When everyone saw the super beast running out, they immediately followed!

Ye Chen's plan was to transform into a super beast first, and use his keen sense of smell and senses to find the hidden residents.

Then rescue them, so that they would not be pickled into human jerky by the monsters after too long.

Ye Chen concluded that these monsters should have just arrived in this town not long ago, because Aunt Vera had not been replaced yet.

Those residents should still be saved.....

Just now, the super beast sensed the location where the residents were imprisoned.

Under the garbage station!

【Ding~ Pickled residents detected】

【Rescue all the residents of the town and you will get 3000 points!】

Super Beast growled. This time the reward points are quite a lot.

After all, it is the lives of the residents of the entire town.

Soon, Super Beast led everyone to a garbage station.

The garbage station is open-air, surrounded by hard iron fences, and a large iron lock is hung on it.

"Oh, how do we get in?"Tian Xiaoban scratched his head.

"I think your little head must be too hot!" Sometimes Tian Xiaowen really wanted to beat this big fool.

She looked at the super beast, smiled, and changed her expression faster than turning a page.

"Brother Ye is here. He is so strong that he can definitely break open this door."

"Oh, that's right."Tian Xiaoban suddenly realized.

Super Beast made a light scratch, and its claws that could cut iron like mud instantly tore the big iron lock into pieces.

Pushing open the railing door, everyone rushed in and found many trash cans placed inside.

Super Beast sniffed and found that there was nothing inside.

And the thermal sensor showed that under one of the trash cans, there was a bottomless tunnel.

Super Beast walked forward, opened the trash can, and then called everyone to run in.

The tunnel was dry, narrow, and extremely deep. Super Beast could barely pass through. It ran quickly, always sensing the surrounding situation.

The others followed closely with a large lantern, for fear of losing it.

About two minutes later, Super Beast's gills opened and closed slightly, and he felt something in front of him!

However, the way ahead was blocked by a large stone, which was stained with Some green slime.

I think it should be the masterpiece of that group of alien monsters.

Super Beast roared, and with unstoppable force, it smashed the boulder in front of it and moved forward!


After Super Beast smashed the boulder, he found himself on a"cliff".

Because there is a huge"underground valley" in front.

At the bottom of the valley, there is a huge flying saucer, surrounded by green translucent"eggs", which are filled with old people being pickled.

They closed their eyes, curled up in the eggs, and slept peacefully.

In the flying saucer, people were moving, and from time to time there were human-shaped green slime monsters who ran out to move the"green eggs" into the flying saucer.

They want to pack up these"pickled products" and take them back to their own planet.

Tian Mark, carrying a water tank, walked up from the back and looked down at the scene below

"These monsters must be made to pay the price."

Mark knew many of them, some of them were old friends.

"This bunch of damn weirdos are so annoying. I must beat them up today!" Tian Xiaoban gestured with a water gun.

"There is a small path here.

Tian Xiaowen noticed a narrow passage next to it that led directly to the bottom of the valley.


Super Beast took the lead and jumped down

" Brother Ye!"Tian Xiaoban was startled, thinking that the super beast had slipped and fallen.

"He is helping us attract the monsters' attention. We should hurry up and rescue the old people on the spaceship."Tian Mark turned around and said

""Yes!" Tian Xiaoban nodded heavily.......


A terrifying beast roar echoed throughout the underground space.

An orange beast fell from the sky and crashed into the valley below, instantly startling a group of alien monsters!

"Something is coming"

"It looks like a big yellow dog"

"Quick, kill it!"

The aliens looked at each other, then put down the green eggs in their hands and rushed over with their fangs and claws bared.

The old faces turned into ferocious and violent green slime monsters, roaring continuously!

They stared with bloodshot eyes, rushing towards this side like a terrifying tide of corpses!


Super Beast was not afraid at all. With a surging fighting spirit, it turned into a shadow and rushed into the group of alien monsters, slaughtering them wantonly!

Its sharp and powerful claws swept across, tearing a large number of alien monsters into pieces, flying in the air.

But the alien monsters have the energy to recover. After the mucus fell to the ground, it began to slowly aggregate.

Trying to revive!

Super Beast had expected this. He shook his body and threw off the two pistols stuck on his back.


