"The strength of our Otsutsugi clan and the entire cosmos is very simple. It is divided into ten levels. The contemporary patriarchs and those clan elders are in the ninth level, and my heyday can be regarded as the third level.

The clansmen who were sent to this galaxy were of the same generation as me. Among them, Otsutsuki Momo had the best aptitude, and was also the person in charge of this galaxy.

When they parted thousands of years ago, the guy had already cultivated to the third rank, and the fruit of the divine tree that he had harvested over the thousands of years was definitely stronger, perhaps reaching the fourth rank. "

Speaking of the Otsutsuki peach style, Kaguya was instinctively afraid.

Only if you have seen Otsutsuki Momo in person will you know how powerful that guy is, and he definitely has the invincible power to break the planet.

"Is it difficult to break through to Tier 4? Is there any risk?"

Recalling the low performance of the peach-style trio of Otsutsuki in the original book, Shimura Genting guessed that there must be a secret inside.

You must know that the Otsutsuki Peach-style trio is an existence feared by Otsutsuki Kaguya, and their strength must be stronger, but the performance in the original book is really not worthy of the word powerful.

"Of course there are risks. Every breakthrough in the realm is accompanied by big risks. The higher the realm, the greater the risk. Even in the back, you will die every time, and will consume a huge amount of chakra.

Although breaking through the fourth rank is not a nine-year-old life, once it fails, it will cause damage to itself, and its strength will drop sharply, and it will be difficult to recover for thousands of years. "

Nodding her head, although Kaguya has never tried to break through to the fourth rank, she understands the difficulty and danger from the information in the clan. Even with her aptitude, it is impossible for her to break through to the fourth rank in her entire life. This is why she was called a clan back then. The main reason for shame.

There is no way, Otsutsuki follows the survival of the fittest, and there is no dignity without strength.

"Is it also the Otsutsuki Momo-style who killed those gods and demons in the mythological age of our native world?"

Shimura Genting was stunned, and immediately asked the culprit who ended the age of mythology.

Through his research, he found that the gods and demons in the mythical age were very strong, especially the five Tianjin gods and the twelve ancient gods of the seven generations of the gods. It is not easy to kill that kind of existence.

"It was the peach-style father who led the team to kill. His father was the person in charge of the previous generation of this galaxy, and he was the first to discover this galaxy. You only need to hand in half of the fruit of the planted tree to own this piece. Galaxy, and obtained the protection of the family.

It's just that Tao Shi's father fell in a cosmic war, and then Tao Shi inherited this galaxy, and we also followed to become the guardians of many divine trees, specializing in guarding and cultivating the fruits of the divine trees. "

Shaking her head slightly, Kaguya knew something about this galaxy, and it was precisely because of the fall of her father, Otsutsuki Peach, that she dared to swallow the fruit of the divine tree to fight against Otsutsuki Peach, otherwise she would lend her a hundred The courage is absolutely not dare.

You must know that Otsutsuki's father was a fifth-order powerhouse back then, who could destroy the terrifying existence of stars.

"Look at how many ranks I am now?"

Asking another question, Shimura Xuanding probably has some understanding of the strength of the Otsutsugi clan in the universe, and now he is short of his own strength positioning, so that he can better plan for the future.

"Your situation is more complicated. From the essence of life, it is only considered to be the second-order entry, but your Spiral Pill Jindan system is very strong, allowing you to leapfrog battles, and coupled with that explosive state, it can barely be regarded as the third-order. If I don’t fuse the two pupil powers in the Samsara Shurien Eyes into one, even if I add the Divine Tree, I will be tied with you at most.”

Her eyes were full of admiration. Kaguya was very satisfied with the little wife that her cub found. Whether she can take off the title of shame of the family depends on this little man.

"Fusion pupil power?"

Looking curiously at the blood-colored eyes between the eyebrows of the beautiful woman, Shimura Xuanding knew that there are two types of pupil system, and even the pupil power is completely different.

