, you can also give your opinion.

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