With a sudden slap, the pistols exploded.

A lot of water was stained on Super Beast's claws.


""Roar, roar!"

More than a dozen alien monsters rushed forward, stretched out their claws and fangs, and tried to tear the super beast to pieces.


A sharp cold light flashed, and the alien monsters surrounding the super beast all exploded and disintegrated into a pile of slime.

They could no longer gather together!

Because the claws of the super beast were already stained with moisture, it was enough to kill the alien monsters!

More and more alien monsters rushed out of the flying saucer, and when they saw the super beast, they rushed over like crazy, fearless of death. The super beast fought fiercely with it, and its claws kept reaping the lives of the alien monsters, and it never got tired of it.......

On the other side,

Tian Xiaoban and his companions took advantage of the alien monsters attacking the super beasts and quietly approached the flying saucer.

After the last alien monster ran out of the flying saucer, Tian Mark immediately took the two of them and slipped in.

As soon as they came in, they found a large number of pickled old people, who curled up in the"eggshells" and fell into a deep sleep.

Preliminary estimates show that there are at least hundreds of them.

"Let's rescue these old people quickly."

As he said this, Tian Mark began to move these giant eggs.

"It’s so heavy! Tian Xiaoban couldn’t move it, and his face turned red with anxiety.

""Daitou, can't you roll?"

Tian Xiaowen put a giant egg on the ground and gently pushed it. The egg rolled out of the flying saucer along the slide.

The shell of the giant egg is very tough and elastic, which can protect the elderly from harm.

"Okay, Miss Know-it-all, I already knew that, I just wanted to test you.

"I don't believe it." Tian Xiaowen rolled her eyes at him.

The three began to move the giant eggs out of the flying saucer, not daring to stop for a moment.

God knows when the flying saucer will break through the surface and soar into the sky.......


Super Beast slapped a monster under his feet, disintegrating it into countless juices.

It has killed hundreds of monsters!

But these monsters seem endless and keep coming here!

At this moment, Super Beast's palms are covered with sticky juice, which is the corpse of the monster.

The moisture on the claws has long been exhausted.

There are still countless monsters around, and the situation is very critical!

Just when Super Beast wanted to enter the system mall to exchange for new alien heroes.

Behind the group of monsters, a shrill roar suddenly came!


The attacking aliens stopped abruptly, their blood-red pupils showed fear, and they made way for a wide road.

A tall alien, dark green in color, much darker than ordinary aliens, walked slowly on the road.

Its spider-like blood-red eyes stared at the super beast, which was about three meters tall, with a translucent body and its internal organs clearly visible.


The super beast roared. He could feel that this guy was not simple.

His momentum alone was enough to suppress other alien monsters.

【Ding~ The king of alien monsters has been detected, the"Alien King" appears!】

【Kill the Alien King and you will get 2000 points! 】

It turned out to be the Alien King!

This is not what the script says!

The Super Beast roared, resounding throughout the cave.

"A Wapinmanser star beast dares to trespass into my territory!"

The Alien King's voice was powerful, like a lion's thunder.


Super Beast took the initiative, ejected from the spot, and rushed to the Alien King in an instant!

The Alien King's body of more than three meters tall was extremely oppressive, but Super Beast was not afraid at all, and slapped the Alien King's head with one claw!

Bang - the Alien King's head exploded like an exploding watermelon, but the mucus flying in the air was instantly retracted and restored to the appearance of an alien monster!

Terrifying recovery ability!

"You think you can kill me with just this little attack? Naive!"

The Alien King's claws turned into giant wings, and with a fierce flap, it slapped the Super Beast back.

Boom - the Super Beast smashed into the mountain wall, rubble flew everywhere, and thick smoke filled the air!

"Come on, kill this mad dog."

The Alien King gave an order, and hundreds of Alien Kings rushed towards the Super Beast like a surging tide.

Countless fists and claws fell on the Super Beast!

Now, the Super Beast's claws were covered with juice, and it was impossible to kill the Alien Monster with water.

Not to mention killing the Alien King.

So, this is the only way.......

Super Beast directly enters the system mall,���I changed to an alien hero treasure chest.

After opening it, it immediately transformed!

Boom— a faint green light flashed past.......

Error List - Flame Man

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