In the end, ninjas are just a group of crispy mages. For a swordsman master like Kashimura Xuanding, as long as you dare to approach a certain range, you will surely die.

"It's too cheap to kill you directly. I believe the people of the Iron Country would be happy to see you."

With a smile on his face, Shimura Genting thought of a good way to solve Senju Tobirama.

As a law-abiding good citizen, he naturally doesn't like to have blood on his hands, so it is better to go through a wave of legal procedures.

I just don't know if the people of the Iron Country will restart those cruel punishments that have been abandoned for this guy?

This is a philosophical question worth exploring.

"Da Zhuzi, you also know how many things your brother has done. I will **** him to the country of iron to receive a fair trial. You should have no problem!"

Turning his head to look at Senju Hashirama, who had recovered his body and was ready to rush up, Shimura Xuanding still smiled, this first Hokage should be a good talker.

"Let go of my brother!"

Seeing Shimura Xuanding's blade resting on his younger brother's neck, Qianshou Shimao suppressed the anger in his heart, but he also turned on the six-path mode, and golden chakra wrapped his whole body.

The six spots on the other side also turned on the six modes, and the black chakra covered the whole body, raising it to the peak state.

Not to be outdone, Shimura Xuanding turned on the nine-attribute immortal force mode and the nine-door Dunjia formation one after another.

"Don't fight, I left it voluntarily. I like Minato-kun, and I want to stay and change the village with him."

Against the terrifying power that erupted from the three of them, Vortex Ninth Rank stepped forward to persuade anxiously, she did not expect that she would make such a commotion because of her own words.

The girl's words made Minato Namikaze beside him stunned, with an extremely complicated expression. In the end, it seemed that he had made up his mind. He stepped forward under the pressure, grabbed the girl's plain hand, and looked at Shimura Xuanding seriously.

"Senior Brother Xuan Ding, please give us a chance!"

"You really don't cry when you don't see the coffin. I'll give you a chance, but I have to take away the sinner Qianshou Tobirama, big pillar, for Konoha, you will definitely not refuse."

Staring at the girl for a long time, Shimura Genting finally sighed and turned to look at Senju Hashima.

He always wanted someone to do what he said. Since he said that he was going to bring Senju Tobirama to the country of iron to stand trial, he had to do it.

But how could Senju Hashirama agree, even if his younger brother did a lot of unforgivable things, that was his younger brother, the only younger brother!

"What? You were able to kill your good friend for Konoha back then, but now you can't give up your brother?"

With a sneer, Shimura Genting knew that Senju is also a selfish double-standard dog.

Liudaoban also looked at Qianshouzhujian, and his chest hurt even more.

Back then, Hasuma killed him for Konoha, now it's the mouse of Senju Tobirama.


With his fists clenched tightly, Qianshou Zhujian couldn't choose at all. He wanted to protect his younger brother and the village, but...

"whispering sound!"

Piece of lips, Shimura Xuanding pulled Uzumaki Kushina's delicate body over, and used a teleport to bring Qianshou Tobirama back to the country of fire.

After setting up Uzumaki Kushina, he teleported all the way to the Iron Country with Qianshou Tobirama.

Hearing that Shimura Xuanding escorted Senju Tobirama to face trial, the holy blade sword smashed through the hall and rushed out, his old eyes staring at Senshou Tobirama.

"He will be handed over to you. Be sure to give a fair trial, but don't cheat for personal gain!"

Throwing the abolished Senju Tobirama in front of the holy blade swordsman, Shimura Genting specially warned.

Since it has been said that a fair trial will be given, one must not engage in favoritism or do anything out of the ordinary.

"Please rest assured, Lord Xuan Ding, the old man will be the chief judge in person!"

There was a sullen look on the old face, and the hatred in the heart of the holy blade swordsman climbed to the limit.

The thousand-handed Tobirama, who was paralyzed on the ground, stared at Shimura Xuanding, his eyes full of resentment. If he hadn't been crippled and couldn't even speak, he would definitely go and fight that kid desperately.

Think when his second Hokage was so humiliated?

It's a pity that Shimura Xuanding didn't bother to look at him. Previously, in order to prevent the other party from expressing bad words and bad mood, he completely abolished him, even Chakra.

He didn't care what happened to Senju Tobirama, anyway, with the anger and hatred of the Iron Country, it would never get better.

After solving the Thousand Hands Tobirama, return to the family to continue cultivating immortals, and at the same time study the two artifacts.

This is not over yet, with the help of the Chakra and blood of Qianshou Tobirama, he entered the secret vault of the Qianshou family and swept away the treasures inside.

The Qianshou family has a secret vault known only by the patriarchs of the past dynasties. It is located in a psychic world. It stores all the treasures collected by the Qianshou family since the Ninja era, including the treasures found by the immortals of the Six Paths.

These are all good treasures, and he has been greedy for a long time.

This time, taking Senju Tobirama over and putting him on trial is only secondary, these treasures are the main purpose.

He even had his eye on it for a long time, but unfortunately that guy's Flying Thunder God technique was too slippery to be caught, and this time he just found an opportunity.

"It appears to be a means of manipulating gravity."

Looking at the spell formation in front of him, Shimura Genting roughly guessed the function of this thing.

This three-dimensional surgical pattern was analyzed from the handle of the Qiong spear of the sky. It was extremely complex and was similar to the gravitational control of the Samsara Eye, but the operating principle was completely different.

The Qianshou family has a lot of collections, as well as a lot of artifact fragments, and there are some complex spell patterns in it. Unfortunately, only this one is complete, including the previous Divine Degree Sword, which was incomplete, but it also gained a lot.

The most important thing is that this gravitational manipulation pattern of the Qiong spear of the sky should be the foundation of its great power.

From the perspective of myths and legends, the Qiongmao of the sky has three abilities: to open up the world, to drip water into an island, and to create a country.

The power to create the world should be gathered on the blade of the spear, the island of dripping water should be in the middle, and the creation of the country should be on the handle.

The spell pattern that drips into the island is only half, and it cannot be used at all.

After confirming this formula, Shimura Xuanding excitedly went to find Miss Chiyo.

"Integrate this array into the nine moons as soon as possible, and then rely on this thing to attract other planets to send to the door."

Sending the extremely complicated spell pattern into Miss Sister's mind, Shimura Genting was full of expectations.

To shape other lunar satellites, there must be enough material to support it.

This substance cannot be obtained from the earth. After all, the Six Path Immortals used a continent in order to shape the moon, killing unknown creatures.

Of course he couldn't do that stupid thing, so he set his sights on other planets in the solar system.

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