Principal room. Qin Mu was also very pleased after understanding the learning atmosphere of this group of students. It seems that his teaching methods are effective. As long as you fool around like this... ahem, as long as you continue teaching like this... with the learning enthusiasm of this group of students, they will definitely be able to successfully complete their first semester of study.

"Let me think about it. The next professional course is the Divination Department.

Qin Mu began to prepare lessons for the Divination Department.


The next day. In the teaching building.

Amid the envious gazes of a group of students...

Qin Mu pointed at the five people from the Divination Department and said,"Today I will start teaching the Divination Department's courses, but it will be held outside the school. You guys get ready and follow me out of the school."

The five people from the Divination Department were very excited.

They had waited for so long.

Finally it was their turn...

When they thought about the legendary magical ability to predict good and bad luck and the future... they couldn't wait to leave their seats.

"Lao Lu, when you get rich in the future, don’t forget our dormitory!"

When Lu Zizhou left the classroom door, Zhang Qingyuan said with envy.

Divination system... this magical ability, once they learn it, they will definitely become the most popular people in the school!

Who doesn't want to know their future good or bad fortune, marriage, A blessing or a misfortune?

It wasn't just Lu Zizhou who was also pulled by his roommates to help him in the future.

""If you become rich, don't forget me!"

Of course, the five people agreed.

Then... the five people followed Qin Mu all the way to the gate of Xiuxian University.

Qin Mu took the lead and walked in front. He stepped out of the gate and appeared on the cliff.

Then, Lu Zizhou and others followed behind, stepped out of the gate and came to the cliff.

After taking this step, they looked back, but they could no longer see the gate of Xiuxian University... All they could see was the abyss!

The five people couldn't help but shiver.

Although they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but feel a little scared when they thought that they had just walked out of the abyss...

""Let's go."

Qin Mu took out his phone, located a place, turned on the navigation, and walked over with the five people.

…… after an hour.

Five people from the divination department wearing school uniforms walked on the crowded street.

This set of ancient costume gowns has aroused a high rate of turning heads.

Plus five bad old men.

The appearance of the immortal spirit.

Many people thought they were filming some kind of costume drama.

Being stared at and pointed at by others along the way, Lu Zizhou couldn't help but ask:"Principal, aren't we going to learn divination? How did we come to the mortal world?"

Qin Mu:"……"

It seems that the learning results during this period are good.

These students have already regarded themselves as immortals.

"As the saying goes, the big hermit lives in the city, the small hermit lives in the wild, cultivating immortality. The cultivation of immortality in the divination system is different from other systems. Other systems can practice hard in the mountains, but you……"

Qin Mu looked at the five of them and began to teach:"What you practice is divination, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and heart-telling. It is inseparable from the world of mortals!"

After listening to this, the five people... were in awe.

Nodding thoughtfully.

The principal is the principal, and he always says exactly what he says.

Full of great spirit. ps: I just got home now and will start typing the words immediately. I will update a few chapters later.

Thank you everyone for your review votes and flowers.

(Event time: May 1st to May 5th)

Chapter 27 Divination, begging?

After thinking for a while.

Lu Zizhou couldn't help but ask again:"I understand! Principal, are we going to practice divination in the mortal world now and help these mortals calculate good and bad luck?"

He spoke in a loud voice.

Beside him, a middle-aged aunt just passed by... and heard his words completely.

Can't help but turn my head

"You are a mortal, and your whole family is a mortal!"

This middle-aged aunt didn't seem to have a very good temper and glared at him.

Lu Zizhou:"……"

He was about to say something.

But Qin Mu stopped him.

After the grumpy aunt left...

Qin Mu said to him:"Since you are already students of Xiuxian University, you shouldn't be like ordinary people."

"Immortal cultivators will not have the slightest fluctuation due to the words and deeds of mortals."

After hearing this, Lu Zizhou blushed.

He nodded repeatedly:"The students have been taught."

Then, Qin Mu took out five"Elementary Divination Manuals" and handed them to them very solemnly.

"Here are the academic goals you need to complete this semester and the professional skills you need to master."

The five people took over the teaching materials excitedly.

"First of all, congratulations on choosing the Department of Divination, the most promising major!"

Qin Mu raised his lips and began to deceive... ahem, he began to pump up his blood.

"The employment prospects of the divination system are extremely broad and can be called a panacea. No matter which industry in the future, you will be needed!"

After hearing this, Lu Zizhou... was even more excited.

They also realized this.

When they left school, their classmates were all fawning over them.

Just imagine...

In the future, they can predict the future and divine good and bad luck...

This kind of ability is simply incredible. He is a prophet!


Qin Mu then said:"But the premise is that you can persevere and walk alone on this path of cultivation, without fear of hardships and dangers, and never forget your original intention.……"

"Don't worry, principal, we can do it!"

The five old men seemed to have a fire burning in their eyes.

"Hope you won't disappoint me."

Qin Mu glanced at them with a deep look.

"Today, we will start your first class."

Hearing this, the five people stood up straight and listened attentively.

"Cultivation is already contrary to nature, and divination is even more contrary to nature! Diviners use special methods to detect the will of God and the future.���, leaking secrets, changing the future, will suffer great consequences"

"Therefore, since the pre-Qin Dynasty, many of those Qi practitioners who practiced divination did not end well."

"It was because they leaked too many secrets that they caused the backlash of God's will and cause and effect, and ultimately led to the disaster of killing!"

Qin Mu's tone was very solemn.

The expressions of the five people from the divination department also became serious.

According to the principal... if they continue to practice, will they die badly?

Fortunately, Qin Mu went on to say:"But our Xiuxian University , possessing the most advanced concepts, have long since perfected this flaw of the divination system.……"

Lu Zizhou's eyes lit up and he asked quickly:"So if we learn divination, it will not end well?"

Qin Mu nodded:"Of course not."

The five people immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If that's the case……

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