Currently, in addition to the ten initial heroes, Yechen has also unlocked the following aliens.

God Tyrannosaurus, Frozen Lizard, Laughing Mushroom, Water Tyrant, Evil Explosion Frog, Alien King.

Seamless switching of heroes: twice.

S-level ghoul physique, plus Kamishiro Rize's Scaled Hero

"It's not enough, far from enough."

Ye Chen shook his head slightly.

These alone are not enough to deal with the Crazy Class.

Not to mention how many aliens there are in the Crazy Class, the powerful Crazy Giant alone is enough to give Ye Chen a headache.

The combat power of the Crazy Giant is even stronger than that of the Super Giant!

Ye Chen does not intend to fight the Crazy Class head-on.

Because under the current circumstances, his direct confrontation with the Crazy Class is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg.

He plans to delay time, adopt a roundabout tactic, wait for the Crazy Class to turn back into a human body, and then take him down.

This is the best solution at the moment.

"System, increase the transformation time by another 2 minutes."Ye Chen thought to himself.

【Ding~ Successfully increased the transformation time by 2 minutes!】

【Consume 2000 points!】

【Current transformation duration: 15 minutes! 】

2000 points consumed, 12500 points left.

As for enhancing the combat power of aliens, Ye Chen felt that it was meaningless. Even if the power of the Four-Handed Overlord was enhanced by 100%, it would not be able to defeat the Mad Giant.

However, you can consider strengthening the Flash Star.

After all, it can be used to escape.

【Enhance Alien Heroes: Every 2000 points, you can enhance an alien hero. You can choose the enhancement point: attack, defense, speed, and each enhancement is 25%】

Ye Chen spent 4000 points to strengthen the speed of Flash Star by 50%.

This way, it will be difficult for Kuangban to catch up with him.

【Remaining points: 8500】

"How should I spend this 8500?......"Ye Chen fell into deep thought.

Continue to increase the transformation time? Or strengthen the alien hero?

It's not very safe, after all, he doesn't know how long Kuangban can transform.

What if after the increase, Kuangban's transformation time is still longer than his, then it's over.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep some countermeasures.

Exchange for advanced RC cell enhancer?

Ye Chen currently has an S-level ghoul physique, which can be strengthened to SS level after taking it.

However, even an SS-level ghoul can't beat those aliens.

Ye Chen pondered and fell into a dilemma.

" Is there a better countermeasure?......"

For example, some powerful weapon.

Ye Chen walked around the system mall, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he was ecstatic.

"Got it!"......

It was twelve o'clock at midnight.

The old car was parked near a park. It was quiet and peaceful, with a cold breeze blowing from time to time.

Tian Xiaoban and others had fallen asleep.


Ye Chen gently opened the car door and walked to the bench in the park.

He had left a letter on the desk, saying that he would be away for a while to go out and have fun with friends, and asked his grandfather and others not to worry.

He didn't know whether the time flow of the two parallel time and space was consistent, so for the sake of safety, it was better to leave a letter.

"Time capsule."

As soon as the words fell, a small white capsule appeared in Ye Chen's hand.

【Time capsule: You can travel to other time and space quadrants after riding it, but you must return within 24 hours】

【Number of times used: One round trip】

【Note: The size of the time capsule can be controlled at any time, making it easy to carry. If the passenger cannot return within 24 hours, they will be trapped in that time and space quadrant forever!】

"There is only one day."

Ye Chen's eyes gradually became firm.

If he couldn't get Kuang Ban's watch, he would not fight to the death. He would use the time capsule to come back first.

Then he would make a long-term plan.

This trip was not only to seize the power watch, but also to hone his willpower and combat effectiveness.

Kuang Ban was definitely a real strong man. He defeated"Main Time and Space Xiaoban" and"Ben 23" by himself. There were not many such fighting opportunities.

Ye Chen threw the time capsule out casually.


The time capsule instantly expanded and turned into a small airship.

Ye Chen opened the hatch and entered the airship.

Then, under the instructions of the system, he set the destination and time.

【After activating the time capsule, the host must come back within 24 hours, otherwise the time capsule will be invalid and you will not be able to return.

Hearing this, Ye Chen seemed to have thought of something.

"Then if I redeem a time capsule, can I come back?" Ye Chen asked


【But you need to have enough points】

"A time capsule costs 4,000 points, which is quite expensive....."

"Try to come back within one day."

Ye Chen didn't want to waste so many points.

""Let's go!"

Ye Chen pressed the start button.

The time capsule slowly rose into the air, with colorful engine flames bursting out from the tail, and disappeared with a"swish".

Ye Chen felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the surrounding scene changed.

It was blank.

Endless blank.

Except for the time capsule, other places were like the sky stained with white paint, vast and boundless.

"This is the space-time channel...."Ye Chen was in a trance.

He didn't know how long it had been.

A huge black hole appeared in front of him, with its edges spinning at high speed, like the abyss of a monster.

The time capsule was like a fearless lone hero, moving forward resolutely.


The next moment, the time capsule landed on a piece of wasteland, emitting wisps of white smoke.

The hatch slowly opened, and Ye Chen walked out.

"This is the crazy universe."Ye Chen murmured and began to look around. It was similar to what he remembered. This was a cruel wasteland.

There was yellow sand everywhere, many broken walls and ruins, and countless dilapidated houses.

In front of him stood a simple gate.

On it hung a rusty iron plate that read: Welcome to BEN WOOD

"It seems that I have come to the right place."Ye Chen smiled calmly and put away the time capsule.

Then, he sneaked into the base camp of the Crazy Class in the dark night.

At this time, Vilgax and Modron were not there, which was the best time to take action.......

Crazy Camp���

At one o'clock in the morning, the lights were still on.



The sounds of digging ore and sand kept echoing in the night sky.

Those were the people enslaved by the Kuangban.

The Kuangban used violence and cruel means to rule the entire city of Bell, forcing them to do the dirtiest and most tiring work.

The Kuangban was a veritable tyrant, and was proud of it. He respected Vijas and Modron very much and obeyed their orders.

In this time and space quadrant, without the teachings of Tian Mark and Tian Xiaowen, and being bewitched by the two big demons, Tian Xiaoban would become like this.

But this also created his powerful strength!

Cruel, violent and irritable, his combat effectiveness alone was stronger than that of the Xiaobans in many quadrants.

At this moment, a tall and thin alien, holding a musket in his hand, was directing the slaves to dig ore.

"Hurry up!"

"If you make King Tian Xiaoban angry, you will suffer the consequences!"

Luke raised his musket and fired a flaming bullet into the sky as a demonstration.

The slaves were trembling with fear and hurried to speed up.

They were wearing tattered clothes, and they were all skinny and hungry. They worked day and night.

This was true for both men and women, young and old.

Kuangban didn't care about the lives of others and was arrogant.

Swoosh - a cold and strange wind suddenly passed by from behind Luke!


Luke turned around suddenly and saw nothing.

""Am I hallucinating?"

Luke scratched his head and continued to supervise the work.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen had quietly come to the outside of the tent of the Kuang class.......

Crazy Universe, Pamar

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