"Actually, the best way is to refine the pupil power of the writing wheel eye, and achieve a pure gouyu reincarnation eye.

Although the reincarnation writing wheel eye after the fusion of the two pupil powers looks stronger, its potential is limited, and it is difficult to break through to the fourth level.

But the pupil power of Shulanyan comes from the local gods and demons. It is impossible to refine it with my strength, and it has not been successful in the sealed space for thousands of years. "

Speaking of this topic, Kaguya couldn't help being discouraged.

Her aptitude and strength are too poor, even if the fruit of the divine tree planted in this world is of high quality, but it is difficult for herself to digest it, and she has reached the third level.

"It didn't work in the past, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. After you transfer to the Xianyuanli and Spiral Pill Jindan system, it shouldn't be difficult to refine it again.

But I don't recommend you to refine it directly. The chakra of your Otsutsuki is essentially a spiritual imprint, it should belong to a tenth-order powerhouse, and cultivating chakra is tantamount to cultivating for others.

At this stage, I can't eliminate that thing, I can only completely abandon the chakra system, including the pupil power.

My suggestion is to replace Chakra with Immortal Essence, cultivate that samsara writing wheel eye, and make it completely transformed into your eyes. "

A suggestion was made. Since this young lady has become a real person, she naturally cannot continue to practice chakra, otherwise she will suffer a great loss against the Cosmos Otsutsuki clan in the future.

[412. Chapter 411 Zhoutian Moon Satellite Array]

"Otsutsuki Peach Style, what method do they usually use to contact your clan?"

Continuing to ask, Shimura Xuanding was very interested in the information of the Otsutsuki family in the universe, especially the Otsutsuki Momoshi and others who were in charge of this galaxy.

"The universe is very dangerous, and this galaxy is at the outermost edge of the clan's power, so it is impossible to directly contact the clan, and you need to go back to the clan in person.

But the distance is too far. Back then, we were brought here by a five-star senior. Even so, it took hundreds of years.

Measured by my current strength, it would take at least 10,000 years to catch up with the Hui people even if I use spatial means.

Tier 4 is better, but it will take thousands of years. "

"It's far from your clan? That's great!"

With a happy expression on his face, Shimura Xuanding breathed a sigh of relief.

He is really afraid that the galaxy next door is the old nest of the Otsutsugi clan.

"Is it possible for you to replace the peach style and become the master of this galaxy, make a name on your clan's side, and let's develop another wave of wretchedness?"

Thinking of a note, it feels like it should be a little feasible.

"Impossible, there are many brothers and sisters in the Tao-style lineage. Even if the Tao-style dies, it will not be our turn to take over this galaxy, and the Tao-style has some elder relatives who are not weak, and there is even a fifth-order rank. Powerhouse, it was the one who brought us here in the first place."

Shaking her head slightly, Kaguya dismissed her little man's thoughts.

"Then we can only kill Tao Shi and them first, and then slowly develop without telling the truth for the time being."

With a sigh of disappointment, Shimura Xuan Ding really wanted to be the son-in-law of Otsutsuki, and then took the ownership of this galaxy and developed it.

Unfortunately not!

Continuing to be gentle with Miss Kaguya, seeing that Miss Sister is going to fight again, Shimura Genting hurriedly found an excuse to run away.

There is no way, the previous seven-day battle has made him panic, and this aspect cannot be solved by strong strength.


"It's still comfortable in outer space!"

The next day, Shimura Gending came to the moon through the space teleportation array, enjoying the sunlight on his face, and squinting his eyes comfortably.

There is a thick atmosphere on the earth, coupled with the planet's magnetic field, which blocks most of the solar energy. Although it is beneficial to the survival of ordinary creatures, it wastes a lot of energy.

However, there is no atmosphere on the moon, you can directly enjoy the most primitive sunbathing, and the absorption will be faster.

After only half a day of work, the immortal energy that had been lost in the fierce battle with Liu Daoban and the two men was fully recovered.

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