He sighed:"It's not a good time to stay here for a long time. I have to leave first."

After that.

He picked up the begging bowl, picked up the dog beating stick, and ran away quickly.

Women are always gossips.

If he waits a little longer... he will definitely be blocked by the group of pregnant women.

The other four people from the divination department looked at him with envy.

I don't understand the troubles of being famous at all.

Although they also have divination.

But the people they calculated... were not as crazy as these women at all. really.

Not long after Lu Zizhou left.

A group of pregnant women hurried over.

They surrounded their begging corner with water.

They first looked at the other four people from the divination department.

Distinguished it carefully.

He shook his head in disappointment and said:"No, I remember that master's appearance, they are not the same." "


Disappointed and ready to leave.

When the four people from the divination department saw this scene... they hurriedly said:"Actually, we are classmates with him, so we can help you figure it out!"

However... these women didn't believe them at all.

"What happened to my classmates? Do you know how to tell fortunes?"

"You are also beggars, are you as good as a master?"

"Masters can tell the difference between men and women at a glance, can you?"


A group of people talked a lot, but they didn't want their help in fortune-telling.

They only believed in Lu Zizhou.

After all, Lu Zizhou has used countless real cases to prove the awesomeness of his fortune-telling. soon.

This group of women came quickly.

It goes quickly.

After they left.

The four people from the divination department looked at each other.

He sighed:"What a sin!"

He was also a student of Xiuxian University.

Also learned is divination.

It is also the experience in the world of mortals, accumulating cause and effect.

Why... the gap is so big?


Let’s talk about Lu Zizhou.

To avoid those crazy women.

He no longer dares to wear beggar clothes anymore.

Weared school uniform again.

As he walks on the street... finally no one regards him as a master anymore

"Oh, why did it become like this?……"

Lu Zizhou is a little doubtful about life now. He suddenly felt very depressed when he thought that his classmates were all trying to accumulate karma, but he... couldn't beg because he was too famous.

He is a student of Xiuxian University.

I studied divination, predicting the future, and predicting good and bad luck, but now... it has become a humanoid B-ultrasound machine.

This is not the life of cultivating immortals as he imagined! suddenly.

His cell phone rang.

The caller is from the divination department.

"Hello? What's wrong?" Lv Zizhou was a little surprised.

"Lao Lu, something big happened. See you in that unfinished building!"

The words on the phone were very urgent.

Lu Zizhou frowned and hurried to the unfinished building.


Unfinished building.

Now this building has been occupied by five people from the divination department.

The homeless people who lived here before... could only hide in other places in the unfinished building.

See them all respectfully.

When Lu Zizhou arrived at the unfinished building, he found that the other four classmates had changed into school uniforms and were sitting in front of a tattered coffee table.

In front of them, there is a cup of tea.

After seeing him...

Qi Quan, the leader of the homeless, was very sensible and personally brought a cup of tea and handed it to Lu Zizhou

"Mr. Lu, please have tea."

Lu Zizhou nodded.

Then he sat across from his classmates.

He was a student in the divination department.

At this moment... he looked like a gangster boss.

Then, Lu Zizhou looked at the other four classmates:"¨` What happened? So urgent?

The other four people looked at each other and sighed:"Didn't you leave before?" We begged in the corner, but there was no business"

"So on a whim, we decided to do some fortune telling for ourselves."

"The result...the calculated result was a disaster!"

Lu Zizhou frowned.

It's actually a big evil?

They are such dignified immortal cultivators, who can actually hurt them?

"Have you figured out the reason?"Lu Zizhou then asked.

The four of them shook their heads and said,"The four of us are still inexperienced in cultivation and haven't figured it out, but with you, we will definitely be able to figure out why!"

They are... just half-assed now.

They can only predict small things.

For example, whether it is a boy or a girl, what dangers they will encounter tomorrow, etc.

For longer-term matters involving great dangers and good fortunes... it is necessary to The five of us joined forces.

Lu Zizhou nodded:"Okay (Okay, okay), the five of us will join forces and let's do the math!!"

Qi Quan, the leader of the homeless next to him, twitched when he heard the conversation between the five people.

But he dared not speak out in anger.

Before, they were slapped by these five old men...

Now just thinking about it makes him angry. Fortunately, these five people were very reasonable and did not use force to do anything to them.

…… soon.

The five people each scattered their copper coins on the coffee table.

Then he started to calculate.

It didn't take long for a hexagram to be drawn.

The five people worked together and began to analyze the hexagrams.

After reading the hexagrams, Lu Zizhou’s expression changed drastically.

"It is indeed Da Ji Gong!"

Then we continued to analyze, trying to find out the cause of the tragedy.

The four people couldn't find it before.

This time we added Lu Zizhou.

It took ten minutes.

Finally we found the cause.

"Jincheng City... wants to carry out civilized city construction?"

After reading this reason, Lu Zizhou and the other five looked at each other.

Chapter 80

Civilized City Construction……

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